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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Sorry to hear this Cosmolo I hope it is nothing nasty
  2. Trish I am so sorry to read about this It has always been one of my biggest fears that I would have this happen, and when it did it gutted me totally, I withdrew from large scale rescue and took a back seat like I am now I hope Rowdys end was not too bad, I know of dogs that died in one bite to the jugular, no pain and I hope it was the same for him I hope your friend is OK too, to loose so many so quickly is horrific that is a beautiful picture Harminee, sure made me bawl too
  3. So sorry to hear of your loss Run free lovely slobbery girl, watch over your Mum
  4. The nose looks like Lupus I use Pawpaw ointment from the supermarket, it comes in a red tub, works better than vaso
  5. peibe


    I am so sorry to read of your loss To loose a companion is hard, to loose one so young is heartbreaking May Asher run free at the bridge free from pain with all the lovelies that have gone before him
  6. Is it growing from between her pads? Strange, but you always knew Angel was different LOL
  7. I cannot see it Take another photo please
  8. Great gillbear, will give you a call to see when I can get a Malt clipped as a Schnauzer LOL I bathed missy yesterday and got alot of the knots out, but her back legs and feet are knotty She more needs a general trip than a shave and I would prefer not to shave her off too much with how cold it is ATM Is that OK? She currently has a top knot to keep her fur out of her eyes Eyes are infected from bad teeth, I am waiting to get her into the vet this afternoon to get a full run down Her back cracks and she has a funny walk Poor old dear just sleeps and eats ETA, Fatima, soon to be named something less unsavory :rolleyes: will be staying or rehomed depending upon vet check I beleive she has a few more problems than is fair to ask someone else to take on, lumps and bumps on her left side stomach and the back crack, patellas, teeth, going blind Luckily my Pei where raised with SWF and love them, Jewel and Malt girl share the heater nicely
  9. I am bringing a Maltese bitch home tomorrow and after she has served her quaranteen she will need major grooming Who does cheap rescue rates in Newcastle or on the Central Coast
  10. she wants you to chase her A nice game of zoomies is what she has in mind LOL
  11. Boy that is sad I hope you find her and can put her to rest I hope you forgive yourself too, she could not of understood what you said RIP Tess
  12. I actually got tears in my eyes reading your post I am so glad that you doggy has an owner like you who is willing to work with him through his problems and love him no matter what Well done
  13. Could it just be the difference in daylight saving changes? One of mine will not eat his dinner until after 7pm, he does this every year
  14. So sorry to hear this RIP Houndie
  15. Dog: Jewel Breed: Shar Pei Age: When tested 5 years, 2 months ago Vaccinations had: C3 at 6 weeks, C5 at 11 weeks, C5 at 15 weeks, C5 at 1 year, C5 at 3 years Titer result: Parvo 80/100, Distemper 20/100, Hepatitis 10/100. Jewel suffers from Systemic Lupus so cannot be vaccinated Dog: Zephyr Breed: Shar Pei Age: When tested 4 years, 2 months ago Vaccinations had: C3 at 6 weeks, C5 at 10 weeks, extreme allergic reaction to KC vaccine, C3 at 14 weeks, C3 at 1 Year, C3 at 3 years Titer result: Parvo 80/100, Distemper 20/100, Hepatitis 10/100. I will not be vaccinating my dogs ever again, Jewel cannot be done ever, but if Zephyr's drop too low I might have too I beleive and so does my vet that Zephyrs C5 Vaccination at 10 weeks started his skin allergies
  16. I am pleased with myself and him LOL I am so glad I followed my gut instinct with him It has paid off Yesterday they had beef bones, he ate his first then got his tennis ball and played ball with me until Missy had finished, he did not go near her at all
  17. Piebe if my dog was stable I would walk her but she is far from stable. She is neither depressed or miserable at not having walks. She gets plenty of one on one attention. She's happy with short games of fetch and playing with the other dogs. She's gained 4.3kg in 3 months so no weight loss. She has full freedom of the house and yard as usual. Sophie's on a new trial of a multiple drug regime which includes one chemo drug every 48 hours. When she's no longer on this regime and when I'm advised it's safe to walk her then she'll be walked. My dog is under the care of an oncologist and I follow the advice given. The oncologist has a full understanding of the drugs she's prescribed and the effect they have on the immune system. I don't have this knowledge so I don't second guess the advice. Sophie feels