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Everything posted by Canisbellum

  1. I agree with this. The parent of the child has enough to deal with taking children with her and shopping at bunnings, now she's got biting dogs in the mix too. If people want to take their dogs to bunnings, or anywhere else, then they need to be watchful for situations like small children approaching and muzzle their dogs if they're likely to bite. ...to make it worse and what really puzzles me: I recall a recent thread where a little bird was caught and killed by a dog in a garden and posters gave their 'poor little bird' comments - here a kid was bitten and a poster who showed so much affection for this 'unfortunate' little bird in the recent thread suggested here that 'the kids should go in leashed as well'...on the one side it is 'poor little bird' and on the other 'stupid kids...their fault...' attitude. I don't get it! Willem if you go to the chemist you can buy Chill Pills I suggest you buy a jumbo sized container. Clearly the kid on leash comments were jokes, although I actually think it's a good idea given that most of our dogs are better behaved than the average 5 year old
  2. The price is the price it's your choice to buy it or another product. Good or bad it's the free market system.
  3. I think the argument is pointless but I pay around $68 for a 6pack of the 10 to 25kg nexgard so I think you should shop elsewhere then you won't have to worry about the $3 price difference.
  4. 45/52 I got this Stainless steel Spyderco Delica and its been hand engraved by a young lady in NSW. I am posting a few photos just to show the amount of detail she has achieved. even the writing is legible when you zoom in
  5. I hope so I try and look after them the best I can
  6. Thanks, however I enjoy it as well so its not like I did it especially for them :laugh:
  7. Latest catch up from me. 42/52 Whale tail in Esperance 43/52 10 Mile Beach Esperance 44/52 Panorama at 10 Mile Beach
  8. I get up at 4am and take them for roughly an hour walk every morning. 20 minutes on lead doing some training while walking to and from the arboretum and the rest off lead, With some recall training thrown in as well. They get left at home with a couple of clamshells of water in summer and toys. Days I get called out for more than 1 night they go to the kennel.
  9. Due to incidents at the dog parks I have been walking the dogs in the bush and I have discovered that Jonah has huge prey drive and will kill things if he can catch them which is very seldom. But he doesn't have a off switch and all it takes is the scent of something to set him off. He has also learnt to watch Jesse who is very observant and looks for things while he is sniffing around and if he sees her paying a lot of attention or running after something he is off after her. Jesse will come back and settle down almost immediately where Jonah takes some time to recall and then has to be put on a leash for as long as it takes for him to settle down. One example We came across fresh horse tracks on a beach and he was gone before I realized the hole he was sniffing at was a hoof print. Totally ignored me and literally vanished down the beach. He did come back onto the beach but was still hunting but was calm enough to come to me so I could get him on a leash and then spent the next 15 or 20 minutes crying and pulling and trying to sniff the tracks we were passing on our way back. The only way I have been able to stop a few other incidents is with the use of a Einstein E collar , he is improving but I now watch him and Jesse very carefully as I can control him by controlling her most of the time
  10. Thank you @damedannysdarling; I think so as well @littlegifts; , It's a Facebook club with 4600 members. They may still have some left I know they are only printing 500. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Thesharpeiclub/
  11. A cloud collar, over and above the grain free food and chicken and duck treats and flea and worming tablets
  12. Jonah is the month of May and appears in several other places apparently. Supposed to be top quality paper am Impatiently waiting for them to arrive.
  13. For the record Jonah was extremely reactive to dogs which I toned down untill he was almost normal till he got chomped again by 2 dogs at the dog park so now I walk in the bush or very early or at unpopular parks when they are empty but I still have dramas as the dog owners of Kalgoorlie are special kind of dumb. Had a tense discussion with a buffoon on Saturday because his husky ran about 80m to get to us. The fact that i put Jonah on his lead the instant I saw it headed our way and then grabbed it and loudly shouted for him to get his dog were ignored until I pushed it away with my leg then stormed over performing because I kicked his dog. All this while Jonah was trying to grab hold of it as he has been mauled by a Husky in the past and hates them. Luckily the buffoon developed some common sense when he got about 10m away and had a good look at me and the state I was in and grabbed his dog and left. The excuse was its only a 5 month old pup. Then last night I am walking at the only On leash place in town and here comes another idiot with his swf of lead and not listening to him. I had a discussion with him, Jonah lunged at his dog a few times and he grabbed it and left mumbling some smartarse comment to me telling him there are lots of off leash areas in town. Walking out in the bush a few weeks ago and I see a car appear so I call the dogs up Jonah was luckily right by me and didn't see the car. Car is driving slowly and a bull arab type is trotting next to the car along the track. I had a serious WTF moment
  14. I am the same with my Kelpie X she is a lovely dog, very soft, craves attention and very obedient but my heart belongs to Jonah my Shar Pei
  15. I have 3 grown up kids but the wife mostly took care of them until they were old enough to hang around with me while I played with my toys. I definitely don't want any more and dogs are definitely different much more dependent over there lifetime. Taking care of Jonah and Jesse is the 1st time I have been totally responsible for the care of another being and its a bit daunting sometimes
  16. My turn to catch up 35/52 Salt lake just north of Leinster WA 36/52 I forgot to turn the OIS off and I think thats why these night shots are slightly out of focus Perth from Kings Park 1st time using a tripod and trying to get light trails 37/52 Just coming out of Leonora WA heading south 38/52 Just before the road into Leinster WA 39/52 same salt lake as 1st photo just at sunrise a week later 40/52 Perth from Kings Park 41/52 In the bush outside town about 7km from home
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