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Everything posted by HappyCamper

  1. But surely there are standards for keeping animals thats a start, there are laws to how long to get paperwork etc I know there would still be backyard rescuers but there has to be something that they could come up with.
  2. Do you think the government will ever get to the point of registered rescues like they have registered breeders? Do you think it would be a good idea or bad? I havent put a ton of thought into it but I think it would be a great idea where rescues had to be registered, have checks done etc. I wonder if it will ever happen
  3. Do any of the rescues here hold onto money when a dog is returned for administration fees? If so what exactly is it? I have never heard of them until the other day.
  4. Oh sorry he is A senior (guess was 8+) Belgian shepherd. His teeth are nor pearly white but cant see any build of of tarter the vet thinks he had some dental work done and had his top K9 removed at some point. He has been on this diet only 2 weeks now. He was eating garbage for 3 weeks before that just whatever scraps could be found by the other dog while he was stuck in a backyard for 3 wees and before that no clue
  5. Does anyone else have a dog with terrible breath? George is just offensive lol he is on the allpaws grain free with bones given every few days. His teeth are not in bad shape if anyone has fixed bad breath please tell me how.
  6. Now I know greys are famous for roaching but does anyone elses dogs do the roach? Here is George roaching just snapped the pic 5 minutes ago and so excuse the kid stuff and mess.
  7. Thank you and yes rescue in Australia is well interesting. I had to find out on my own that there are people out there for financial and ego gain rescuing dogs. That people can really fool the hell out of you. Its sad when people dont put the dogs first. I guess they will always be around but I am just going to be a lot more weary of who I trust. I enjoyed meeting you and having a chat you are far from what I was lead to believe you were as I am sure everyone here is. Thanks for your kind words on the other thread.
  8. Such beautiful dogs! Makes me miss showing.
  9. Ok well I started rescuing dogs in 1995 when I moved out on my own. I later moved out onto property and focused on working breeds, GSDs, Cattle dogs, and Aussie shepherds I never got a Kelpie in believe it or not. I would take the too hard ones from shelters and the SPCA in Louisiana sent a couple of dogs that were not adoptable for me to work with and they turned out great. I took owner surrenders and dogs from the pound. I was never a charity I just did it from paychecks and working as a vet nurse helped as I got everything at cost. I am taking in dogs now do the vet work establish if they can live the city life or need to be working dogs. I work out any issues they have and if I cant I will contact a professional so far I have been lucky as not had to have a professional step in none of the dogs have had major issues. I love animals that is true I love taking dogs that have given up or been wronged show them that life can be good, teaching them to live in a family and then finding their homes. I firmly believe that you should only take in animals that you can handle and this includes when you use foster homes, so for example if I can comfortably have 8 dogs here then I wouldn't go out and have another 10 in foster homes because foster homes have the ability to say I don't want this dog here anymore then you need a place for the dog to go so if I can say house 8 dogs here then I will only have 8 dogs in care be it here or in foster homes hope that made sense. Dogs come here for a quarantine period before going to foster homes. I think placing the dog in the right foster home is just as important as placing them in their forever homes. No clue if that answered all your questions but thought I should reply.
  10. What does this include and can desexed non papered dogs get to join in? Edited to add no I am not thinking of entering george :laugh:
  11. Hello I am Samantha (grylvr) and I am an idiot. I have offended and bad mouthed many people on this forum when all they were trying to do is help me and warn me off certain things and people. I caused havoc and have seriously pissed people off some even to the point they will no longer help new rescues get started. I am very sorry I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me but if you cant I will completely understand. Feel free to yell at me, cuss at me throw rocks at my house I deserve it for the crap I pulled. I whole heartily apologize to troy for turning his forums into a drama fest. This will never happen again. The way I behaved was terrible and I am not proud of myself at all. I will say though that as far as the huge sydney based "rescue" everything you said was right on the mark and I had to learn that the hard way. My family was put through hell and back my daughter was attacked by a dog, we were verbally abused and threatened to have the big blokes forcibly remove my family from our home. God how I wish I had listened to you lot. Thanks for reading.
