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Everything posted by stvn

  1. First let me start this off with the fact I am in no way shape or form a breeder which will be obvious when I ask the following; What are the required health checks I should go through before allowing my dog to stud? He is a Pure American Bulldog, Johnson line. I am asking this because I was approached at the vet and had someone ask me if my dog would mate with his American Bulldog. I thought it would be fine, so I told him to give me a ring when he wanted to do it. I have now done some research and have seen that certain health checks are required, but most people go off on a tangent talking about champion dogs etc. I would just like to know what to specifically what I need checked so I can A) Let him breed if he is healthy or B) Not allow him to breed encase there is a genetic problem with him. Thanks
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