quite well. If she were to pick up an infection then she would not feel well at all. I want her to feel well for whatever time she has left. As Jodie says, Ollie is desperate for his walks and pines to go out. It seems your dog is the same. If Sophie was depressed at not being walked we wouldn't continue with the drug trial. I want what is best for her. Jodie, I wish Ollie all the best on Tuesday. This little bloke can do anything. He'll sail through this. Sorry to hear about Sophie, I hope all is well for her, I read about the new drug trial she is on and I really hope it works The only reason Jewel became stable was because I started walking her again and it made her fight So very very glad to hear Ollie is doing the "Ollie thing" and making himself better Hope all goes well Sorry for the thread hijack
  18. She is so cute, love the name too Will help when my current pups are rehomed if you need it
  19. Sorry erny, it must not have been you Someone posted that feeding dogs together and supervising them created more problems I will try to find it, might of even been poodlefan? Sorry I keep implicating people We had success last night Late night dinner for the pups last night, I got home at 7.30 and put some chicken mince, pureed veges, egg shell, flax seed oil etc into their bowls with a small lamb strip on top, placed them into the puppy pen and walked inside. I stood just inside the door to see what would happen Neptune finished his dinner first and then SAT yes SAT and watched Missy finished hers and walk away before he went to inspect her bowl I made such a fuss over him he ran away from me after 2 minutes LOL I think I have gotten through to him
  20. What about lots of drives in the car, does that pick Ollie's spirits up?
  21. Peibe and lillysmum I'm not trying to argue with you but if you had a dog with cancer and an infection could kill them. The vets told you NOT to take them to the park would you take you own advice and take your dogs out knowing it might kill them? For the sake of quality of life? Cavnrott My Pei bitch has Systemic Lupus, she cannot be vaccinated, is prone to infections and has been through Chemo too, now under a naturalpath she is stable I locked her up, did not take her anywhere, refused to walk her, I was too scared I would loose her, she is my heart dog But she was miserable, she was listless and she was not fighting anymore to live, she lost 8.2kg in 2 months I started walking her again around my block and she picked up I am terrified that she will get an infection and die, every time I walk her and see her happy smiling face I know I am doing what is right for her, not what is right for me SL, sorry to hear about poor Ollie Zephyr had his cruciate done in his right back leg February 07, it was 6 months of slight exercise and lots of swimming before he was back to normal I hope all goes well for Ollie Dog
  22. I too am so glad I gave him a chance He is so lovely, rolls over on his back for tummy rubs and so wants to please, he loves to lean on you and get attention so much that getting a good rub is better than food Such a smart little boy, there has to be Border Collie in him, he has that brain LOL He also kills tennis balls, I have never had a pup so young rip apart tennis balls I think it was erny (not 100%) that wrote a post a long time ago about feeding dogs seperately is wrong, I cannot remember the exact reasons why but it made alot of sense
  23. Thanks for that BB I am pleased to say that Neptune is coming on in leaps and bounds He is now off the tie up at dinner time and will wolf down his dinner and then come to me for pats while I tell him how good he is and how nice he is etc He does still look at Missy's bowl but will not move if I say no He eats his bones slower now and when finished will snuggle into me for a cuddle while Missy finishes hers It is a big relief I am not saying he is out of the woods, but he is responding well to voice incouragement and lots of attention ETA, BB I do not like feeding them seperately, I have read that it creates more food aggression and does not really solve the issue
  24. My male Shar Pei does this when the grass is too long in the backyard or I have feed him beef He started doing it around 11 months
  25. Well I have been sitting with Neptune while they eat their bones and patting him, telling him he is a good boy etc He finshes first so then I put him in a sit and pat him, cuddle him and make him feel really special for not going near his sister If he moves towards her he gets a loud growly NO and put back in a sit He sat and watched her eat this morning, then he moved the opposite direction from her and brought me a tennis ball to play fetch Fingers crossed Post it anywhere BB
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