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Everything posted by Trisven13

  1. Which pet shop???? Prime was always very big on promoting rescue - simply had to ring them about a story and they would do it when I was doing the rescue.
  2. This is the part that jumps out at me. Consistently when rescuers talk about how many times they come across papered dogs whose breeders weren't overly interested we seem to have seen a higher percentage when I was running Albury Dog Rescue than other groups but even then we didn't see the numbers you are describing.
  3. We've done the same but have used fans & air-conditioning on the days of 35 plus.
  4. Its the year of the Greyhound I'd say . I'm so happy for you
  5. We've entered the Royal and will do Hound Club later in the week.
  6. This is Red trying to work out how she got out of the whelping box an hour earlier
  7. Just read this news on Facebook - congratulations to Katherine & Ashley - I bet there were tears!!! Absolutely fantastic news for the breed and very well deserved - a stunning dog and a great combination with Ashley & Hagen in the ring :champagne: :champagne:
  8. I think pounds can have a detrimental effect on even a dog who wouldn't be fussed by a storm at home. It's all too unsettling at times. And then there's the barking.... Should have been clearer - you see them come in following a storm/fireworks at a higher percentage AND they were surrendered for that fear more commonly. Again I will stress, these were very unlikely to be registered BCs - more the working lines & farm bred.
  9. I don't doubt that it is rare in those bred by registered breeders but sadly that doesn't correlate with what we saw through rescue with the BCs that came into the pound which were most likely farm bred or byb and around here they are the bulk of BCs.
  10. Acknowledging that VERY few of the BCs we'd see around Albury are from registered breeders I will confess that it is a breed I have noticed far more storm phobia's in than any other breed. In at least 50% of surrenders of BC's it was due to storm phobia. I have also seen more BCs in our area in storms BUT that has to be balanced by the fact that they are a very, very popular breed on the Border.
  11. Congrats!!! I am SOOOOOOO happy for you!!! Look forward to Puppy Sweepstakes together
  12. You had better come and see all the flyballers!!! I want to meet a Fauve in the flesh!! And If LC and Nissa is there I am sure she would still have some admirers from the comp she attended Cool - I will be there!!!! Okay - entering tomorrow for the Royal as a bare minimum.
  13. Excellent - will make a decision tomorrow. Is Longclaw entered???????? Could I possibly see Nissa again????????
  14. Have entries closed for that or are they still open too?
  15. May need to take a dog up to Canberra Royal and was thinking, if I'm driving up I may as well enter Daphne. Can someone confirm for me that I'm reading Ozentries right and that Fauves are on 26 February, as are Hound Group Specials AND General Specials?????
  16. I agree with the thoughts in this thread wholeheartedly - my husband was always a wonderful support through my years in rescue and my kids long-suffering pound visitors. In hindsight, however, I wish that I balanced the two (family & rescue) better as it is now obvious that whilst they supported me they also resented it. So I say, as one who has left rescue now, to be sure to take the time to balance both and to be aware, more than I was, of how quickly the time with your small children passes so that you don't wake up one day and realise that you remember very little of when your youngest was a baby as you were so busy rescuing dogs.
  17. We painted ours but used one of the safe paints - safe for baby's rooms etc. Painted it about 3 weeks before pups were due, left it in the shed for a week and then brought it inside about 10 days before pups arrived and had no issues with paint fumes. Made it very, very easy to wipe down after she leapt out of the box spraying blood everywhere after the first pup was born too .
  18. Hmmm not sure if I can completely differentiate for looks alone. I think Fauves are adorable both in looks and personality so will always pick them first but after them, based PURELY on looks.... Borzoi Afghan Hound Portugese Water Dog (love the feel of their coat!) Bedlington Terrior (whats not to love about a sheep ) Dandie Dinmont Terrier
  19. I have a JRT who will be 12 next month (we've had him for 11 years). He has Corneal Dystrophy so started with SOME vision which has slowly faded over the years until he is now close to completely blind, if not completely. People are always surprised to find out that he is blind until the kids leave something in his normal path to the dog run and he runs straight into it . Even when that happens he is tail-wagging, happy and continues on like nothing has happened - he has recently learnt that my "Uh" means he is about to bump into something and he slows down . Interestingly Mac also LOVES to play with the hose and has done since a tiny pup according to his breeder.
  20. Very true Rebanne. Where is that crystal ball again????
  21. I only know of one frozen AI with Fauves and it was sadly unsuccessful. I'm tossing up on it myself but am not convinced on the cost benefits compared to simply importing.
  22. That video was taken at the end of a play session that was instigated completely by the pup.
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