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Posts posted by peibe

  1. Not a problem

    I know of a few great breeders but not enough to help the breed

    As far as I am aware there is no health testing for Shar Pei in Australia, that is unsettling. They have a wide range of health issues that are not being addressed

    Entropian, HD, ED, Elongated soft palate, skin issues, parrot mouth, cleft palate, kidney problems, FSF, Mast cell tumors are just a few of the problems

  2. His eyes were shocking poor boy :rainbowbridge: peibe I was just wondering when you can tell if a Shar Pei is going to develop entropian. Would the breeders have had any idea when they sold the puppy at (I presume) 8 weeks old? If not at what age do you begin to notice that a dog has a problem? Is it very widespread within the breed?

    You can tell if the eyes are really bad, but a dog with perfect eyes can still get entropian later in life

    When I was buying my dogs I looked at the parents, checking for entropian or scaring from surgeries. Then went back through the lines to check previous dogs and bitches. I also have a health guarantee from both breeders of my dogs to state they will be free of entropian, and if they do develop it they pay for the corrective surgery

    Sorry to say Angus but it is not the judges that want rollier dogs it is the public, thanks to the TV commercials. Sad too say aswell there are not enough ethical shar pei breeders out there breeding for betterment of the breed, most breed for money

    But that should be changing soon as Shar Pei are not a huge sort after breed anymore and alot are getting out

    Your Angus is lovely, I am glad you brought him and paid for his eyes to be done, alot of people dump them when they find out how much surgery is, or leave them and the dogs end up with scaring on the eyeball and go blind

    ETA yes Miranda it is widespread in the breed, one of the biggest problems. I know of Registered Breeders that still breed with dogs with entropian, that should be stopped

  3. I am glad he is well behaved

    I have never meet a Shar pei that was not house trained

    A breeder will tell you they housetrain themselves from 5 weeks

    Walking is a big problem with Shar Pei lol.

  4. I just saw the pic before surgery, poor baby, I can see why the vet did surgery

    I wish people would stop breeding Shar Pei with entropian, it should be something that is being breed out of them

    He is a pretty little bugger though, is he really naughty?

  5. They are supposed to be good Shar Pei vets, the problem with doing it earlier than 1 year is when his head fills out properly it will stretch his eye lids bigger and he will end up with pockets that dirt can get into

    Tacking is hard sometimes. I had a rescue that I had tacked 6 times until she was one and could have surgery

    The Nutro Lamb and Rice is good too as badboyz said but it makes my dogs fart lol, and Zephyr who is allergic to red meat, itches on the Nutro

  6. Who did eye surgery? Are you talking about eye taking or entropian surgery? If he has had entropian your vet is naughty. A Shar Pei does not have a fully grown head until they are 2 years old or so, eye surgery should not be done until they are one year old

    All chicken mince, bones food is raw

    Tuna, homebrand tin tuna in springwater from the supermarket, about $1.90 a large tin

    Veges, carrot, zucchini, pototo, sweet potato, pumpin, squash, beetroot, watermelon, apple, pear. No onion ever

    Megaderm and Phyhex I buy from Pet Stock or Dollar Save, pet produce shops. You can get them from the vet but they are much more expensive

  7. What a pretty chocolate boy, nice eyes

    He is lovely

    What breeder advised that diet? Are they registered?

    That makes me really mad when you brought a dog and are only trying to do what the breeder told you to do and they are wrong

    Goodluck with everything and let me know how it goes

    ETA to add

    I get my chicken mince from Slick Chicks for 60 cents per kilo, shop around for cheap pricing in your area, pet mince not human grade

  8. How old is the pup? 6 months

    Has the pup been vet checked for mites? Yes, twice

    What do you feed the pup? Wheat bix for brekkie, Pedigree Chicken puppy food with Supercoat puppy dry

    What are you bathing the puppy in? We've tried an Aloe Vera shampoo, and a generic puppy shampoo

    What grass do you have in your yard? Spidergrass and some broad leaf weeds

    What flea products are you using? None, he doesn't have fleas, we're sure of that, checked by vet and regularly checked by us

    OK, I will try and help.

    This is what I use and my Shar Pei have beautiful healthy coats.

    My male is allergic to fleas and red meat. Supercoat make my dogs itch

    I deal with alot in Shar Pei as I am a breed rescuer in NSW, most of the pei I get in have skin problems

    Pei are not your average dog, China does not support a beef industry and as such a Shar Pei needs a white meat diet

    My dogs get Advance Turkey and Rice for breakfast, seeing as your puppy is only 6 months I

    would recomend Advance Puppy Growth. I go through a 13kg bag costing $80, every 3 weeks, but I am feeding 10 dogs

    I feed chicken, pork and turkey. Mince and necks, wings etc and fish

    Say something like this

    I have 4 meals and they alternate, they get the required amount of dry food everyday for breakfast

    Meal 1:

    Tuna and Rice, puree veges

    Meal 2:

    Chicken pieces, eggs, shell and all

    Meal 3;

    Pork or Turkey with puree veges

    Meal 4;

    Chicken mince, puree veges, kelp powder

    Once a week I add Megaderm to their meals, it is high in Omega 3 and 6. Once a week I will also add a fish based tin of cat food to their breakfast dry food

    I recommend Fido's soap free shampoo as a good one, about $10 from Produce shops

    I only wash them once every 3 weeks and rince really well as the soap goes inbetween their rolls and irritates

    I add Apple Cidar Vinegar to their water aswell

    The grass and fleas are not a problem

    When I get an itchy dog in I will give them a good bath in a Shampoo called Pyohex. Put them straight on a Advance Dry food diet for breakfast. Night time they will get a Chicken and Rice diet only 1-2 weeks to settle their system. Every night I add Megaderm as this puts oils back into their coats

    Then I slowly introduce veges and the rest mentioned above

    I hope this helps your baby feel better and please tell me his name and post photos if you can

    Not enough of pei owners and lover on DOL :rainbowbridge:

  9. My Shar Pei pup has had a terrible itch lately. I know it's part and parcel of Shar Pei ownership, and it's the season for it, but I want to give him some relief.

    Any products out there people can recommend to help my little boy?

    Part and parcel of Shar Pei ownership is not an itchy dog, I know alot of people say they have skin issues but it normally comes back to incorrect feeding


    How old is the pup?

    Has the pup been vet checked for mites?

    What do you feed the pup?

    What are you bathing the puppy in?

    What grass do you have in your yard?

    What flea products are you using?

    Shar Pei skin is 87% more like a cat than a dogs, they need a low protein diet. Answer the questions above and I might be able to advise some help

    If your puppy has demodex, they will need treatment at a vet

  10. I agree with what Jed has said

    I get my dogs done at 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks, 14-16 weeks and then at one year, they do not get done again until they are 3 years old, then 5, 7 then finished

    I rescue dogs and my dogs do not catch anything, I have had parvo here and kennel cough, they do not get sick

    I believe we are over vaccinating in this country

  11. I have a fatty, she eats 1/3 of what my other pei eats, he never gains and eats like a horse, she has to look at something and puts on weight

    Just like people I think some dogs are a struggle

    I have tried explaining to alot of people when they remark they can see Zephyr's ribs that Jewel must eat his food, they do not listen and cannot understand that Zeph is a good weight, Jewel is fat. I tell them they get feed seperately and they still do not believe me

    People nowdays are so used to seeing fat dogs they think it is normal

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