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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. So can I take it that this is as much news to everyone else as it was to me????
  2. Hi - I heard earlier today that apparently the requirements for a Grand Champion are being changed back to the old system and that there is going to be a new title called a Supreme Grand which will require 10 BIG or BIS (can't remember the details as it was a rushed conversation) - apologies if I've missed this elsewhere, I did a quick search but I'm completely useless at searching.
  3. I've seen a bucketload of frightened dogs in the pound - only a few have stood out as being very, very frightening, most have calmed down after a few days. The worst was a Rottweiler who after 2 weeks in the pound was still wearing the lead it came in on - no-one could get close enough to take it off. The second was a Labrador. After that a number of SWFs spring to mind. The GSD's I knew in the pound (same with the Boxers) were frighteningly dog aggressive which I also find terrifying. As I said above - I like soft, pussy dogs
  4. I am very wary of GSDs. I know some that I have met before and they are adorable BUT I've had a couple of very bad experiences before rescue and after rescue (one which nearly resulted in a bad bite to my face). Whilst I know that GSDs and many other gorgeous, well-tempered working breeds were designed to protect their places etc their bark and their stance whilst doing it is something I find terrifying. In saying that however - whilst I'm not as frightened of small dogs who protect their space I dislike it just as much. I own a breed that every example I've met (and I've met most of those who live in Australia) is incredibly tolerant and not remotely protective. I don't ever want to own a dog that will guard its house or owners, I want a dog that will happily allow any Tom, Dick or Harry in regardless of their intentions. I love that my dogs happily sat/slept on their trolley for 9 1/2 hours being patted by everyone who walked past at the Melbourne Royal. That is, for me, a fabulous temperament but I understand that others would hate such a "pussy"
  5. Anna was second in Open bitch and got a red second ribbon Marie was first in Open bitch and got a rosette that said first Daphne was first in Aust Bred bitch and got a rosette that said first Daphne was Challenge bitch and got a rosette whose ribbons said challenge Marie was Runner-Up Challenge bitch and got a fringie ribbon Hagen got a first rosette for his class, a challenge rosette for his challenge and then something else for Best of Breed (I didn't pay enough attention to be able to tell you what). Katherine also got a jacket and a bag of Advance food. Daphne got nothing for runner-up in breed in terms of ribbons etc but we got a bag of Advance food.
  6. Well Marie is currently staying with her beau's owner so I will jump the gun with you. Hoping also for a mating next week - sounds like they've come in about the same time. Fingers crossed we get to compare notes but I'm a lot more relaxed this time around.
  7. Excellent result reporting as always - thanks to everyone. If anyone can tell me how Junior Handlers went, particularly 7-10 though I'm thinking if Lachlan won I would have received a call by now.
  8. I'm not sure if it's common practice but I have a clause where I need to agree to puppies going into show/breeding homes - I don't want my breeding going to every tom, dick and harry. And that is very much the case here - with a rare breed it is really important that the quality that is in the ring is as good as it can possibly be. The stud dog is very nice and has done more winning in the 9 months he has been in the country than any other dog in the breed including the first Best in Group for a Fauve. I understand why she wants what she wants, I just don't want to be too restricted if we happen to have a spectacular litter. ETA we also have a good relationship where we can discuss things and disagree - we are setting up an agreement so that we can keep that relationship.
  9. I'm using a stud and the 2 pups on main only is one of the stud owner's conditions. I'm negotiating that a final decision will be made at 8 weeks in case it is a spectacular litter but she is adamant on that as a base condition. It is the only stud available so my hands are obviously tied. She is wanting (quite rightly) to avoid the show scene being flooded with dogs of average quality.
