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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. Had to share this hysterical video I took of Campbell earlier today playing with Yellow. All of those who have met Hagen, the pup's Dad, they will know that not only is he a looker but he has a very "out there" personality. Yellow has definitely inherited it!!!
  2. I can only speak for me and my dogs. My dogs despise showing in the heat as do I - no point either of us being there. When it is wet and cold though they love it. If I had entered tomorrow I wouldn't be attending because we would hate it. I'm sure there are some dogs who cope well enough, I just don't own them.
  3. I have one storm phobic dog and previously owned his half-brother who was not storm-phobic. I've always attributed Mac's phobia to the fact that he was born with corneal dystrophy and can't see properly. He simply pants and barks - doesn't try to escape etc. The bitch that I have a litter with at home at the moment arrived at my house frightened of the vacuum cleaner - no idea why. Her half sister that I also own isn't frightened of it. I have made sure that I vacuum around the pups ONLY when she is outside so that she can't teach them that fear. She isn't frightened of anything else.
  4. I'm surprised it isn't going to be cancelled with a forecast of 40 - I thought that was the intention of the changes? Oh well - 40 degrees would knock me out of the running
  5. Hence I never understood the thread where a soldier had to give up his dog when he was posted overseas. As mentioned earlier I've seen it happen - the people I knew were being transferred overseas as a couple (to the USA actually) and the accomodation that was provided for them does not allow dogs. Yes it happens very rarely that defence families can't take their dogs to their new digs but it does happen sometimes, particularly when they're going into private rentals which defence have to arrange on occasions when there is no traditional defence homes available. Running a rescue in Albury/Wodonga which has a large army base we saw it occasionally. Running that same rescue where you deal daily with Albury Pound which is also a boarding kennels and the local branch of Dogtainers I saw many, many defence animals (of ALL kinds) being moved around the country. We also had defence families as foster carers which is another reason why I know that there are occasionally genuine reasons that families can't take their dogs with them.
  6. I cuddled your 1/3 lol Dee Dee is just WOW I wanted to take her home!! Thanks for that! Dee Dee does look lovely and Katherine tells me she has Hagen's personality. I'm hoping my babies have it too - so far the girls seem to be the most out there.
  7. Sometimes, though, Defence families get put in a position where the dogs that they've been able to move with for years can't be moved with again. I've had a couple of occasions where Defence have moved them to a home that didn't allow dogs and the families were absolutely devastated. I've had a couple of other families that were transferred overseas with Defence.
  8. There's 2 or 3 places in Wangaratta that allow dogs in cars/trailers. Also a caravan park at Everton, halfway between Wang and Myrtleford. Google also says there is a Caravan Park at Milawa - I never knew that Yep there is - saw it yesterday whilst I was out exploring the King Valley. Looked pretty nice too and oh so close to all those dangerous eating places!
  9. I know loads of people stay in a couple of motels in Myrtleford but the Myrtleford Caravan Park is a great place for camping and they're very happy to have dogs there - have camped there previously, though it can get very cold overnight.
  10. 'Spose I'm just worrying ahead of time - haven't talked to anyone about it but, being on holidays, I have too much time on my hands to think about all potential problems
  11. Yep have done that part as we're still undecided on keeping one or two at this point. Need to wait until they're older and sit down with Katherine to look at them. We're really praying on the boy turning out but of course he will end up the pet
  12. Yep and good on Darren, the head ranger for Albury Council, for his usual no-nonsense down-to-earth response. I worked alongside(ish) Darren for many years when I ran Albury Dog Rescue. He is a very, very competent ranger who doesn't mess around - if he thinks you've screwed up he'll tell you (and I had my turn at the end of that serve ) but he knows dogs. We had a really nasty local dog jump our fence and bail Steve up. Steve rang the rangers and Darren came out and had absolutely no trouble getting him onto a lead and into the back of the van without need for catchpoles etc. Nice to know that the rangers in Albury won't condemn a dog unless its well-deserved but it really doesn't surprise me.
  13. Thanks Sway - that is what I was wondering about as, after talking to Katherine, she has recommended I wait until at least 8 weeks to make my pick as her changed so much between 5-9 weeks. For NSW breeders (as I think the microchip requirement has been around longer, though could be wrong) do you find that your puppy buyers understand the delay on paperwork if you wait until you've made your pick?
  14. That pic is of my darling Bob as a puppy. He is from Sara's first ever litter and my beloved pet and we haven't used him on any of our girls as there are better dogs conformation wise. Totally different bloodlines (well except for a long way back). This was taken yesterday at 6 weeks old - early days but we are loving this boy He looks lovely
  15. Thank you all for your suggestions - they have been VERY helpful!! We have decided to go with: Trisven Bad Moon Rising Trisven Dark Side Ov The Moon Trisven To The Moon And Back (which is actually a little thing we say to the kids - love you to the moon & back) Trisven Fly Me To The Moon Can't wait to decide who is who, get them microchipped and send the paperwork off. From my reading they have to be microchipped before I send off the paperwork in NSW - is this correct? If I microchip at 6 weeks and send off straight away how quickly do their papers come back OR do people in NSW normally send off the paperwork afterwards if the pups leave at 8 weeks? I know that when we purchased Archie his paperwork came later but both of my Fauves came with their paperwork, but they were older.
  16. If my baby Sinead is there (one of the new Fauve imports) please give her a hug for me!!!
  17. Our babies had started showing signs in the last 48 hours of being interested in solids so we decided to see how they went. The girls loved it but piggy Blue who would spend his entire day attached to his mother if allowed wasn't so interested. Little Yellow even tried to play with McKenzie tonight which just made her day
  18. WOW our puppies have learnt to walk overnight!!! Hysterical watching them toddle around, growl at each other and start trying to play when only 2 days ago they just lay around.
  19. Rescue is not a byb advocate. No matter what lies byb spread around to suit themselves. There are so many adult dogs needing homes compared to the number of homes available. These dogs need homes because whoever sold them in the first place didn't place the dog in the right home. The lucky few make it into rescue, the rest are killed. Most. Thousands every year. Byb do not produce litters unless they think they can sell all the pups, rescue does not really come into it. Remember that next time a byb talks shit about rescue. A person can be anti-byb, and still recognise that by sheer luck some of the dogs that byb produce will be excellent dogs. While it doesn't suit everyone to buy a rescue dog, you cannot blame the dog for how it was produced, it deserves to be assessed on its own merits. Buying from rescue does not support byb or any other type of breeding. It just prevents a dog being put to sleep.
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