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Everything posted by mickadaman

  1. ..and if a dog is so ill .. then it may well just die anyhow I have owned dogs for 50 yrs, worked at a Vets for many years ... and have seen more vomiting/diarrhoea than I want to remember ! There are many many causes - from very serious infections, to blockages, to other ilnesses in other organs , to parasites, to eating/drinking stuff ..and there is NO way anyone can tell , unless they are trained, and can see /touch the dog. You are doing the right thing. Late, yes.. but the right thing . I definatly will take him to vet frist thing tomorrow morning.
  2. Your friend probably left it too long before he took his dog to the vet and you are in danger of doing the same. If you post your suburb, people on this forum will be able to recommend good vets in your area. I live in marrickville, I used to take my dog to croydon park vet.
  3. thanks for your wish, my mates dog had the simular issue but alot better, took him to vet, gave couple injections, passed away at night. that's why some time im scared to take my pet to vet.
  4. But he has being like that for a week, I left plenty of fresh water for him
  5. I have given worming tablets one per month, flea control is on but there is still one or two you might see on him
  6. Hi all I have a pomeranian left to me from my mum as she has gone to overseas for good. He is eight years old and still as energetic like he was 2. But for the past week, at first I noticed he was drinking alot of water (I mean alot like for his size drinking half a bowl at a time). Than right after that it was vomiting and diarrhea with slice blood can be seen in the feaces. So I decided to give some antibiotics and cut his meals for 24 hours as being advised from internet. He has stopped vomiting and diarrhea, but when I went to look at his feaces this morning, its kind of like it has the shape but liquidised no blood though. And he don't want to get out of bed (not used to be like that), after he gets up, still as energetic as usual. I will take him to vet tomorrow, but could any one might have experience in this what this might be? What I can do in the mean time to make him feel better? By the way, my mum said his last vaccine was given in 2009, could'nt remenber what it was for. Hope you guys can help
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