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Everything posted by dididog

  1. I live in a house with a tiny yard, pretty much a decked courtyard but it does have a bathroom size bit of grass. I have a 6 month old large/giant breed puppy who does fine with this and has done since we got her. She uses the grass to toilet and that's about it, she spends most of her time on the deck, laying the sun, chewing toys/treat balls/bones etc. Even though she doesn't toilet on the deck it does need regular hosing otherwise it gets smelly. In saying that a lot more effort has to go into exercise and mental stimulation, if I leave her out with nothing to do I will come home to a wrecked backyard and I can't blame her, it would be incredibly boring. She has to go for a walk everyday or go to a park/beach. If I decide I can't be screwed taking her out it's not like I can just chuck the ball around the yard or something and her behavior gets pretty bad when she's been cooped up all day. At the same time exercise isn't the be all and end all for satisfying a dog, nothing tires Didi out more than a 45 minute obedience class or a day of swimming and playing with other dogs. What I'm saying is it is possible that you could own a larger dog in your living situation and you both get along fine, it's just a matter of you being willing to put the right amount of work in and realise it's a bigger commitment and will take more thinking through logistics wise. Are you likely to move soon or are you staying where you are for a while? I don't think you should rule out a rescue dog, if a dog has been in a foster home then they will know what the dog is like and what you can realistically expect of it (although obviously health will be dubious as you don't know the parentage) and you may be able to find your match and if worse comes to worse it doesn't work out, most rescue groups have a trial period and will be more than happy to take the dog back. If you are wanting a running partner I wouldn't bother with a puppy as it will not only be a lot more work for you initially, you won't be able to run with the dog until it's about 18 months old(depending on breed of course). Whatever you do, don't rush the decision, there is another living being's wealth fare to consider which ultimately is more important than you having a running buddy.
  2. That doesn't sound too good :/ it may not be the reason why Bonnie is not keen on obedience but it would help you and her to be going somewhere that is using the training style you prefer and most of all where you're having fun. If you're feeling scared I can imagine she would too. Since it's very close to you (I think you mentioned something about your parents having an effect on where you go) I would recommend Keilor, there's lots of dogs with a range of different needs in our class and they are all dealt with and catered too, everyone has a good time and there a few trainers per class + assistants (and it's all positive reinforcement). I also checked out Werribee which Steph mentioned and it looked very good as well (I only ended up at Keilor because it was closer). Next joining date is the first Sunday of May but you could come down on a Sunday morning and check it out, speak to some of the trainers and see what they have to say. Eta. woops realised you said yoy didnt want to change clubs, never mind!
  3. Have you tried Keilor Obedience? Or is that where you go already? I really like keilor and the instructors are pretty good and you have plenty of room to do your own thing, they seem quite understanding of dogs with different requirements. I also don't think any of the instructors would suggest using force. I don't know what their agility is like though.
  4. You have to look under posts by others/reviews on the page rather than the main newsfeed for the page which contains posts only made by GCC.
  5. Alright Does anyone know if it'll be raining much (I hope not this week of rain has been doing my head in) Is there some undercover area there? Also Steph no allergies :)
  6. Good thing Didi is more of a food drooler and doesn't do that on walks, I'd be covered in her sliminess :laugh: At the beach Didi will wander over to people and just as they lean down to give her a pat she does a huge shake and sprays them with water
  7. :laugh: Oh I have one about doggie school! Grover was so stubborn that he lay flat on the floor throughout the entire term and he only got up at the end of each class when the instructor yelled "Free!" so he could play with the other dogs. They gave him a certificate anyway. At puppy school the instructor was using another puppy to demonstrate how to teach a command and was standing sort of close to us and when she went to reward the other puppy Didi's head shot out and nicked the other poor puppy's treat
  8. Didi is a drooler. Like puddles on the floor drooler. We don't have people over often but if she sees food she gets fixated and just drools and it's so gross. She also get really excited when people want to pat her when we are out, she wags her tail so much that her back legs can't hold her up so she drops to the ground and shows her tummy to them while thrashing around madly. People either think it's cute or get concerned she is having some sort of fit :laugh:
  9. I walked my neighbour's dog and looked after him for sometimes over a week when I was about twelve. We were pretty chummy with them and they knew how much I wanted a dog so let me walk him whenever I wanted but mum or dad would always tag along. They did pay me to look after him while they went away and I would just camp out at their house for a week (they had foxtel and a pool ) Considering I barely let my own brother walk my dog I don't see myself ever allowing strange children to do so, I can only imagine the multitude of things that could go wrong...
  10. Alright I'll bring bread and some fruit (watermelon/pineapple or something). Should I buy rolls? Or a loaf?
  11. Such a shame that you, the victim have to do all of this and this lady is exempt from doing anything. The amount of damage that dog did to Maddie if directed at a child's face or at a smaller dog's throat would have had a devastating effect, does the council want to wait til that happens to do something? I think most Australians would much prefer their tax dollars being spent on taking action against actual proven dangerous dogs such as these than being spent removing loving dogs from loving homes and the ensuing court and accommodation fees that follow. Even if these dogs are only DA, by the sounds of their ferocity it wouldn't take much for the attack to turn on a child or person with the dogs or even in HW's case cause an injury trying to stop the attack. Absolute disgrace that this has happened to you, I sincerely hope you can work out a way that sees this owner and her dogs managed properly.
