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  1. Hi Erny, Thanks so much for your advise! I've been continuing the application on him since I last posted and they seem to be disappearing! If a new lot do come up ill be taking him to the vet for antibiotics but so far so good! It's nice that people do care and try to help... I posted on yahoo answers and all I got was "we are not vets, take him to the vet". It's not like his is uncomfortable and I know there are always organic ways to help these things! Again big thanks!
  2. Hi, Thanks for the advise but I put the flea collar on him the day I noticed this... hummmm Im going to book him in for the vet within the next week or so. I was thinking its Hives but his not scratching like crazy... Im sure the vet will just give him some pills. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it. :)
  3. Hi, My dog (Irish wolf hound/ Bullmastiff) has small red bumps on his face under his left ear. They have been there for about 1 month. Pimple like, about the size of half a tic tac and covers an area the size of 2 match boxes. They were very inflamed at the start but has gone down as I have trimmed the fur in this area and applied Betadine diluted with water and Relief and healing cream (HOPES RELIEF) to try and help. At this time I cant afford to take him to the vet but just want find out what this may be and if there is anything else you could recommend. It doesn't seem to be bothering him but he has been scratching the area from time to time. Nothing out of the ordinary. He doesn't have fleas or mites and ATM he is wearing a flea collar. I would really appreciate your advise. Kind Regards, Jasmine
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