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Posts posted by peibe

  1. Have you tried taking him for a nice walk before bed time and making him tired. I do not think you should run him but he needs to be tired when he goes to bed

    I would say that your little boy is growing up and is looking for some action at 5.30am, he is full of beans so to speak

  2. My dogs where both left alone for up to 4 hours at a time from 9 weeks

    You need to get them used to being alone so they do not fret when you are not there

    I do not like pups left alone for 8-10 hours at a time, as they are naughty little buggers and need a lunch feed

    But the dog is yours, get the puppy into your routine now

    ETA, everyone has to work, how are you going to pay the vet bills when they are needed? :thumbsup:

  3. They are beautiful and you have done a great job with them

    I hope Mum gets the home she deserves

    Just to note though, all the pups I have ever fostered Staffy pups would have to be the biggest whingers of the lot, closely followed by JRT pups LOL

    But how can you resist such cuties?

  4. You could try not hanging washing out when the pup is in the yard. :)

    yep my thoughts exactly, or if washing is to be hung out and puppy cant be watched then crate or pen puppy till washing is dry and then let loose in backyard again,

    good luck with it :rofl:

    That is not always possible, especially with children, full time work and daily washing. The poor dog would never get out of their crate ;)

  5. Bathrooms are too cold for puppies to sleep in, especially in the colder months.

    She would probably need 3 breaks during the night, straight out, toilet and back to bed, no playing, no eye contact, just business

    Have to posted pictures?

  6. just an update, two of the females were a bit off this morning and are now at the vets. Testing negative so far so fingers crossed. If we hadn't heard of a parvo case around here we would have just assumed they had a generic tummy bug but you cant be two careful. All others are doing fine and the girls will be held overnight and retested in the morning so hopefully if that comes back ok we should be safe.

    thanks for the advise, the "P" word is a pretty scary one!

    You have my number, let me know if I can do anything to help

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