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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Thats OK erny Your posts are always helpful and have been secretly praying you would pop into this thread to give me some advise I should of put a LOL at the end It is funny you say that about leadership erny, most of the foster dogs I have had have been surrendered for so called issues, when I get them here and start training I cannot see any of the problems or minimal problems their ex owners discribe, Pei need strong leadership or they walk all over you and become top of the pack Makes sense
  2. I have Pei erny, they need reminders about who is boss I am a naturally dominant person by nature, so he will get a reminder I have a friend who does animal behaviour, time to make an appointment I think
  3. Zeph will not pursue it with a pup, I am often amazed at what he will put up with but you are right it is too much of a risk This pup spends his time either laying on his back, licking the Pei's faces or crawling on his stomach to get their attention Back to the thinking board Most pups I have had like this overcome their food aggression when they realise there is plenty, it might just take him more time I am concerned though as the way he beserked But I intend on getting him through this and finding him the appropriate home
  4. Thanks erny that explains alot He has been spending more time around my adult Pei as both the pups are lacking in some doggy social skills I have been able to stop his aggression over pigs ears and other raw foods with TOT, maybe the red meat bone thing will disappear too Maybe if I crate him with a bone near my pei when they eat their bones he will notice their body language when they eat theirs? Zeph is pretty good with puppies and food and will growl and warn off, but never bite or lash out at a pup, might try to teach the pup the doggy way I know some adults dogs that are never given bones due to the same sort of behaviour, he might be one of those It is not reason enough for me to PTS, i just need to find him the appropriate home
  5. Glad to hear that Ollie is on the mend and I agree about his park visits, it is about quality of life not quantity
  6. It would only be a guess All 7 were dumped in the pound, no age was given I beleive they are around 10 weeks now and I have had them 3 weeks, they spent a week in the pound, so around 6 weeks
  7. Such a loss of a wonderful women I remember PMing Dianne and asking for some help on behaviour problems my brother was having with his GSD, she helped us through it so much, even though he was not one of her dogs She will be missed My sympathies to her family, friends and the dogs Sweet dreams Dianne
  8. PP. can you take some photos of her now to see what she is like? What do the adult dogs think of her? If I did not have the 2 pups I have here currently I would offer to take her and get Xrays, chiro etc done to see if it will help If my pups rehome soon would you like me to do that?
  9. I would not say a dog in a new environment who is used to eating with one other dog to then go and eat with a new pack of unknowns to be food aggressive, I think he is just fearful On another note Said puppy in question is only like this over red meat bones The pups had chicken necks today for lunch and he sat and waited patiently after he had finished his two for his sister to finish so they could play again So either TOT is working or he is red meat aggressive? has anyone ever heard of this?
  10. Thanks for that BB, that is how I feel He has always been top dog out of the three, being larger than his sisters The smallest has no issues and will make someone the best pet She was very protective of me when she was sitting on my lap and the others came over for attention, but she almost died on me and I really had to fight to keep her alive and spoilt her more I think I got that out of her quick smart and she will now share I really blame pounds for this, puppies only being feed once a day really makes them fight for food, lets hope Cosmolo can help with some training methods that I have not already used I will do what I have to do regarding him but it will really break my heart to have to put him to sleep
  11. Thanks for your replys I have tested him with a bone and a few different people including getting my 3 year old nephew to walk past him, all he did was drop the bone and follow my nephew to play My best freinds 10 year old took the bone off him no problem, he will even eat the bone near my Shar Pei adults and will walk away if they come near him, his bone aggression is only directed at his litter mates I normally would PTS, but there is something about him that is holding me back Normally I am ruthless in my rehomings and temp testing but in all other areas he tests beautifully He is not timid or over the top, all food can be taken off him by different adults, teenagers and even 2 people (my neighbours) who he has never meet walked straight up to him and took a bone I understand where you are coming from persephone and I am the same normally but with him I am holding off I have been in that same place ginger, having to PTS a litter of 3 for killing another pup and attacking me over food, but he is not like this I really beleive that this can be worked on by me and maybe in his new home, I know it is resourse guarding and I know he could decide in 6 months to guard a toy etc, but he is a really good pup (excpet for his barking, which is great now) that I have to try my best for him
