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Posts posted by peibe

  1. Hopefully a trainer will come along soon and answer your questions, but if this was my puppy I would not be using a squirt bottle

    I am an advocate of squirt bottles but I believe your puppy needs more nice interaction with other dogs and people as she appears to be lacking socialisation

    I do not think the squirt bottle is the answer in this situation

  2. Just because you did not hear what you wanted to hear does not give you the right to abuse people

    Seems you are thinking more about yourself than your dog

    She will still act as if she is in season, mood swings etc, when she mates she will still have phantom pregnancies

  3. Hey !! Ialso have a 3 month old male dashy i find the best way to toilet train them is watch how much water they drink... i give my pup a drink of milk in the morning ( i never leave water down as i learnt with him peeing everywhere) pretty much after his meals n after he has a play ill give him a drink of water i also take him out after every meal n after everytime he has a drink... he has one last drink around 7ish at nite then after that his water goes up.. when i started doin this (watchin his water) he has never peed in the bed at nite nor in the house... thats my trick anyhow its workin for me...

    Cheers tasha

    That is cruel, it is not a trick the reason he is not having accidents is because he is not getting enough water to drink

    In the heat we have had lately he will dehydrate quickly and you could also be subjecting him to kidney problems as his kidneys are not flushing properly

  4. After reading that peigirl I think that Raf does clean up after himself LOL, can you look at your baby the same?

    I have a 9 year old Shar Pei at home and she still chewes strange things, I do not think they grow out of it

    Are you sure it was a rubber from your brother and not one of your visitors LOL

  5. I have never noticed Ed leaving deposits anywhere? Do they normally?

    Most do :rofl: but sometimes they or your other resident dog cleanes it up before you see it :rofl::rofl:

    I might just like to add there are some very well mannered entire boys out there - ie Rafael - who is not inclined to leave deposits behind. I thank my lucky stars :laugh:

    And there are no other animals in my house, unless my brother counts? :rofl:

    Umm, maybe he cleans up his own :rofl::rofl:

  6. A bark collar on a 16 week old pup is alittle cruel I think

    Training is the answer

    Divert his attention with a loud noise when he barks and as soon as he is quiet give him a food reward, a coke bottle full of coins, two saucepan lids banged together

    If that fails squirt him with a water spray bottle

    Cruel? What specifically is cruel? With your above method, how would you control the dog when you're not home?

    Making load noises only makes the dog thinks you're joining in and is certainly not reccomended for weak nerved dogs, more harm than good done. You wouldn't want to do this to any puppy due to the factor they may be a fear period.

    Squirting citronella in a pups face is cruel. You should and must try all other methods of training before you put a puppy in a citronella collar

    You would not have to control this pup when they are not home as he only barks at them :)

    There is nothing wrong with making a loud noice to divert the pup away from what he is doing, does not sound like a nervous dog to me which is why I recommended it

    Why is a collar that squirts stinky stuff any different to a loud noise in their fear period? If that is something that you are concerned about the pup could also become scared of collars

  7. A bark collar on a 16 week old pup is alittle cruel I think

    Training is the answer

    Divert his attention with a loud noise when he barks and as soon as he is quiet give him a food reward, a coke bottle full of coins, two saucepan lids banged together

    If that fails squirt him with a water spray bottle

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