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Posts posted by peibe

  1. I give my dogs paper and cardboard boxes to rip up, they love it.

    But we make sure we do not leave anything important lying around as they will eat that too

    With the utmost respect, I ask...what about the mess?? :D I've got two children and it bugs the daylights out of me having to clean up THEIR messes, especially when they put on the 'I'm tired (whinging voice) Mum."

    I suppose you get over it :vomit: I do not give them paper everyday and my kids are 12 and 15 so I am used to mess now

    I just give it to them to tear up and 1 hour later sweep the floor :laugh:

  2. Do not take your dog for walks but I always take my pups for rides in the car, or carried around at markets etc on weekends

    They need socialisation but just make sure no one touches them but you and their feet never touch the ground

  3. Hi Paola, sorry to hear about Ellie being in season. I thought you got her from Greyhound Rescue though which should mean she was desexed first

    You will be fine, just keep her inside, do not take her outside your front door. and make sure she is sleeping inside at night so no boy doggies can jump the fence. You can also buy panties for her from the vet that will stop her dropping blood on your carpet

    Sam went to his new home yesterday with a lovely couple in their early 40's and will be much loved. Thankyou

    Goodluck Stephanie

  4. What an interesting comment, given that the rescue group you choose to promote, Pug Rescue Sydney, clearly gives a great deal more than a "tinkers cuss" about a dog's breeding when determining if that dog's life is worth saving.

    What an attacking and judgemental assumption you have made that because a group of people choose to rescue and rehome dog's of one particular breed they therefore think no other dog's life is "worth saving". ;) I have to wonder why they need to do this...

    Thank ML, you said that better than I

    What is wrong with opening your home up to a breed of dog you understand and relate too?

    What do you do for Rescue WS?

  5. It is true that if you desex a dog before puberty ie 6 months of age then its growth plates do not close and you do end up with a longer legged dog. If you desex female dogs too young, incontinense can become and issue when they are older. If you desex your bitch after its first season then you have the risk of pyometra (uterine infection) and if they have phantom pregnancy and come into milk then they have the risk of developing mammary cancer at a later age. The best age to desex is around 6months of age, and they cope better with an anaesthetic at that age, rather than younger. If you do not use your dogs for breeding purposed then I think you should have them desexed. There are risks of cancers, prostate problems, infections, unwanted pregnancies, wandering, aggression and lots more. I am all for desexing if it is done properly and at the right age.

    The only incontinent bitches I have had from desexing rescues are ones that are done over 4 years old

    When it comes down to it, does it really matter that a desexed PET DOG, is hairyer or taller?

    Sounds snobbish ;)

  6. I like your work Puggles lol

    Huffle puff, all those non desexing baby puppies please come up with a solution to my problem

    Say I have 10 mixed breed pups in foster care, rehoming for $250, they are all large breeds. They all take 8 weeks to rehome due to size etc

    How do I rehome those same pups for $400 when I have to have a tubiligation done and a vacectomy (please excuse spelling)

    I do not like desexing babies, but HAVE NO CHOICE

  7. I know alot of you have been following the story of the HP Shar pei

    Well Bertha and Stella lost their fight with life on Monday

    Bertha had FSF and had another attack on Saturday, and poor Stella had cancer

    I decided that their pain was too much and being so devoted to eachother they needed to go together

    RIP girls and run free with no pain for the first time in your very short lives, please meet up with all my dogs that have gone before you


  8. Thats OK sas, your opinion is all good

    I just have Shar Pei lol, and they are not real dogs so I sometimes forget there are easier ways to deal with things

    each to their own

    and I would never eat poop either lol

  9. Grab him by the scruff of his neck and push him away, in a loud growly voice tell him "NO"

    Or as someone else said in a thread alittle while ago

    Hump him back lol

    Do you think that's a bit rough for a young puppy? Verbal repremand and standing up would have been enough don't you think?


    I would alway use the command above, it is what an adult dog would not to stop the behavour, so I do too

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