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Everything posted by espinay2

  1. Even if there was one, and I cant see that happening, members who have been here for any length of time probably wouldnt even bother looking at it. They're quite capable of searching ads themselves if they want to. Exactly, it serves no useful purpose. As I mentioned upthread, we monitor gumtree by having an email alert in place for NSW for the two breeds we rescue. Sometimes you don't intervene, sometimes it looks like a mess in the making and you do. DOL doesn't have to be involved. As to why Gumtree, I suppose we monitor there because it is the home of choice for many fringe sales activities and that is almost always where people flogging off/giving away their 9 to 18 month old difficult adolescents show up. But I think what HW is objecting to is not people monitoring the environment to pull pure bred breeding dogs from the BYB pool, but people deliberately driving past the train wreck, and then wanting to drive the rest of us for a look as well without any intention of doing anything practical to improve anything. The world is full of idiots, I'd rather discuss the smart, useful and interesting aspects of dogs. Agree totally. There is no value in voyerism. (Though unfortunately some people seem to get a kick out if it).If you are not the emergency services, or the person calling them DIRECTLY when needed to get help, then you are the person slowing the traffic to look or calling the radio station to say how horrible it is. Serves no purpose.
  2. Just make sure if you bring in semen that you bring in as much as you can in case it takes a few goes to get a litter..... And always count on a 'breeding unit' bring more that the number of straws the overseas vet specifies.
  3. Costs depends on where it is coming from. Excluding stud fee, have about $3000 handy on average to cover vet fees for collection, shipping, import fees etc. May cost you less, but may not. It may also cost you more, especially if you are not sharing a tank for shipping. Waiting for a joint shipment if one is available can decrease costs significantly depending on how many you are sharing it with. I recommend contacting a shipper to help you with everything. I use Cryogenes and have found them to be excellent every time. Costs for AI will depend on who you use and how close they are to you. The length of time you board your bitch with the repro vet will change how much it costs. If you are able to be on hand to manage the trips to the vet for progesterone testing yourself (every three days from about day 5 then every day once it starts to rise) then you save boarding fees - otherwise it is best the bitch is boarded on site. Without boarding fees or with minimal boarding put aside around $1000 for progesterone tests and AI etc and that should about cover it.
  4. Yes, that is exactly my vets opinion. So I expect you know what he thinks of the intelligence of the Canine Controlling bodies. But then they are not making the rules for the benefit of the dogs, they are pandering to those they fear will cause them trouble if they dont please the animal libbers and those who consider their dogs to be fur babies. Seems and awful lot of the eticals dont talk much to the repro experts as they seem to always be prattling the dont breed em young n never more than once a year minimum. Yet even gynacologists are agast at how more dangerous it is for both mother and child the older a human mum is before she has her first child, same for the canines too, but hey, to not toe the popularist line is to be automatically "unethical" n thats darned dangerous isnt it fed properly most bitches are fat by the time they are next in heat, but the few that arent then obviously are asking for a break but we surely dont need blanket rules for all like we have now? This. Most well known canine reproduction specialists recommend back to back breedings. Well known US repro guru Dr Hutchinson certainly does. Some info in these links: This is a basic summary of the issue: http://www.everythin...ew_page_195.htm A Q&A with Dr Hutch which includes some discussion on the issue: http://www.veterinar....plx?P=A&A=1224 Some points to note - the uterine lining degrades whether a bitch is bred or not and can actually degrade more if she is not bred. I remember a bitch I had speyed at 7 (she was never bred) whose uterus was a horrible spongy thing when removed (endometrial hyperplasia as Dr Hutch mentions). Very glad I didn't wait any longer! The older a bitch gets and the less often she is bred the more at risk she is of pyometra. This in particular is some info very worth reading: http://www.vetnext.c...057642019%20318 Note the following: "Repeated exposure of the endometrium to high concentrations of estrogen followed by high concentrations of progesterone in the absence of pregnancy leads to cystic endometrial hyperplasia". Edited to add, this is what it looks like: http://research.vet.upenn.edu/SystemicPathology/Exam4/CommonSmallAnimalLesions/tabid/3649/galleryType/SlideShow/ItemID/591/AlbumID/56/Default.aspx
  5. Bit of a scam then really isn't it if they are just re-packaging products well known to the industry rather than offering something unique as the marketing implies. I note their products are now being sold in supermarkets.
  6. Wow are they quick! I couldn't pass up the offer and the two I ordered Friday arrived today!
  7. Norway for one will require dogs to be older before they come out. In my breed it is notoriously hard to get breeders to run dogs on and bringing in a larger dog can be a big deal for those with larger breeds as costs skyrocket with the extra weight. I know of quite a few dogs imported from Norway (three dogs in my own dogs recent pedigrees were imported to Australia from Norway).Do a google search for Australia on the words 'imp Norway'. Quite a sizeable list!
  8. Agree - is a mutt puppy oif some description. ALL puppies are sucker bait and cute - doesn't matter what they are :laugh:
  9. Change of season can cause shedding (and lots of dogs are blowing coat right now). General anesthetic and the stress it puts on a dogs system can cause shedding. Stress (caused by changes in routine, living conditions etc) can cause shedding. Lots of reasons why your dog may be shedding right now.
