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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. Absolutely they should be! Unfortunately children aren't always reliable. It has been drummed in to mine almost obsessively yet I still wouldn't trust her to always ask. Half the time when she's asking her hand is already stretched out ready to pat the dog and if the owner says yes my daughter often gets in the dogs face. It doesn't help that she has no fear and I am border line paranoid so we aren't a good mix. Obviously I am there with her but it's always nerve wracking for me, not wanting to put the fear of God in to her and pass on my paranoia but also trying to teach her to respect anything with teeth is proving more difficult than I would have ever imagined. Children are their own little personalities, not robots, so we can't always assume that a parent has been negligent in their duty to teach a child certain behaviours if the child behaves inappropriately. Sorry Katrina, I've just reread your post and I am not having a go just discussing ankle biters and how unreliable they can be. You just said exactly what I had been thinking!!! McKenzie was bitten by a rescue dog when she was 3 1/2. We had always been so careful about making sure all rescue dogs were fed on their own, that she was supervised around them etc etc. But...... fast forward to the day we had a donation of chicken carcasses and fed the dogs a little earlier than normal. Allie, the mastiff X (read pigging mix) was fed a chicken carcass in her crate and I didn't think to supervise the kids in the loungeroom, where Allie's crate was. Stupid of me. McKenzie got bitten (very small nip to her hand resulting in a bruise, nothing more), I yelled at Allie and then asked what happened. Stupid me!!! McKenzie had opened the crate door and tried to take the chicken carcass of Allie. McKenzie went to day care the next day and said "Allie bit me, it was my fault". Both kids will still hug dogs they don't know and I cringe inside - how to balance teaching respect AND lack of fear is not an easy thing. I was bitten on the face when I was 2 and still love dogs.....
  2. I almost want an "oops litter" so that I can use some of these names!!!
  3. Sitting here at the moment thinking "yeah I think she is" and then "nah I think she isn't"..... 3 weeks Thursday from natural tie, 3 weeks today from fresh AI, 3 weeks tomorrow from fresh AI..... Ultrasound booked for Saturday. Trying really hard to think negatively but as she is 5 in April this probably our last try.
  4. For me there are two reasons why I'm showing less. One is the cost - things have been quite tight for us over the last 12-18 months and dog shows aren't always something we have the cash for. Its not the show entry as that isn't too bad - its the food for the family for the day, the petrol costs etc. Even when we bring food from home its more expensive than just eating at home (we bring our own food 95% of the time). The other reason is that we moved onto acreage so that we would have both room for the dogs and room for the kids - acreages takes a LOT of maintenance!!! A weekend spent dog showing requires 2 weeks of work to catch up, particularly during Spring!!! I also found that when I was showing every couple of weeks my dogs were very stale - now that it is only occasional shows they are sooooo excited to turn up at the show, its fabulous!! I enjoy showing too much to stop showing my dogs when they're titled - as a rare breed they're pretty easy to title, even if it is only 6 point challenges . I think there is also less nastiness as there aren't very many of us showing this breed - I really dislike a lot of the stuff I see on the sideline and hear through gazebo walls. I know that there is nastiness in all sports but I don't like it - in Auskick, in netball, in dog showing - I just think it is VERY unnecessary. Its very tiresome when 50% of the people you talk to at a show will rattle off all the excuses why their dog didn't win :rolleyes:. Its one day, its one Judge - move on people!!!!
  5. DEFINITELY possible! My vet used to recommend against immediate vaccination whilst a dog was in quarantine as if a dog got sick it would test positive for parvo whether or not it had it.
  6. I totally agree with this. Although it would be ideal if breeders could take their dogs back or help rehome, sometimes it isn't possible and I believe it is fully the current owners responsibility to rehome the dog, no matter what the reason. agree with you Aussielover Regardless of whether or not a breeder can take their dog back a GOOD breeder will always care that their dog needs a new home. Sadly, much as I feel like this is not a popular opinion on DOL, there are MANY registered breeders who don't care past the point of sale. Thankfully there are also some wonderful breeders who do everything WITHIN THEIR POWER to help their dog - that can be support for the new owner, a donation to the rescue group OR taking the dog back themselves. I vividly recall one example of a beautiful pedigree dog surrendered - the breeder had terminal cancer and his wife was disabled - he cried that he couldn't help the dog of his breeding and did everything he could before he passed away to ensure that we rehomed the dog to the best of our ability. I can't imagine not caring that a rescue I rehomed needed help and I've rehomed more rescues than most breeders have rehomed pups they've bred. Personally I would rather rehome a dog I bred (or rescued) myself as I would like to know that the new owner knows to call on me for help.
