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Everything posted by Mogda
Hi to all who have offered advice so far. I have resurfaced to have a few minutes to go on the laptop to ask a quick question and to update how the pup and I are progressing. . . or not progressing. I am still experiencing maybe 4 totally crazy periods with the pup absolutely off the air! These crazy sessions last from as little as 30 mins and can be up to 4 hrs, as it was last night. In the crazy sessions she continually bites, rips anything she can grab on the bites, grabs onto shoes as you walk jumping and biting. Barking at any attempt to discipline. We try the yelping, growling redirecting to toys and finally put on the leash to take outside. Outside is no help when shes in one of these periods as she does the exact same thing and hates the leash; she has almost eaten through it at this stage. I have not been able to take her for an extensive walk as she refuses either just sits and wont budge, or she grabs the leash in her mouth attempting to pull and direct me to where she wants to go. The toileting is still rather haphazard as most of the time she sees outside as play and inside her place to go to the toilet. Sleeping at night hasn't much improved either as she normally wont go off to sleep until about 11pm. When she settles I have to rush around and do integral household stuff as because of the crazy periods nothing else happens apart from stopping her from ripping into myself, the furniture everything, and the other household members. I usually join her in the lounge room about 12ish to try and grab some sleep although she's usually awake again by then. I have the room nice and dark and quiet but it takes me a good hour to make her sit next to lounge calm down, lie down and go off to sleep. She wakes about 3am, I take her quietly out to go to toilet and bring her back in and repeat quite calm lie down procedure. Usually after another hour of continually pushing her back down and taking her mouth of the lounge and stopping her from ripping the fabric and scratching up the polish off the floorboards she drifts off to sleep maybe until 5.30/6am. Last night at the 3am session I had to put her on the leash as that's the only way she would stay in same place and I slept holding onto the leash, she eventually went off to sleep. She is a very impatient pup and wont even stand still when shes going to the toilet; she has to keep trying to walk off in the middle of weeing or using her bowels. I think this describes her personality. I have tried with treats to teach her not to do something, but she just continues to do it until I know she cant have anymore treats as she has already had too many; but nothing has changed. . . shes still doing the same thing I had been trying to teach her not to do. RE the crate training thing I did that one night and it took me a long time to get her to settle but she did go off I suppose after about an hour of barking and howling. When she awoke a couple of hours later I took her out to toilet bought her back in and put her back into the crate, but she went so crazy thrashing wildly around squealing, yelping as she hurt herself,barking and howling I had to let her out as she thrashed her head so hard and ripped at the cage with her teeth so crazily I was concerned she was really going to injure herself badly. She now will go nowhere near the crate; before that incident she would go into the crate voluntarily and have tiny naps. Please excuse my long text, but I may not get another chance for a while to get back onto the laptop, and I really need some advice to try and change things around.
My connections playing up today so sorry for two same posts but it says the connections down and so I resend the post.
Yes true. So I suppose if I'm say just upstairs for a little while getting changed or cleaning teeth etc. puppy should be safe in closed crate?
Yes true. So I suppose if I'm say just upstairs for a little while getting changed or cleaning teeth etc. puppy should be safe in closed crate?
Silly statement saying "keep the pup quite and settled" it should have said. . . trying as much as is possible, with a healthy and normal 10 wk old puppy to be quite and settled.
Ha yes you're right I'm sure. I was responding because today really is the first day she has actually been going in to the crate and have little sleeps and I thought it maybe too soon to push with the closed door scenario? I thought possibly that if I used the closed crate thing too soon she may star to see the crate as a bad place. I'm inexperienced I'm afraid with puppies as it has been 15 years since we last had a pup. With only other males in the house and the youngest being 18, they are 'unable' to 'cope' with the crying and barking. So trying to appease everyone and keep the pup quite and settled.
Hi and thanks. Yes we have had a crate loaned to us and she has been going in there sometimes for little naps but no closing the door at this stage as she howls and barks. I will be buying a play pen tomorrow for sure. I keep the crate in the lounge room where I am sleeping at present to keep an eye on her as she doesn't sleep much at night. With toileting she goes out very regularly but will almost always hang-on to go until we get back inside.Unfortunately she has it back to front at this stage. I am buying some sort of scent spray tomorrow to hopefully unmark the places she returns to go to most times.
HI and thanks for your info. I think I may have just replied to you but new to these forms so let me know if I hadn't sent it properly.
7 days ago my son and I bought a Labrador retriever puppy. She is 10 weeks old now. I am having trouble with knowing how to help her to live a less destructive and somewhat more peaceful inside life with us. It has been an intense 7days with very limited sleep. It is 24hrs of every day consists of stopping her from eating through electric cords, lounges, doors, chairs, remote controls, phones and basically anything she can fit her mouth around. She has ripped our clothes, badly bitten fingers and scratched our arms, legs and faces. I take her outside regularly and she has a good play. I play with her inside with plenty of toys but she cannot be left alone at any stage. I am on a 34hr shift with her and its exhausting. She is also completely confused about toilet training as she refuses to go whilst outside and holds on until we get back inside. I take her our on all the normal queues after sleeps, playing, eating drinking etc. But she always waits until back inside. On the few times she has actually gone to the toilet outside I have given her a treat and really praised her, but it has only been a couple of times as for some reason she has got it all back to front. Could you please help me with some ideas to help. I am happy to work hard to help her become a good dog, and its not just being lazy and expecting it to just happen. But I am absolutely exhausted and completely overwhelmed just seeking some help. I have registered her for a puppy school starting on the 23rd November. Thanks for you time and look forward to any help out there.