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Everything posted by husky700

  1. Update! I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and advice. After reading everyones post and taking everything into consideration, I sought out other husky owners and talked to them about how they treat their companion and what they thought of my scenario. First thing i did was remove all her hiding spots and held her by my side in her shed for 1-2hours for 3 days in a row. She now follows me into the shed every time. She is a lot better now and often follows me around the back yard without much prompt. The result from introducing her to a lot of my friends and family is that she no longer hides from people. I have walked her around my area a couple of times and find she gets easily distracted by other people and loud noises. She often just stops and refuses to move until the person has passed or refuses to go past loud construction areas so I have been walking her early morning and late nights and also get her to sit with me in my front yard whilst I do my work so she can get used to strangers passing by. Her personality is still shy and timid but she doesn't bark or howl to disrupt my neighbours or destroy my garden which is good. I have spent countless hours sitting in her shed doing my work next to her, comforted her through stormy nights and given her my absolute patience. I am happy with my efforts and believe we have taken a small step forward. I am looking into getting some proper training in the following weeks. I would like to thank everyone again for taking time to provide their words of wisdom.
  2. Hey everyone, thanks for your reply, I have just spoken to a fellow husky owner at petbarn and she advised me of some groups I can seek help/advice from. I am going to be optimistic and give this dog a chance before i give her up. I genuinely enjoy the company of dogs. My cousins has two small dogs which i have a very good bond with as I look after them when they are on holiday. I will ask to borrow them over the weekends and see how that goes. I will keep you guys updated.
  3. Hello, my name is Joseph and I recently adopted a 7month Female husky. I apologise in advance for the lengthy read. Husky's background. She was raised with both her parents her entire until they were both sold a week or so ago to a breeder. Prior to this the owner said she was very playful and friendly with their kids. When i visited her 2 days ago, the owner told me she had been home alone in the backyard for 2 days and at the time she seemed really frightened and did not respond to the owner's call, though I am not sure if this was because I was around. She was constantly hiding in a thick bush in the corner of the yard and would run/refuse to move when the owner approached to get her out. He got her out several times but she would just run back into the bushes as soon as he let her go. She kept her head down the entire time and looked incredibly frightened. I agreed to take her in as the owner's were moving to Perth soon and I wanted to help her. I spend several moments with her before I tried to walk her to my car but she refused to move so we picked her up and placed her in my car. She has not had any formal training. She has only socialised with her parents, owners and their kids. Situation at home. During the 40 minute car trip home, she lay flat across the back seat and did not look up or at me even though I'd call her name and checked up on her during red traffic light stops. When we arrived home I sat in the back with her for an hour before I put a collar and leash on her and to get her out. She refused to move and so i eventually had to carry her in my backyard. The previous owners never let her into their house so i thought it would be a good idea to keep her in my yard before I introduce her inside. As soon as i placed her down in a 1.5X3m empty wood shed which i had prepared earlier, she bolted and ran along the fence and tried to squeeze through a small gap under our house. I did not chase when she bolted as i knew our fences were secure and paved with concrete. After i grabbed her lead and carried her back to the shed, i grabbed another lead and attached it to the one already on her and tied it to a pole besides the shed. I assume she has never been tied down before and do not plan to keep her tied up but I do not yet trust her. My fences are secure with concrete bases but I've read they are very smart and will figure a way to get out given time. Situation with me. For the past 2 days I have spent several periods of up to an hour just sitting nearby her, both inside and outside the shed and unsuccessfully tried to get her to approach my with the use of treats. She keeps her head tucked into the corner and tries to crawl under boxes whenever I am around. These are old boxes I have kept from before and did not think it'd be an issue. I have tried moving the boxes once but it resulted in her just curled up in the corner and looked extremely frightened so I decided to leave the boxes. The reason i have not gotten her a kennel is because the previous owner said she refused to stay one. I can hear her moving quickly to hide under the boxes every time i open my backdoor. I leave a trail of treats to get her outside of the shed when I am not around and it seems to work. She is eating very little which i assume is normal at this stage and does go to the toilet outside the shed. She never growls, whine or makes any other noises ever. What I am thinking of doing next. I am thinking of getting an Aerial Dog Run so she can explore more of the yard in her own time. I do not plan on letting her run free until she has a good relationship with my family. I have performed a few google searches on how to approach this situation but have noticed some contradictory tips, eg. some say i should show her affection whilst others have said not show sympathy (hugging/cuddling). The general consensus seems to be give them time to adapt. I am sure over time she will adapt to her surroundings but how do i get her to adapt to my family. I realistically cannot more than 3 hours everyday in the yard holding treats and waiting for her to approach me because i have other things to do. My parents both work till late so they can't dedicate more than an hour trying to bond with her. I would love to take her on runs with me but she is no where near ready yet. I do plan on getting professional training once I build a solid relationship with her. What specific actions should I be taking? Thank you for taking time to read my lengthy post. I welcome all positive feedback and advice.
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