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I hope mine eats spiders!!! :p
Way too cute Yonjuro!
I'm pretty sure I saw what was an adult WSSD up at the kids school yesterday...gorgeous! Quite cute cause the owner was trying very hard to keep it focused on him and sitting and "staying" but the poor thing was SO excited about all the kids and cars and trucks lol.
Oh my, how gorgeous is Laci!? She looks so posh lol :p when does she come home? Very exciting dotdashdot...bet those 9 days drag though lol.
How exciting!! How old is Laci now? We have two weeks to wait till we can see ours...but a friend just texted me to say there are Golden Retriever puppies at my local shopping centre pet store...so I'm thinking of ditching the housework and going out for a coffee and staring at the cute puppies in the window for a few hours lol.
Awwww, Precious is gorgeous!! Congrats :D Love that photo of her at the window, ridiculously cute :)
dotdashdot - how exciting! Are you able to visit the puppies and chose one in person? Or are they too far away? Totally agree the kids will need training too...I've bought some books for the kids to read on being a dog owner and we plan to have them come to puppy school with us to watch/be involved.
Hi ! :) I'm new here...let me start by saying Frank and Waffles are ridiculously cute!!! We're getting our first ever dog, he's 3 weeks old today so we should get him in about 6 weeks :D Super Super excited...he's a Golden Retriever. Have done loads of reading, organised vets, puppy schools and puppy daycare, spent ridiculous amounts of money on everything puppy related and even imported an awesome crate from the US. I have two kids 9 and 13 years old who don't know we're getting a puppy, thought it might be nice to surprise them with it...started off not telling them because we wanted to wait till it was all set in stone, now we're thinking it'd be cool to spring it on them :D
Oh my, he is GORGEOUS!!! I loved looking through all those growing up photos! We're getting our very first dog in 6 weeks time, also a Golden Retriever boy. The days are dragging by SO slowly the only way to pass them is to spend an awful lot of time shopping for puppy supplies and admiring other puppies online like your Hank :D