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Everything posted by Mangoe

  1. Just to update, the pup is sick. He started vomiting yesterday. I was told that he hadn't passed any blood and was on a drip but that things were not looking good. I've not heard anything today so am hopeful no news is good news but I know it does not sound good. The lady I spoke to said she would call me as soon as she hears anything and would be working over the weekend. They've have not asked me to pay anything towards the vet fees but have also said if he passes blood he won't be treated any further. With regards to the hots spots, I was told they are not really anything to worry about - is this not the case? Unfortunately this has made me feel a little bit uneasy about going this route again. I think next time I might go with a rescue group.
  2. Hello, Thank you all so much for responding. I was still undecided on what to do when the pound called me. He was vaccinated this morning. When they went to check his temp they discovered a small amount of blood so retested and it came back positive. He hadn't passed a bloody stool and was still bright eyed. She also said it could be positive from the vaccination. They sent him straight to the vet where he is going to stay in isolation for a few days and the pound said as soon as they hear anything they will let me know. Thanks again for the speedy replies (so helpful!). To answer a few questions, we don't currently have any pets and I don't know if he was a littermate. I don't think he was as he was listed on his own. I'm not sure if he had any vaccinations, the pound don't know and I'm not sure if he was surrendered or a stray. He had what they told me are called a few hot spots which are being treated with antibiotic ointment but apart from that he seemed a lovely and healthy pup. Poor little thing being taken from one place the other - fingers crossed he pulls through.
  3. Hello, Am new here and not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with getting a new pet. We were due to pick up a lab x, 3 mo pup tomorrow from the pound however this morning they called to say that he was yesterday exposed to parvovirus. He and another infected pup travelled together to be desexed. The pound are saying he should be fine, he's returned a negative result and is having his vaccinations tomorrow and that he was bright eyed and happy this morning. They've agreed to letting me collect him on the weekend, I am to call on Friday to check up on him. I went to the local vet to ask their advice; The receptionist instantly said don't take him but then hearing all the information said ask them to hold him a further 10 days from exposure and retest. A vet came out and said wait 5 days and retest. I don't know what to do. Is it reasonable / Will the pound to be happy to hold any further time and retest? Is this going to turn into something bigger and costly ie. are there any long term effects to think about? What is the incubation time? It's complicated by it being an early Christmas present for our young children. They have met him and given him a name so I am unsure how to progress. Thanks in advance for any advice.
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