  10. Imagine you have an old dog who is perhaps a bit doddery, a bit thin in body or coat (perhaps a thyroid issue which you are medicating for) and not looking in its prime any more (a few people won't have to imagine, but just look at the beloved dog at their feet). Imagine that someone who doesnt know you sees your well loved and well cared for old dog, and thinks you are horribly disgusting and cruel as the dog is obviously in 'poor condition' and suffering...and then reports you to the RSPCA. They now have the right to enter your home (in NSW at least) and seize your dog as they can 'beleive' based on this report that your dog is subject to cruelty.
  11. The RSPCA considers docking to be cruel and a significant physical injury. Remember before entering the house they had not 'seen' the dog. But they 'beleived' it to be docked and therefore had suffered a significant physical injury. A long bow? we might think so, but they obviously thought they had a right under the legislation to break in and enter the house. And were sure enough about it for it to be filmed for public television.
  12. Note that that second clause in application can be applied in a VERY rubber manner when it comes to an inspector beleiving they have 'reasonable grounds', as the case Steve outlined above of the docked dog shows.
  13. No I would not be waiting for the changes. One thing forgotten about the changes too Is that from those countries where dogs can currently be brought out at a young age you will now have to wait till they are around 10 months to import them as the categories are being lumped together. So while the10 day quarantine is good it will also have a downside for some in other respects. I have visited dogs in nsw quarantine and always been happy with what I saw. Not much different to a boarding kennel in many respects. Their food policies are annoying though as they sem to need any changes given in writing rather than just noting themselves the dog needs more. That is probably the one thing I would be most vigilant about checking. All the dogs I have been involve with coming through there came through it well though.
  14. Just mix it in the chooks food/ feed in mash. Good for overall health and nice shiny feathers etc (a lot of showbird breeders use it). Livamol is a livestock feed supplement. Very popular and been around for years. Just not well known by the average pet owner i guess. As mentioned great for horses, chooks and other livestock as well as dogs. Available most produce stores (or online etc) and some pet stores will sell it in smaller kg lots in plain plastic bags.
  15. OK I am going to stick my neck out, noting that asessing from pictures can sometimes give you the wrong idea of a dog and getting your hands on them is really the only and best way. My pick is number 2. While the standard calls for a short neck, the picture of pup number one looks to be too short. If you draw a line from the withers horizontally across, the head of no1 is mostly below the line. Now it could be just the photo so best to look at it in a mirror. Even with a short neck, the head should be above the line. Below the line can indicate a problem with shoulder angulation for example. no 2 also has a more level topline. No 1 seems to slope across the loin, though you would need to check if it is a result of how the rear is set up for the photos.
  16. Yep, have a 10kg bag and it has lasted a loooong time even with giving to chooks etc as well as dogs. Can't remember what I paid for it! :laugh: at Vehs. Well they are French - and fashion is everything :laugh:
  17. Not a term I actually like. I would note too that the terminology used by canine councils is 'for the betterment' of the breed which really has a different connotation to 'to better'. I agree that a breed can not really be 'bettered' as it is what it is. There are a set of parameters ( the standard for instance) which defines what the breed is and what makes it instantly recogniseable and distinct. What a breeder can do though is work to improve the individuals that make up the gene pool for the breed. As well as working to ensure other aspects are not lost. 'For the bettermen't also implies looking to the welfare of the breed as a whole and not jeopardizing the future of that breed by degrading the gene pool or bringing the breed into disrepute. For the betterment is as much about maintaining a breed as it is about improving individuals within it which is something that the common use terminology 'to better the breed' doesn't convey.
  18. As opposed to the same amount for 400g I do get a 'fancy' container and scoop though
  19. Yeah was funny. Couldn't belive it when I realised it. Felt quite duped as I was just buying something I used and liked anyway, and generally paid a LOT less for! :laugh: I usually check things out thoroughly before I buy them. That will teach me to be more vigilant next time. But you don't generally expect a company to be passing off what is a well known, well used, long time product as their own and charging you way more for the privelige.
  20. Yes, both the 'dilute' gene (d) and the 'liver' gene (b) (it is called different things in different breeds - liver/brown/chocolate but is the same thing) which creates 'isabella' (sometimes called lilac/fawn) Both of these genes are recessives so the dog needs to carry two dilute genes and two liver genes (one of each from each parent) for it to be expressed. This is why it is not an overly common colour (though is the common colour for Wei's) The dilute gene is the same for all, it is just what it is acting on that changes. What other genes a dog has changes the effect the dilute has. Important to note that the gene for liver (liver and black are eumelanin) is completely separate to the gene for red (phaeomelanin). Red may be diluted slightly by a dilution gene but there is not usually much effect. Dogs can have a coat that looks entirely sable or recessive red but have dilute nose colour. The dog is dilute (dd), but the genetic colour of the hair masks it except for where there is no hair and it is visible on the skin.
  21. Yep, slip leads in every car and usually in the pocket for us. I buy them in bulk lol! From here http://www.countrybrookdesign.com/
  22. My favourite site is http://www.doggenetics.co.uk/
  23. They are good. We have one in the kitchen and it is soo nice to not be walking through puddles anymore!
  24. Have a container of the Rufus & Coco Super Skin and Coat here to try out. Opened it up and became VERY suspicious, so grabbed out the bucket of Livamol. Yep, looks exactly the same. Did some further close comparison on the ingredients and analysis - yep, is the same thing!!! Guess I won't be bothering with the fancy packaging and super sales talk any more :laugh:
  25. Where abouts in Luddenham do you get you meat espinay2? A place you don't go if you are squeamish ...... But meat is very fresh and you know exactly what you are getting.
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