  12. I'm struggling to find the apology to all the innocent people you slandered? It was higher up I believe. I suppose I maybe need to do a proper post as was suggested that way people can see it better.
  13. You are correct, but I'm not critiquing the taking of dogs from long distance. Just arguing the fact that it can and should be done a whole lot better and cleaner. With more care for animal welfare, for where the dog ends up and a lot less risk of spreading something contagious all over the countryside. And your radar for responsible rescue had better be well and truly working when it's long distance, that includes the rescuer at the other end who as (given your experience) you must very well know, aren't always told exactly what they are getting. This is a concern for me as well there have been a few parvo pups popping off from the pounds, I am not sure of the solution other than have quarantine places near the pounds and have the pups there for a quarantine period which doesnt seem feasible any time soon. I do not think dogs should go from a pound to a rescue unless someone is on the ground and can tell temp notes. I wish all pounds had vollies like the DAS pound that would be very helpful but we can only tell rescues what the people have observed in the pound and we all know that after the settling in period dogs can and do change once they are all comfy in a new foster home and we need to be confident that the rescues taking long distance dogs are prepared to deal with a dog that may be different than he presented in the pound. They need to be prepared that they may need to do rehab and in the end may need to make the heartbreaking decisions if the dog does not respond. I honestly dont think that dog/kid/cat aggro dogs that are escape artists should be rehomed the risk is just to high I have seen dogs literally eat through bars to get out of a pen we cant put the communities pets at risk we have to think beyond the dog we have rescued and make sure that the dog wont be a danger to the community we put him/her in. A lot of rescues cant do this but there are some really good, responsible, realistic rescues out there that I would feel comfortable taking long distance dogs.
  14. Oh I see why I meant her say her royal I think I need sleep. Yes I understand that trust will be slow if ever.
  15. My royal anus? Awesome apology there :laugh: I didn't send you emails or messages so you have the wrong person, I do all my talking in public because I like to make sure everyone is aware of what is being said on both sides. Oh dear no not you! Your royal Anus is a nick name for someone else sorry I didnt mean you
  16. I was admin on the page yes. Although the things on it were from your royal anus and I am pretty sure I still have the e-mails but not the messages as the page was deleted a far bit ago. Like I said there is no excuse for the crappy attitude I had or the many time I offended people. Not gonna even attempt to make excuses.
  17. :laugh: You've brought back a funny memory for me. About 25 years ago I used to know a woman who lived across the road from some people who had a pet greyhound. Back then this was quite unusual. My dopey friend was terrified of the dog because she beleived that since the dog had raced, it must have been blooded and she reckoned that they can smell a woman menstruating from a long way off and will run her down and attack her crotch. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: now that i had never heard lol
  18. All very good points anna I have seen 14 year old dogs taken from the pound, to the vet and then on an airplane to SA from sydney in the span of 3 days. I am not sure how if you have someone on the ground at the pound to assess temp and if a dog is wanted by a rescue its a bad thing to get the dog to them. If they are a responsible rescue and do right by the dog AND the community is that honestly bad? I dont think so a lot of breed rescues take from all over the country and have saved a lot of dogs lives through networking.
  19. Oh dear! That will teach me to double check dates. Yes I think that BSL is a bit out of hand I am not understanding how they think it works when it has been proven over and over that BSL does not work.
  20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2200591/Stacey-Lockhurst-avoids-jail-keeping-dog-squalid-cage-food-water.html I cant believe she didnt get any time for this. What exactly do you have to do to an animal before they really slap the crap outta you?
  21. http://notsodangerousdogs.wordpress.com/2013/12/16/outrage-as-young-puppies-put-down-under-dangerous-dogs-act/
  22. My greyhound Sophie is a huge crotch sniffer I am always telling her to knock it off when we have visitors. She has no qualms to shove her nose firmly between someones legs. Dear its embarrassing having to tell her to stop when they people are clearly trying to ignore it
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