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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Not considering introducing any other protein sources at this stage – still too early days. Thanks for your advice on the roo meat Peibe – I was checking it out in the supermarket yesterday thinking I might try it in a few weeks but now I will steer clear. Peibe is watery eyes after a meal an indication of an intolerance? Up until the diagnosis Rafa had quite happily tolerated beef, lamb, veal and pork. I do now however have suspicions of lamb and chicken. He hasn’t lost any fur, only about 1-2kg in weight. Weight loss has stabilised now the diaorehha has finished. Definately the watery eyes are a sign of intolerance, I often get Shar Pei into foster care that have watery eyes, vets recommendation is eye surgery. After 2-3 weeks in care and a strict diet their eyes clear up. Badboyz, I have 2 Shar Pei at home, one is able to eat anything, all red meat etc without a problem other than smellier skin and loose motions, I have found roo meat very gamey and it goes straight through them The other cannot eat anything other than Advance Turkey and Rice Dry food, chicken carcass, necks, wings etc, and chicken mince, human grade, and fish. If I feed him roo, lamb, pork, beef or anything other than what is above he has watery poos, sore eyes, his fur falls out and goes oily and he stinks Maybe leave Raf on the diet he is on for a few weeks and then try him on alittle roo, it worked for Badboyz?? I just feed Shar Pei a purely white meat diet, chicken, pork, turkey, vegetables, I do not feed rice often as it makes my bitch fat. When you look into it China does not support a red meat industry and I think this is why so many pei have problems with diet Feed him the way Chinese eat I hope all is better soon, give Raf a cuddle from me
  2. Mine is 5 months old and I still think geez what have I done lol, I am even looking into getting him a playmate lol We have all been in the same place as you, sleep deprivation makes us think the strangest things It will get better
  3. know you are probably going to say 'he has hit the teenage years', i am NOT ready for them..... Yep lol, welcome to the joys of teenage kids lol
  4. That sounds great but the problem with skin, eyes and smell that Shar Pei have from eating roo, would make him worse I fear. Hopefully Raf will be one of the rare pei that can tolerate red meat and not loose his fur, it seems it maybe the only course of action
  5. I have no idea, maybe that is a training question? lol
  6. Get some yogurt, natural aphidote, (sorry about the spelling) and give him a few teaspoons a couple of times per day, it will help his raw tummy I have not used Euk, but have been told it is good, wait until his tummy and poos are better before giving raw food as this can make it worse He sure is a cutey
  7. The chicken necks and pieces in boxes comes from Slick Chicks and the mince (chicken and beef) comes from Wallsend Produce, but I get a reduced rate on the mince because I do rescue The boxes are the same price for everyone, benefits of living in Newcastle
  8. I buy 12kg boxes of chicken necks for $21.60, 12 kg box of wings, drumsticks, peices for $21.60, chicken mince for 60 cents per kilo. Beef mince is $1.50 kg Vegetables are free from my local greengrocer, I blend all to pulp I do not feed rice or pasta and I feed dry food Advance Turkey and Rice for the adults $80 and Advance Puppy Growth for the pups $90 15kg bags I could not tell you how much per week but much, much cheaper than tins and dry kibble only I can feed 5 x 20-25kg medium size dogs, 6 x 4-10kg dogs and 4-6 puppies for about $50 per week on a semi BARF diet
  9. I have been taping the offending ear down so that it looks like the other one, but if the other one decides to go up? That is interesting thanks for the help, he is now peed off that his ears are taped again and he cannot get it off lol KitKat pricked is what he can be sometimes he is unique jemappelle and pug rescue I am getting another soon pure pug this time
  10. OK time to find some ear glue, do I make them both go up or make the tip back ear like the tip forward ear He is 20 weeks, only had this problem for the last week
  11. X Pug We love him, He is my sons dog ;) Not my Puggy , looking for another Puggy to be his friend Cannot just have one, cannot decide on male, female, rescue, pup or older breeders dog, decisions, decisions Will try the tape thanks, gotta do something ETA grammar
  12. When I take the tape off though, it takes alot of fur with it, he is going to end up with flip-flop bald ears lol
  13. I personally do not like Bonnie for pups, I had a large bag donated through rescue for some pups I had and it gave them the smelliest fouliest poos ever I prefer Advance Puppy growth, about $90 for a 15kg bag but will last you a month or two for one pup I cannot explain the rice and veges question only that I follow the barf diet and my dogs are healthy, happy, great coats and clean teeth Also something to think about, the more natural the diet the less that comes out the other end and I agree CV Pal is the worst
  14. OK. Otto is a Boston x Pug, so is 190% and strange but the problem I am having is one of his ears They both go up but are heavier and wider than a Bostons and the tips flip forward giving him a cute look. Well the problem is one ear is now flipping backwards, the tip is going the wrong way I have been tapping his ear but nothing stays on longer than 2 minutes and he cannot go through life with this ears facing in different directions ;) I tape the offending ear so the tip goes forward. Should I be tapping them both so they stand up? One ear I do not think is going to stand up it has a thicker, wider base and is set on his head different. HELP, what is good to use for tape? Oh Bugger I just realised he has one Pug ear and one Boston ear
  15. Give her a good worming, Also what are you feeding her and how often? Pups should be feed 3 times a day Good quality dry food, not Pal etc, chicken mince, bones, chicken necks, rice, vegetables
  16. I worm puppies on arrival, after a week and then 2 weekly until they leave, new owners are advise to worm every 2 weeks until 12 weeks and then monthly until 6 months. Adults are wormed on arrival, 1-2 weeks later depending upon infestation, and then monthly All dogs here are wormed monthly as lots are coming and going Whenever I get a dog or pup in that has a heavy worm burden all dogs are wormed regardless of when they werer wormed last Please do not forget to worm yourself aswell
  17. I hope that you get to the bottom of this but I would like to add something about Pei Shar Pei do not tolerate turkey raw. I have had far too many dogs to count through here and they all suffer the runs from Turkey, necks or mince. The only way you can give it to them is cooked He also will not handle too much Lamb as it is too fatty Hard to get to the bottom of something when you have the Pei problem of most being red meat intolerant I do hope Raf feels better soon and that you find out what is the matter
  18. Oh no Rozzie not another one, how are you and Mr R coping Glad Jump had a few lovely months at Doggie Heaven before he walked the bridge 5 roses is beautiful Sorry
  19. Such a nice tribute to some special ratties Run free together guys So sorry SP
  20. peibe


    Gee Rozzie I am sorry Winter is the hardest on the oldies, may Sophie run free forever
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