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Everything posted by jshaytana

  1. i had a wee little dog come from the pound with kc. It was very mild and went away within about a week and a half. I didnt treat her with anything. The vet told me it would clear itself. This dog was 7 at the time.
  2. Borage is a herb that is easily grown in your garden. You can actually make tea out of it! eta. image from google
  3. oh cleo that sounds awful. i had a poodle once who's glands used to get blocked. it was disgusting. I could never stomach squeezing them so i used to get the vet to do it. I'm sure your vet will be ok with it. good luck!
  4. I'm with cowanbree. I put my 15 yo dog to sleep 12 months ago. I regret it. He still had some time left. I felt pressured by other people. He was blind (had been for 6 years) found it a bit hard on his back legs at times and slept a lot right next to me of course. I think other people find your old dogs a bit disgusting but pretend they dont want to hurt your feelings. I new he didnt have all that much longer and decided to put him to sleep before he suffered. But i regret it. I wish i had not let other people make me feel guilty. Your mum is the one that needs to make the decision and you need to be there to support her either way.
  5. well jasmine is home with her 2 front paws bandaged. the bandages come off on friday. she's a bit sooky so i have been giving her lots of cuddles. i am happy the claws are gone so she cant get hurt by them again but it cost me $290. she weighs 3.3kg. oh the expense of having pets. i dont spend that much money on myself. (that was with a discount). mind you i do get good quality care for my dogs at this vet.
  6. sorry dont know how to spell "dew" my youngest papillon, Jasmine, jumped out of my wheelbarrow yesterday and bent her dew claw back. it was hurting her and she limped on and off. i took her to the vet this morning (had to take the other papillon, Abby, anyway) and they recommended removing both claws. i agreed to do this. is this common? idont know much about these claws. will she be able to walk initially? i'm about to ring to see how she is.
  7. just thought i would update. the vet said it was a bush tic so not dangerous. she said to remove any in future with metho and drown them in it. the vet said from bairnsdale and any further east you have to be careful of paralysis tics but you dont get them around melbourne. some info for fellow victorians. thanks again everyone for the advice.
  8. good luck today, i know how you feel. it's good when it is all over. my little girl still has her stitches in (desexed last thurs) and she is just fine. doesnt stop the worrying though does it. they can all react quite differently to the surgery so give lots of cuddles and it will all be over soon!
  9. thanks everyone i pullled the tick off making sure it all came out. i've kept it in a container to show the vet and my dog seems perfectly normal. thanks for your advice and the next time i'm at the vet i'll let you know what they say. thanks again!
  10. i just found a tic on my dogs snout. i think it might have been there yesterday but i didnt have a close look and thought it was dirt. Today it is bigger and definitley a tic. kind of dark greyish in colour. she is well so I dont think its a nasty one. should i take it out? how do i do it? or do i need to get a vet to do it? (hate to pay $38 for something i might be able to do myself ) really appreciate some advice. thanks
  11. i have 2 papillons and they eat advance dry food. i give them the recommended amount per day. i guess that costs me $5 per week per dog. occasionally they get chicken necks but as they only eat 1 or 2 each the cost is negligible. they also get a few scraps but it's hard to calculate that into the cost. they only weigh 3kg and 3.5 kg and have 1/2 acre to run around on but dont do a lot. zoomies a few times a day. most of their day is spent inside or going for a ride in the car. i also have a golden retriever and i give her the recommended amount of supercoat. she also does zoomies a few times a day but is a bit overweight (30kg) and i should walk her more regularly. \she also gets scraps. i suppose she would cost me (with bones as well, and the rest of 1kg of chicken necks occasionally) $10 a week max. hope this helps.
  12. Kaye you dont sound nutty at all. when i read about maya it just reminded me of how difficult it was when i had to put rigby and shay to sleep. having a pet for that long and them being part of your life for so long is not an easy thing to get over. and it gave me an opportunity to tell someone of my dream. I cried all last night but today i feel much better. that dream always makes me cry it was very powerful. i dont cry about rigby's passing now though. i just feel sad. i know in time i will be able to manage to think of him with fondness and love without feeling sad. it just takes time. i dont think i could have stopped the crying back then though. it was just a matter of taking it a day at a time until the grief started to ease. your grief will ease too but it has to come out first. every tear lets a little bit more out i think. i know how you must be feeling. dont worry about expressing. thats another way to let it out.