  12. Hey, I'd like to come, not sure what I should bring though? We'll be coming straight from obedience so hopefully Didi will be a bit more calm :)
  13. Good eye! It's at Ascot Vale station :)
  14. 6 months and 28kg! Such a good pup :) As you can see her head is still way too big and her ears are crazy but she's an A+ cuddler and super sweet so that's all that matters (but seriously those ears are so annoying :laugh: )
  15. Didi is 6 months old this week! She's growing up to be a lovely little lady (and at this rate a bit smaller than initially expected)She's 28kg at the moment :)
  16. Yeah I agree for the most part dogs dont like being 'patted' on the head. Maybe Didi's an anomoly because I can pat, stroke and poke her wherever and she enjoys it but she will always duck her head when a stranger tries to pat it. It's not really what she said that bugged me but nore the way shes really absolute in what she says. For example this guy with a staffy pup was saying how the pup gets really bitey sometimes and she said unless it was chewing 3 hours a day it would be bored and try and chew hands. The guy said it chews a bit it just doesn't like hard chew toys and she said all dogs like hard chew toys. Then the people she makes these claims to think they have been doing something wrong when really she doesn't consider all dogs are individuals and you cant nake blanket statements about dogs you barely know. Probably why she reccomends a front attatching harness to everyone as well. Sorry I think I've just taken a disliking to her and am letting it cloud my judgement a bit.
  17. Didi would promptly insist on giving me kisses if she was in that state :laugh: he's such a cutie!
  18. That's fair enough, Terri S. But if something's working well for a dog, the trainers should be able to recognise that, so hopefully they'll accept the good that's happening, embrace and help you with it. Actually, to a certain extent I kind of agree. Many dogs find stroking down their bodies or a hand ruffle on the side of the neck more rewarding than a "pat" on the head. Much does depend on how the "pat" is delivered, and the circumstance though. My dog will appreciate a finger ruffle to the top of his head when we're (e.g.) sitting and waiting at lights to cross the road (well, he's sitting, I'm standing ... lol), or when we're sharing a 'cuddle' moment and I gently move my thumb over his stop towards the back of his head. But when we're in active training, a long but swift(isn) stroke or rub down the side of his body is what he prefers. They're all different though and I know of dogs who enjoy a bit of a ruffle at the head. In general, however, I find it can be off-putting and for some a bit too dominating (and I tend to find it can deflate drive, if that's the method being used to train in). Just my thoughts and experience - not intending to debate on it. IMO, it really is a "to each his own" and if a dog shows he doesn't mind and/or enjoys it ...... kudos :) . Oh I agree that it's not always appropriate/enjoyed but I just found it was a really weird blanket statement to make and she didn't specify that was in relation to training but just in general you shouldn't pat on the. I wonder where she gets her statistics from... I'm just going to let her comments roll off my shoulder and try and use the martingale next week, Didi is doing really well and enjoying training so that's all that matters.
  19. The thing is I really like the school and the actual trainers, ie. the ones running the class are really good. It's only the trainers assisting on the periphery who have suggested a front attach harness and even then it's only this one who's being pushy. I'll consider asking them or just rocking up with the martingale and switching to a flat collar if they really disagree. It's doing less harm than the flat collar does on her neck and I'm sure since most of these trainers are older and have been in dog training for a while that they would know how to use one. There was a mother and daughter next to me with a pretty rowdy oodle pup and the lady spent quite a bit of time with them and said the 97% of dogs don't like being patted on the head thing again and I kind of tuned out for a bit but heard her telling them to check out her website (not the club's website). It makes me feel a bit weird as all the trainers are volunteers but it looks like she's using the club to drum up business :/
  20. Bought a martingale collar today... worked wonders! She already had the concept but the martingale just worked so much better and was much kinder on her neck, by the end of the walk just the beginning of the tightening paired with the correction word stopped her from pulling. Shame they won't let me use it at obedience and keep trying to shove the front attaching harness down my throat. The same pushy assistant trainer from the other week was going on about how much kinder it'll be for her and that a flat collar will hurt her... 10 seconds later a berner puppy the same size as Didi in one pulled forward, got its front leg pulled out from underneath it and fell on its face... It's actually kind of alarming that 80% of the class was in front attaching harnesses and those who weren't were being recommended one.
  21. That sounds terrifying I hope you are okay! Wishes of speedy recovery to all three of you And I hope the owner who lets such dogs roam on the street gets appropriate punishment. Today I was just sitting with Didi at an on leash oval having a rest in the sun when this huge dog ran over and tried to play with(smash into)Didi. It was being rough and I tried to get it to go away but its owner took forever to come over and just as she did her dog pinned Didi to the ground and tried to start a fight (while Didi froze in fear) but I got in between them and she finally leashed it. She then said some bullshit about it not liking border collies, or german shepherds, or terriers too bad Didi is none of those breeds and your dog probably just dislikes dogs in general. She kept her distance and I left right after. Why do people not realise their dogs are aggressive and continue to put them in a position where they can hurt somebody else's dog. Lots of healing vibes being sent your way
  22. The type of cage that fox is in is the same size I used to keep my two pet rats in... and in relation to the ferrets well lets just say I'd be really disappointed with my cleaning skills if that's what a just cleaned cage looked like.... While none of the conditions in the cleaned up photo are particular disturbing its clear she doesn't have a good set up for this... kittens on the cold concrete outside, verging on over crowding of ferret cages and what looks like goats being kept in small pens. Also I'm assuming the Dane pup like the other dogs is kept outside which is a bit sad for any pup let alone a Dane pup which craves human company. These animals look like they are just existing, rather than thriving.
  23. FYI Yes the noise of the beans get's very annoying... Yep no thanks, one of those is not going in my room! Cute doggy though :)
  24. Well I think I over reacted a bit about nothing! Last two nights puppy has gone right to her bed when I've said it's bed time and hasn't done anymore sooking and carrying on . Although I did wake up last night to a certain wet nose and slobbery kiss on my face... she's too tall now, I'll have to start sleeping in the middle of the bed :laugh:
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