  7. So very sorry - a special dog who had a place in the heart of many DOLers.
  8. Not in Vic, unfortunately - any dog can be assessed (ie they don't have to be in the program), but they do have to go to the GAP kennels for the week long assessment period. Has that always been the case with GAP Vic? I don't recall that with Bart but it was a while ago that he was assessed. Its fabulous that this change has now happened in NSW and I would imagine it will make greyhounds more appealing as pets. it was changed a few years ago for legal reasons Trisven13 That would explain it. I'll be honest, I actually think it is quite a good idea that they be tested over the period of a week.
  9. During my 6 years of co-ordinating Albury Dog Rescue I sadly dealt with MORE registered breeders who weren't interested in their dogs than those who were so it wouldn't surprise me at all if a breeder didn't want to take their dogs back OR provide support & assistance in the rehoming. I can only assume that most good breeders care about their dogs and the homes their dogs go to and they rarely end up needing rescue. One breeder was so awesome that I nominated them for an MDBA Award - they drove hours to pick up their dog from the pound - a 9 year old dog in a breed that rarely lives that long - and she lived with them until she died of old age.
  10. Not in Vic, unfortunately - any dog can be assessed (ie they don't have to be in the program), but they do have to go to the GAP kennels for the week long assessment period. Has that always been the case with GAP Vic? I don't recall that with Bart but it was a while ago that he was assessed. Its fabulous that this change has now happened in NSW and I would imagine it will make greyhounds more appealing as pets.
  11. He tried to drop them in today - will do so tomorrow.
  12. I'm a LONG way from an expert having not even had my first litter yet but I do remember reading loads of Norsgkra's posts about her Norwegian Elkhounds before she passed away. She needed to use progesterone for both her bitch and her daughter if I recall correctly to enable them to carry a litter. They also, if I recall, only had small litters and I'm sure I remember that one at least needed a c-section. That same bitch however went on to carry a pup without any progesterone etc and whelped naturally whilst in boarding kennels (after an ultrasound showed no pups). That is the limit of my knowledge about the need for progesterone and how it has passed or not passed down lines ETA - might be worth trying to find her old posts about it - it was all in Breeders Community and probably about 4 years ago?????
  13. Don't think you can camp at the show as it is on the edge of a street BUT there is a caravan park in Holbrook - (02) 6036 3100. ETA everything is near everything else in Holbrook - it is always a great show. Morsha did Steve drop an entry do you know? If not I will get him to drop one off in his lunchbreak today. Do you need any help at all on the day or the day before? More than happy to help out. You don't have neuter classes do you? If you do I can chuck a neuter in for you also.
  14. Silly me frogot I would have to delete the first post. :cheer: Houston we have lift off. Day 16. Fingers crossed
  15. I'm like you Angelsun.... starting to regret that I put anything up before a confirmed ultrasound as I feel like it is bad luck... I will wish you guys good luck as you've had a shocking year!
  16. Fifi told me about this earlier today. I hope he pulls through for you and your family. He is my thoughts.
  17. Sounds like cyanide in an M44 ejector. They configure the ejector so that dogs and foxes are the only animals with the jaw strength to pull at the device enough to release the squirt of cyanide. It's a good system (as much as any of them are) Oh okay. My neighbour is a real greenie - she knows all the cool places to go in the National Park and can identify every flower/plant up there (she is GREAT fun to go up there with as you can imagine). She normally (with the permission of the local ranger of course) takes her dog with her everywhere but Sally can't go up there with her anymore because of the baits.
  18. I don't know what bait it is that they're using around our way in the National Park but apparently it shoots down their throat and will kill them within 5 minutes. Sounds much more humane.
  19. I'm pretty sure Katherine is in Shepparton and she rang me to tell me that Hagen was Runner-Up in Group - if the Judge is Mr Hutchinson then it was Basset Fauve De Bretagne that was Runner-Up in Group. Her Facebook post doesn't say what show she was at unfortunately but she and I had talked about picking Marie up from Shep this weekend if prog tests had gone our way.
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