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Everything posted by Fergiesmum

  1. Thank you so much ..Specially for the links Crazy Cresties. EXACTLY what i was after. I gave him his 1st real bath today . A little scrub with Arebonne exfoliator (if my husband knew how much that was he would kill us both . lol) and a teatree shampoo (cheap n cheerfull somone donated) And he will get some coconut oil once the school run is done. I am familiar with crestie teeth issues but not well read . So thank you . I have s Tzu cross which has teeth that looks like a car crash. He has had 10 removed so far. I am trying to save the last one at the back but its not looking or smelling good. My Tzu is a rescue. We have been fostering for 3 years so are WELL versed in teeth.....the most common and expensive ailment. I will do a close up of the balackheads flame ryder........there are thousands!!! Zeddy has not been well socialised with big dogs. We actualy have to leave a park on the weekend as he carried on like a pork chop. Pic of my non human children...Jasmine Devon Rex, Fergus Tzu x Dashy and Zed the inside out dog. lol And husband . :) Thanks again for the input. xxx
  2. Thanks so much for your replies. My little guys name is Zed. It was Cedric when i got him. I am his 4th home and last. He is apparently a crestie crossed with a silky terrier. Although i believe that his lack of hair may be due to one of his parents being very inbred with its siblings etc (puppy farming grrr). He is 10 months old and gorgeous. Not well socialized but getting there. Although we haven't taken him out much as he has only just been vaccinated and desexed a week ago. He hasn't had a bath yet as I didn't want to freak him out in his first week and the 2nd week he had his desex. I am currently wipeing him over with water and an enjo or norwex cloth and them using a little coconut oil. I just really want the best for him and was wondering if there were any specific products for cresties or recommended products.
  3. I have just got a chinese crested pup 10 months old. What would you recommend for skin care? I have read about regular bathing etc. I am after recommendations of brands of products. Ie What shampoo, moisturizer and sunscreen. :) I was told coconut oil...Thoughts?
  4. I have just got a chinese crested pup 10 months old. What would you recommend for skin care? I have read about regular bathing etc. I am after recommendations of brands of products. Ie What shampoo, moisturizer and sunscreen. :) I was told coconut oil...Thoughts?
  5. Thanks guys I shall give The Gap and also Vicky Pt a call. Maylee is such a love and I really want to see her pain free and get rid of her manky breath. She is starting to come out of her shell and playing. So great to see. desexing,
  6. Hi . This is my first post so bare with me. 3 days ago I received a bischon. They said she is 5 years old, has just had pups and they had to rehome her. Without going into the appalling state she was in , the major things are her teeth. I have seen a vet to check if she has mastitis...nope :). He said she had the most awful teeth he had seen in a long time. Her breats stinks like a dead skunks butt! The vet said accord Inge to her teeth she could be a 5 year old puppy farm bitch to a 12 year old dog who had been fed crap food. Anyway , she has just stopped breast feeding/ nursing..... (What ever you call it I dogs) and the vet has suggested desexing her now and doing her teeth extractions and cleaning at the same time. My Q,s are ...A do you think extractions and desexing ( after just stopping feeding) at the same time are a good idea? B Can anyone recommend a reasonable priced vet in Brisbane ( I am at Loganholme). I volunteer for a rescue so funds are hard to come by. . Maylee is such a love and i need her to be pain free ASAP. Cheers.
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