  13. i was reading kaye's thread about maya. rip maya. i didnt want to hijack the thread so i thought i'd start a new one. i had my little 14 y.o. toy poodle (rigby) pts about 9 months ago and i havent told anybody this. maybe its easier to type it. i pts my 16 y.o. cat (shaytana) at the same time. i buried them both in my yard. grief runs so deep with loved pets. i was grieving terribly and cried every day several times a day for weeks. i couldnt seem to let go. about 3 weeks later i had a dream. i was in a room and my mother was there (dont ask me why, she lives interstate). all of a sudden both rigby and shay were there at my feet. i kept saying to my mum "look they're here, they're here" but she couldnt see them. she said "maybe they have come to say good-bye" i bent down and picked up shay. she was a bit dusty/dirty and i gave her a pat and said goodbye. i put her down and picked up my little boy. (he was blind for the last 7 years of his life and i treated him like a little baby, never went anywhere without him, had a baby sling etc. he put on a lot of weight after going blind and was quite heavy) in my dream, when i picked rigby up, he was so light. i said to my mum he's so light, i was bawling my eyes out. i gave him a hug and had my arms crossed over in front of me. i was so distressed i actually woke up with my arms crossed over and tears pouring down my face. the next day i cried all day. and when i think about that dream i cry. i couldnt speak of it because it made me cry. it was very real. i wonder if they did really come and say goodbye. the sadness has eased but i still miss them both terribly but especially rigby. i have 2 new dogs now. i love them dearly. And even though the pain is sometimes excrutiating the joy of having pets really is worth having to say goodbye. everyday i spend with my new dogs i make the most of it.
  14. i had a little 15 year old poodle boy. he was blind, had benign tumours, back legs were a bit wonky and he was on medication for his heart. He didnt do much but was with me almost 24 hours a day. i had a baby sling and would take him out on walks with by other dog. people kept saying to me i should put him to sleep but inside i knew it wasnt time. he would wag his little tail at me when i said his name, he would go to the toilet on cue when i took him outside. in the end i did put him to sleep but it was because i felt pressured from others and thought maybe i couldnt see objectively. but he wasnt suffering and i regret that decision. i dont know about your aunt but i think i would have known when the time was right and i should have listened to myself. at least your aunt wont have this regret. rip ewok you were very loved to reach 18 y.o.
  15. Hansky mum, hope your 2 girls are going well. give us an update when you can jas's stickybandgae came off with scissors and a bit of hair. stitches out on monday i'll be glad when she is fully recovered
  16. it is exactly one week since my dog was speyed and guess what, this morning she is back to her usual self it took a whole week. she still wasnt moving off the cushion yesterday but this morning she was barking at me to get her some food and chewing things up and playing with her toys. what a relief... at least now i know it can take a long time
  17. hansky mum, boy, i can understand why you might be worried and there is always risks associated with surgery but.... you should try not to worry so you can be there to look after your dogs. like my vet said, different dogs have different responses to surgery so you will have to try to be brave and be there for your babies. i hope they fair well.
  18. chicko when i was at the vets today, they did say that individual dogs react differently. they said some bound out the door after surgery and it hard to keep them quiet and some are like mine and take more time to recover. i guess you wont really be able to tell until sunday night. do you live near work so you could pop home and check on him in your lunch hour or breaks? (if you get any)
  19. good to hear lucy is brighter. i would expect dogs to get brighter and better with each passing day, but my little one is still on her cushion and still hasnt had anything to eat or drink oh well...i think she really is very sooky
  20. Well i took little Jas to the vet this morning. They thought she was a bit miserable but the wound is ok. They put some soothing cream on the red parts of her belly, wrapped up her belly (yes right around her back, its sticky too so it will be fun getting it off on friday) and they gave her a clavulox injection, a rimadyl injection, and some tablets of each to take home. i'm so glad they didnt didnt charge me for the consult because all that was $72 she has proceeded to pull all the cotton wadding out from under the bandage but seems to be resting peacefully. she hasnt had anything to eat today or drink but i'm not taking it to her in the hope that the sooner she is up and about the better she will feel. i'm glad i took her to the vet, i feel better, and hopefully she does too.
  21. thanks everyone for your responses. my dog will go outside to go for a wee but squatting appears uncomfortable for her and she looks behind her as if something is biting her. occasionally she will jump up and turn around quickly (like something is biting her) and then lick the stitches (no chewing on them yet) she will eat when i offer her food, and in herself she seems bright and alert when you give her some attention. i will take her to the vet tomorrow just to be sure. i'll let you know. she is usually such a fiesty little dog it's not the same around here with her being so quiet she has never experienced anything like this before so i'm sure she's confused. i'll let you know what the vet says. if anone will downsize photos for me i could post one of her. she's a cutie.
  22. my little dog (2.6kg) is 7 months old and was speyed on thursday. when she tries to walk around she cries out, sits down on her bum kind of on one side and licks at her tummy area. the wound looks quite good, clean and not red. it seems as if: when she runs it pulls and it hurts her or the stitches are digging into her i cut the sticking out bits a bit shorter but it hasnt made any difference when it hurts her she just sits and wont move again. i pick her up and put her back on the cushion. she did go outside for a poo, i heard her yowling and she was laying on top of her poo and wouldnt get up. i carried her inside again. its been a long time since i had a dog de-sexed but i dont remember them being immobile for so long. my memory is that its usually harder to stop them from running and jumping about. jas has spent the last 3 days 95% of the time on her cushion. she wont get up to eat or drink. i bring it to her. (if i dont she wont get up) i left some cooked chicken a few feet away from her for the whole morning this morning and she wouldnt get up. i finally took it to her. no i have never had to do this for her before. it could be that she is just the ultimate sook. stitches to come out in about 7 to 10 days. should i take her back to the vet??
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