  10. Hi all - can you please help me add to my list of things to discuss with a stud owner and get down in writing. So far I've thought of: * Costs of progesterone/mating that are allowed before checking back with me (bitch will stay with dog owner for approx 10 days as this is a last chance mating for an older maiden) * Only 2 pups on main register without the agreement of both of us * Boarding costs whilst bitch is with dog owner (or do I just provide her food?) * Stud fee - how much is it, when is it payable, is a repeat mating included (not so relevant this time as it is a repeat mating) * No pup to be moved from Limited Register to Main Register without approval of both of us That is what I've got so far but I'm sure there are many, many other things I've missed. Thanks
  11. Woohoo - go Candy!!! She was looking lovely when I saw her on Friday as they were getting ready to leave. Congrats Leanne!!!! I'm betting the smile didn't leave your face - well worth the drive back down!!!! :thumbsup:
  12. I just spent 24 hours with my bestie and her family. They have a much adored little dog (designer breed) who is now around 7-8 months of age. They have done puppy pre school and also do training at Sutherland Kennel Club on my recommendation AND have always brushed her so that she would learn to be okay with brushing. BUT...... she is really trying it on with the brushing and, after watching them today, it is only a matter of time until someone gets a very serious bite. She is, generally speaking, a really great little dog but she is very pampered and very loved and they don't really know how to deal with it and, I'll be honest, neither did I . She is very, very, very mouthy when being brushed and not in a cheerful way - she hasn't yet learnt to put enough serious pressure on in order to puncture but I really don't think it is far away. They are very lacking in knowledge but big on love and desire to make it work so I'd love to find them a GOOD trainer, with recommendations from people who know them, in Sydney. They are not the sort of people who would travel to K9 for example as it is about 2 hours away - I'm looking for a good home visit type trainer akin to Cosmolo in Melbourne.
  13. I love that there are neuter classes and hope to show my daughter's Cavalier in the future. He was pet-homed on a desexing contract but his breeder nearly cried when she saw him afterwards because he was lovely. I've approached her about him being shown in neuter and she was 100% supportive. Thankfully we have quite a few shows with neuter classes.
  14. Yep but as others have said the RSPCA don't send dogs back to breeders (or rescuers) once a dog has been surrendered by its owner (the person on the microchip generally). I don't know why it wasn't scanned for a chip - what State was the dog in, is it a State that has compulsory microchipping? Once the dog is sold outright (not a lease situation) then the person can do what they want with the dog and those rehoming the dog can only hope that their screening procedures have worked. Most breeders (and rescuers) will find that at some point in their breeding/rescuing career that they will be lied to. It sucks but I would be addressing my ire at the person who breached your arrangement, rather than the organisation that it was surrendered to.
  15. This.. I feel the same way. Don't cry poor and whinge for help, when you don't /won't give/sell dogs back to the breeders who would take them. I feel very strongly about this topic too and was horrified when I found out how many registered breeders didn't care when their dog was surrendered to the group or was at risk of it being surrendered - I was also saddened by how many were happy for the rescue group to rehome the dog without offering assistance. Its fair enough that not every breeder of every breed can just take an unknown adult dog into their pack but those breeders were the ones who offered help in referring homes or a donation for the dog in question. Don't get me wrong - I've come across some great breeders but the greater majority of registered breeders contacted didn't want to know or help. It was so rare to see one who DID care that I actually nominated them for an MDBA award because of the effort that they went to to get the dog of their breeding back, safe, with them. I'm personally aware of THREE local registered breeders who were contacted by Albury Pound about dogs of their breeding that had been impounded. One didn't return two phone calls about an entire dog surrendered with main register papers (but then accused the pound of doing the wrong thing when the dog was rehomed with those papers) and the other two said that they wouldn't be coming to get their dogs. All three show their dogs. I must say that I found the opposite with Pug breeders. Many wanted to assist in some way, although some didn't and some appeared to react as though the idea of assisting a dog in need that they had bred as being a very foreign concept. Running a breed specific rescue, I spoke to a lot of breeders whose dogs had eneded up in my care for one reason or another, so I feel I got a reasonable idea od how Pug breeders felt and or reacted to their dogs ending up in rescue. Ours was across quite a variety of breeds but never Pugs so that is quite possibly true. Also nearly all of the registered dogs we saw were larger breed dogs.
