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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. Are they fence jumpers? I may be able to sort something out if they would be happy to be kept in a stable between turns in the yard. The carer has other dogs but is on acreage. She is out at the moment but I will check in with her later and let you know. This doesn't have anything to do with the fire in Culcairn does it?
  2. It is hard to spend time with Julie and not become enthusiastic along with her. She is one in a million and someone I always enjoy talking to or spending time with.
  3. Great news about Jed. I hope she continues to improve - that is a very positive step this early on which is wonderful to hear. :rolleyes:
  4. Yeah this is me too. If they start to pull they are corrected and they then settle back. If they pull for a while they are kept on a short loose lead which they don't enjoy at all. They know the commands "wait" and "okay' for when we're walking and that is all I've taught them at the moment but it seems to be enough. "Wait" has been a very important one, particularly for when I'm picking up poo :rolleyes:
  5. Yep, Mac my 11 year old JRT who has corneal dystrophy is getting worse. The last storm we had I put him in his crate (he normally has run of the house), covered it with about 20 blankets and that seemed to work. He is no better if he is in bed with us - he pants and paces and shakes and drives me completely insane. He also barks intermittently - one bark every 2-3 minutes, guaranteed to jerk you out of sleep just as you're drifting off again.... I think his vision loss makes it harder for him sadly and he is aging he is losing more vision. I'm a little concerned how he is going to cope with the potential move to our new place as he navigates his way around the yard by memory - add a storm to a new environment :rolleyes:
  6. Yes, this has all been churning through my mind too and, depending on how much of the house was destroyed, all the records, trophies, ribbons. Totally shattering, so incomprehensible. And that is the word for it isn't it? So difficult to comprehend.
  7. I'm praying so hard she gets through these next few hours. A neighbour of mine went suffered very similar airway injuries in a bushfire when I was a teen (though with much worse physical burns). He pulled through and I'm hoping Jed can too. I don't know Jed other than on DOL but I really struggled to stay focused on tasks yesterday, having to come back constantly and check these threads in the vain hope that good news would appear. I'm hoping Magnus is found.
  8. She is gorgeous but looks a bit more Deerhound like in that photo.
  9. Thank God. I know that I speak for everyone in saying I'm not remotely surprised that Jed has placed her own life at risk to save her dogs. I hope she is able to make a full physical recovery.
  10. That was my concern too. I hope that its just RSPCA grandstanding and that what Steve has indicated was going to happen will actually happen.
  11. ;) I was so so so hoping I was wrong. When the MDBA Pacers decides what needs doing in terms of fundraising etc please let me know. I'll walk the streets of Albury selling tickets if I need to. :D :p
  12. ;) oh no. Please let me know if there's anything you need. fifi oh no. Waiting to hear what you need from us. My very worst fear. I have goosebumps.
  13. OP looking for one dog that is NOT high energy, content to be left on its own for a bit, tractable, friendly and protective if needed. Not a staffy As in rescue we're rarely dealing with purebred dogs I've always found it best to work on what each individual dog is showing whilst in foster care and combine that with what breed traits are typical to the primary breed in the dog. I would NEVER put any dog into a home such as the OP is proposing without that dog having lived in a foster home that has a similar set-up. One of the benefits of getting a dog that has been in foster care for more than a couple of weeks IMO - preferrably for a month or more.
  14. One of our committee members is a staffy fan and regularly has staffy's and staffy mixes at her place. She is rural on 30 acres with horses, cows and kangaroos and the staffy's aren't any worse than any other breed to be honest. I think that it is vital that the OP find a rescue group who has dogs that live in a similar situation to the one in which they're proposing to put the dog. Being rural we get lots of enquiries from people looking for dogs to satisfy similar requirements. We always point them towards our carers who are on acreage to find them the right dog. Provided they're happy to wait we find that this is the most successful way of rehoming rescue dogs onto acreage.
  15. Were you with Sway on the first day??? I'm sure you were next to us but maybe I'm thinking of a different show. I just remember the rain and BBJ staying over.
  16. Mud was both years just the show was on different sides of the toilet block! Last year it absolutely pissed down early in the morning of the Friday. Shepmax and I were trying madly to get our gazebo up and keep Lara dry - the three of us were just drowned rats!! I had to leave early to go to an ADR thingy at Masterfoods and of course it didn't rain then! Actually you were there too Rebanne as I had Nissa-Violet with me and I was trying to keep her dry under your umbrella tent- I just remembered
  17. I'm so pleased we were able to help this guy - I just can't imagine going through what he is at the moment and worrying that your friends are going to have your much loved pet put to sleep . We're hopeful that we will be able to organise some visits to his owner in spinal rehab once he has recovered a little more - the accident only occurred in mid April . What sort of dog is the one in WA? I hope someone can help the ACD in Moss Vale - dog lovers helping other dog lovers
  18. Becks I would love any other photos you can get - I can never see too many pictures of Fauves
  19. Cool - my girl Marie has a coat that is naturally much the same as hers is now. Daphne has more coat but when stripped off looks much the same. The newest boy to do well here in Australia, Marcus, has much more coat and is almost PBGV like in terms of coat. Even heavily stripped out he has a lot of coat like many of the Fauves I've seen pics of in the UK. Thanks for that Becks - I love the chance to see more Fauves
  20. Questions from me as this is the best close up photo I've seen for quite a while... Has she been heavily stripped or is that her "normal" coat? How old is she? What is her prefix again?
  21. Rugerrun has 3 and a baby, dogs are lovely and are pets Yep. Rugerrun's dogs are beautiful and, quite simply, adore children. Yes they are strong but like any big dog its all in your training. I know that Rugerrun walks hers on a halti but she used to walk all three together before she had the baby. I think that now she only walks two at a time as she also has to push the stroller. Fabulous dogs.
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