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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. I'd love to know what percentage of bitches have incontinence issues after desexing. I've desexed around 800 dogs in 4 years. If half of those were bitches that makes 400. Realistically we rescue more dogs than bitches so I'll take that number down to 300. I've NEVER had a report of any of those bitches have incontinence. Not one.... The only bitch I have with incontinence issues is Grandma my ancient entire kelpie who has a perineal tumour. I can accept that a dog grows differently when desexed young and would probably, with my own dogs, wait until they were older before desexing but I can't see that there is a real risk of incontinence from my experience and I would think I have a greater experience with this than the average person.I've had more cases of mammary tumours than incontinence.
  2. Indigirl - I'm so sorry to hear it - what a tragic accident. For a minute though, I thought Ripley the DOLer had died...
  3. Wow - a year - amazing and tragic how fast it goes. RIP Digby - you were a sweetie who didn't stay at my house for long but I've never forgotten you.
  4. Trisven13


    Danois - I'm so so sorry. RIP Angus.
  5. I'm so sorry cavNrott - RIP Sophie.
  6. I'm so sorry Rysup... RIP Darcy.
  7. NO, NO, NO!!!!! Oh Fifi that is just NOT fair..... Hugs to you - there just aren't words for the cruelty of this loss.
  8. If she puts them in boarding she shouldn't do so without ensuring the boarding kennel are aware they have killed a dog before.
  9. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but any dog that can and will dig under a fence and kill another dog should not still be breathing. It sure wouldn't be if it lived in my yard. I have no tolerance for dog aggression - working in rescue I see just how many fabulous dogs there are out there being put to sleep every week who have no dog aggression issues at all.
  10. Fingers AND toes crossed here in Albury. Dexter is such a doll - I love his turned up nose - he deserves a long and comfortable life.
  11. Sounds like some people have had good results. I've only had the one experience and it was with a friend's dog - admittedly one they initially fostered for ADR and then adopted prior to diagnosis. Samson had the femoral excision (???) surgery and I have to say I don't think he got very good results at all. He also has quite severe arthritis in his elbows and so that may be colouring it. Samson is very stiff and doesn't have good movement - his owner admits that he really suffered through recovery and it has only bought him a few years. I'm reasonably certain she wouldn't do it again despite her love for him. I can get her number if you'd like?
  12. We think Grandma our old kelpie is developing a few senility issues. They are very very mild at this point, nowhere near sufficient to look at euthanasia, and she is otherwise quite healthy - in fact she has gained 2kg over Winter - whoops! We don't know her age or her history (have only had her since February) but guess her to be somewhere between 14 & 17 years. She is quite stiff with arthritis but still mobile, she is deaf as a post and has both mammary & perenial tumous, and a heart murmer. We expect that one of the last 3 will eventually require her to be pts and before the senility becomes a major issue. Is there anything we can do to help her out before then? We feed a raw diet and Grandma eats chicken frames predominantly with a twice weekly BARF meal. My vet recommended Hills Science Diet Brain Diet which she said some clients had had great success with - she said that when it first came out she thought it was a crock but has had very good results so she is recommending it. It seems to me to just have more Omegas than other foods.
  13. Wow - I heard that there was a big turnout - might need some more volunteers. Weather may be revolting so the food may be all cooked somewhere different to last year but we are playing that by ear at this stage - egg & bacon rolls available from around 7am though and coffee should be ready about then too.
  14. Maybe just PM me the details and I will list him with you as a contact?
  15. That will be great to see Cooper - or has he had a name change to Copper? I can't believe he hasn't found a home yet!
  16. As usual Albury Dog Rescue will be doing the catering! Egg & Bacon rolls for breakfast, sausage sandwiches & steak sandwiches for lunch and snacks & drinks throughout the day! Please come up and introduce yourself if you're from DOL - just ask for Trish :D Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and, hopefully, getting some time to chill out and watch again this year.
  17. Trisven13


    RIP Sandy. Occy I'm so sorry - I know how much she had your heart.
  18. Its neonatal conjunctivitis quite possibly. Storm is right - we had it in a recent rescue litter. Bathed the eye with tea bags and the pup had some antibiotics and by the next day it was gone. Both pups now have perfectly normal eyes. I didn't open my pup's eyes as they were only around 5-6 days old but those particular pups did have eyes that opened earlier - I think the infection loosened the seal (can't remember its scientific name I'm afraid). My vet thought I was crazy but luckily I'd read about it on here and knew that I had to get onto it quickly. None of my other pups developed it.
  19. Hi guys - I'm being a bit cheeky here but there is a beautiful ACD in Albury Pound who is incredibly responsive and deserves a chance. ACD Rescue can fit him in but they need 3 weeks to open up a space for him. He has had two lessons in the pound on walking nicely on lead (one with me on Sunday which is why he kept looking at me filming him :D ) and the other with Shepmax71 this morning..... I thought maybe some video footage in the training forum might help him get the chance he needs :D .
  20. My vet will do the titre testing - shame it is double the price of vaccinations for the moment - still we will try. Trish
  21. I just realised that I didn't say thank you Harminee for the BEAUTIFUL new signature you made me. I love it!!!
  22. I would love a new sig - Abbey made my last one but I think its time for an upgrade... So here are some new ADR photos.... Include whichever ones you like....
  23. Oh Harminee that is beautiful and has just made me bawl.... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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