  16. This.. I feel the same way. Don't cry poor and whinge for help, when you don't /won't give/sell dogs back to the breeders who would take them. I feel very strongly about this topic too and was horrified when I found out how many registered breeders didn't care when their dog was surrendered to the group or was at risk of it being surrendered - I was also saddened by how many were happy for the rescue group to rehome the dog without offering assistance. Its fair enough that not every breeder of every breed can just take an unknown adult dog into their pack but those breeders were the ones who offered help in referring homes or a donation for the dog in question. Don't get me wrong - I've come across some great breeders but the greater majority of registered breeders contacted didn't want to know or help. It was so rare to see one who DID care that I actually nominated them for an MDBA award because of the effort that they went to to get the dog of their breeding back, safe, with them. I'm personally aware of THREE local registered breeders who were contacted by Albury Pound about dogs of their breeding that had been impounded. One didn't return two phone calls about an entire dog surrendered with main register papers (but then accused the pound of doing the wrong thing when the dog was rehomed with those papers) and the other two said that they wouldn't be coming to get their dogs. All three show their dogs.
  17. I can't believe that someone would want to sell a dog that they supposedly love because it has a health issue??? Surely if you can't afford to treat the dog you would rather pts than sell/give to an unknown person????? Sounds dodgy as hell to me, forgetting completely the breeder bashing. I've spoken with a breeder before about possible health issues and whilst they didn't want to acknowledge that there may be a problem with their breeding programme that they have spent years and lots of $ on, they listened to me, told me where to go to find out for sure AND chased up with me afterwards how things had gone. Turned out it wasn't a health issue BUT they were there. Maybe it comes down to spending the time on finding a GOOD registered breeder. Of course being registered doesn't equal ethical but registered doesn't mean infallible either.
  18. THIS shows a complete lack of understanding dogmad. I haven't publicised it on DOL because I knew I would get attacked for it but I had to have my beautiful greyhound boy Bart put to sleep earlier this year. He had been boarding whilst we were on holidays and penned next to two dog aggressive terriers. I've been told since that they fence-fought for hours and through an ACCIDENT by kennel staff the JRTs ended up in my dog's run. He tore them to pieces but thankfully, whilst one spent 2 weeks at the vets, they both survived. I didn't know I had a bloody "nasty dog" as you term it. He was raised in my household from 3 months of age, he lived with a JRT and a Cavalier - plus my Fauves not to mention ALL the dogs we fostered during his life. He lived with cats and children - yeah he had some food aggression issues and was a more dominant personality but I would never have said he was a NASTY dog. I chose to put him to sleep because, after speaking with trainers I trust who had met him, we believed that he received such a high reward from what he did, and living in a new property without external fencing that he posed too high a risk for people walking their small dogs past our house. He responded to high level provocation from two smaller dogs who came into HIS run and had a go at him first but they were little dogs who had little chance against a 40kg greyhound. I've seen bucketloads of pugs at dog shows who launch themselves at their pens or crates barking aggressively - sure like Anne says they can't do any physical damage but do you think other dogs recognise that? If these dogs were neighbours who is to say that the pug hadn't been fence fighting with them and lost? Of course the situation could be otherwise and these were simply two dog aggressive dogs who got into the pug's yard but good dogs do bad things and you're awfully naive if you think otherwise dogmad.
  19. I'm not sure of the details other than that the pups are now with a bitch who lost her own pups. Putting them on mum wasn't an option as the problem wasn't simply one of aggression. The bitches health is the priority in this instance.
  20. Thanks for the help guys - its all been passed on.
  21. A registered breeder in Melbourne has asked me to put a post up on DOL to see if anyone might have a surrogate mother in the Melbourne area for 3 GSP puppies born today. Its not definite that she needs it at the moment but if someone has a possible surrogate that I can refer her on to please let me know. I don't know any more details as yet other than that they were born this morning. ETA - have more details - the bitch had a c-section this morning and doesn't want anything to do with the pups. She'd love some suggestions on what she can do to help. She doesn't know how to tube feed but even if she did it won't help her as she works 4 days a week.
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