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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Sitting here with eyes full of tears knowing the pain and loss you must be feeling right now Having meet Xander I know you helped him alot and from what he came into rescue as until he left for the bridge he had a lovely life and you should be proud Run free big fella
  2. So sorry I put you through that I hope the rawness fades with time
  3. peibe


    There are no words I can offer to ease your pain Thinking of you and yours now Run free Hazel
  4. So sorry for your loss BB, and tell Bobo owners the same I have had over 170 Shar Pei Desexed, some as young as 8 weeks, never lost one or come close to loosing one I would be asking lots of questions and getting an autopsy done if it was my dog
  5. So sorry to hear about Ripley Please know that I am hear if you ever need a chat, just call anytime Run free sweet boy
  6. Depends on the walk Sometimes it is a training walk sometimes pleasure As my dogs age they get more pleasure walks, where we really only walk for around 45 minutes, but it is a slow meander Bunches my foster gets a 1.5 hour walk, 45 minutes pleasure, 45 minutes training in 10 minute lots
  7. I am looking for dog training on the Central Coast NSW, near Killarney Vale Not anything overly formal, just basic training and some socialisation for a foster dog with fear aggression
  8. Sometimes they electric shock the heart to get the right rythm back I hope all goes well
  9. So very sorry to read this Kyra I hope that the ultrasound is nothing to worry about and he can live a full life No comment on the breeder
  10. I agree with what others have said and especially morgan When I had pups fighting parvo I lost quite a few and currently have one now fighting the disease, it is horrific no words about it I did alot of reading into homeopathy and do beleive what morgan has said, added to conventional medicine it would help Tell him to come on DOL and do some reading about the heartache on here concerning parvo Some people have no idea His dog could be a carrier for all he knows
  11. So sorry Anne So very sorry There are no words that I could say to make your heart ache any less Know you have an angel watching over you Run free Sophie
  12. So sorry to read this, please give your Sister my sympathy I hope Tex has taught some a lesson, horrible way to learn and the dog paid the highest price of all I hope he did not feel any pain I have read your posts on Tex before and been happy that the mix worked well RIP sweet boy
  13. So sorry to hear of your loss There are not any words I can offer thatn make the pain any less, but time does heal the whole they leave behind Run free pretty girl
  14. peibe

    Sick Puppy?

    Glad to hear the puppy is better and on the improve Just to note too, not all rescues have a vet who will do desexing under 6 months, so does not mean the rescuer is at fault
  15. She is in 1.25mls I think daily Onslowsmum is her foster carer and will know I am considering transferring her to another treatment that a mangy pup is getting now and is improving faster
  16. Will give you a ring tomorrow O I think we need to stop the invermectin, it has been 2 months now and is not working We need to boost her immune system and try something else I am all for the Demodex, I will get some and post it up to you I wish she was near my vet
  17. Thanks WP I will probably go ahead, seeing as I can use it on Blossom and the new girl coming in too I have a 8-12 week old pup with Demodex coming in almost as bad as the pup you had a few years ago I have heard of that Gayle, but not sure if Invermectin and Demadex might be toxic, it is pretty bad stuff
  18. Thanks WP, Blossom is no where near Henrys state She is happy and healthy in herself, just shocking skin The invermectin is being given orally and this has never been my preferred method, my mangy dogs have always had injections I am off to think about things, the McDowell treatments are so expensive O, will give you a call over the weekend
  19. Unless we can get Blossom under control the options are not good O is fostering and cannot foster forever and I am not in a position to have her either There has been some great advise in here and I am sure Onslowsmum and I will work on a way to fix it up the invermectin is not working so it is time to try something else
  20. There are testimonials on the site but they are sold by the person advocating them Robert McDowell
  21. Onslowsmum is fostering a Shar Pei x Boxer, Blossom is around 8 months and has bad demodex, the mites are easily seen under a microscope Ivermectin is not working as it should as basically Bloss's immune system is shot I have been reading alternative treatments but before I outlay alot of money for it I would like to know if anyone else has tried it and if is helps? Does anyone have any knowledge of immune buidling suppliments and where to get them cheaply? I also have a young pup coming in with bad demodex so might try it for her too This is what RM says. Demodectic Mange (Demodecosis) Herbal Treatment Demodectic mange is caused by an external parasite that is present in low numbers on all healthy animals. Whether or not a pet shows symptoms of this disease depends primarily on their immune status. Young dogs under 14-16 months of age who have their immunity compromised by stressful changes, their food and/or living conditions are suseptible to an escalation of these parasites causing damage to the individual hair follicles and small scaling, red patches of hair loss "mange" result. Face and forelegs are common sites for such lesions. Most dogs can manage this condition themselves. However, certain breeds are more prone to extensive problems and can end up with secondary infections. In the first instance with small patches of resistant mite infestation then I suggest you treat with the following:- Canine Conditioning Mix to support internal organs. Add Millet and Linseed to your dogs diet, 1-5 tablespoons depending on your dogs size. A course of Maritime Pine Bark to raise immunity levels. Apply a specific antifungal/ anti parasitic herbal applications which are mixed 40 drops into 20ml of Colloidal Silver and sprayed onto the dogs coat after rinsing in warm water once per day. See: Anti-Parasitic Spray Colloidal Silver Antibiotic In the second instance when the skin is more generally effected with mange as well as secondary infection I also suggest the use of our blood cleanser. At this point the skin's own resistance to parasitic attack has been weakened through the build-up of toxins under the skin.See: Blood Cleansing Tonic These toxins can be simply the normal products of metabolism or derived from to many chemicals in feed or from worming over a long period and the body stores them under the skin if other means of elimination are overloaded. When a course of blood cleansers is given over a complete blood cycle (around 12 weeks) the skin is able to recover its normal resistance and can often reduce the mites to normal levels. This program can completely and permanently clear up the mange particularly if it is instituted with a natural raw meat and bones diet and you can eliminate commercial dog feed entirely. In my experience mange found in well cared for dogs is more likely to be due to their reactions to the chemicals in commercial dog feed than anything else.
  22. She is lovely, very cute and I am glad that you saved her, most crosses are not very rolly The reason I ask is her ear set is neither Shar Pei or Labrador She looks more GSD to me, just how high up her ears are, I would not be surprised if they stood the whole way up as an adult Love her name by the way too Pei cross can be difficult, more than the pures so goodluck LOL 2 pups at once, you are going to need it LOL
  23. Beautiful looking pups you have I was just wondering if you are sure about the female being a Shar Pei x Labrador? Just curious
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