  12. I was thinking the same but not as politely as you said Peibe I DOLerised my resonce for sensitive ears storm :rolleyes:
  13. If anyone did that to my pup kobblyness I would of picked them up by the scruff She could of done permanent damage
  14. I am currently fostering 2 out of a litter of 7 pups, I have already rehomed 1 and the other 4 were PTS due to no foster carers All three of the puppies were food aggressive, which is not that unusual coming from a BYB and once a day feeding pound environment I am unsure of breeding but going by the look of two and the colouring there is 1/4 at least Staffy in there, the boy acts like a working breed in attemping to herd the other dogs, so some working breed too. But they are really a 4 cross breed or more I would say When they first came into foster care I feed them seperately for 2 days, just to let them have their fill Then I introduced the 3 of them to eating out of their own bowls together, they had a few fights that I sorted quickly I give them bones and supervise eating, removing the bones when they have finished Once the female that has since been rehomed fully attacked the male and would not let go, she ripped his ear and put some holes in his head I worked with her over a week and she improved greatly and stopped the food aggression over bones The male has gone the smallest female a few times over bones, pigs ears etc anything that is out of his normal daily food Yesterday I heard a big ruksus while cooking dinner and realised I had left one small bone by mistake What I saw really worried me The male had the female on the ground by the neck and was shaking the s##t out of her, he has put small holes in her neck, ear and leg I got him off her and he immediately rolled over on his back to me, which he always does The girl was in shock, covered in dirt etc as he was dragging her around She is fine today and they are quite happily playing again This food aggression and the level he went to yesterday concerns me greatly, I have PTS pups before that have behaved this way as I beleive they are too unstable to rehome BUT this boy is so submissive with my adult dogs and with all people he meets It is just over bones I am able to take bones off them anytime with no problems I started TOT 2 weeks ago and the girls are fine now What would you do? I do not want to PTS but he worries me I am not set up for long term foster care for a pup with his issues, so this is weighing on my mind too ETA, I let them run with my dogs when I am there to supervise for about one hour per day but other than that they are seperate
  15. Sorry to hear of your loss GW I hope Emma is now free at the bridge watching over you
  16. Not sure if this will help or not but it helped me with a nighttime barker I fostered a ShihTzu that would start howling every night around 12.30am and again around 4am we tried everthing and were at the point of PTS when a friend who is a paediatric doctor asked if I would try something for her She uses this with kids who wake up repeatedly through the night The Shih Tzu woke up every night around 12.30am and barked, howled etc I was made get up at 12am and take her for a walk, have a cuddle give her a treat and then go back to bed at 1am At 3.30am I got up again and did the same thing After one week of the above I went to walking her at 11.30 and 2.30, then after 7 days 10.30 and 1.30, 7 days 9.30 and 12.30 During the second week she went backwards so we had to start again After 6 weeks she was cured Mischa has been rehomed now 2.5 years and has never done it since
  17. Glad to hear he is improving fingers crossed he is all well by Monday
  18. LOL they did not look stressed when I saw them Happy Huskys I would be getting them off tinned food and putting them on more bones and raw
  19. So sort of good news, sorry to hear he is in so much pain Keep fighting Ollie dog
  20. Rabbits do groom their ears, so no Bitter Bite
  21. Put Harry on a lead when Baxter is having his yard time and teach Harry to be quiet and sit and wait
  22. I had a rabbit living with my female Shar pei for the first year of her life before he past away I never ever left them alone, she was never allowed to chase him, chew on him, jump on him etc They where allowed to be in the yard at the same time and Gus the rabbit often slept with my bitch You can have a successful rabbit/dog relationship if you keep to simple rules, a 16 week old pup needs other pups to rough and tumble with, not a rabbit
  23. peibe


    Why do you have a 7 week old pup? Secondly what others have said is true He is telling her everything is his, most dogs do this The age gap is too close and unless you can seperate when you are not home, seperate for training, seperate to teach them they are their own dogs you are going to be in for trouble Sorry but I do not agree with someone having a 7 week old pup and letting them run around with a 5 month old
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