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Posts posted by peibe

  1. Name: Stephanie

    Age (optional) over 30 p

    Location Central Coast NSW

    Rescue Group: Shar Pei Rescue

    Time in Rescue: 4 years

    Who can vouch for:After reading your post Freckles I agree, no one to vouch for me either, as I do not really know anyone well enough, so changed to:

    DOLers I have met or worked with:Cordelia, winterpaws, Kaz, Stormy, dogmad, shmoo, SOG, JRT Rescue, varicool, Beth2, Muffin, bluecollie, Dura Mater, and many more

    And the only one that has ever been to my home from DOL, the lovely Liberty

    Preferred Breed Shar Pei, and any dog that looks at me a certain way ; love puppies too

    Experience (if any)

    Nothing formal

    Microchip: Always

    Vaccination: Always

    Desexing: puppies, adults etc. I have let a 14 year old Malt female go to a new home undesexed, vet did not think she would survive. She only lived 4 months in her new home

    Heartworm test: Yes

    worming: 2 and 3 times

    flea treatment: always

    vet work if required: depends on the cost of vet work and what the outcome is for the dog in the long run

    basic training/teach manners. always

    house train dogs: yes

    Dogs inside the home or outside. they all have time inside, but mostly fostered outside

    Are you prepared to give extra care for a submissive nervous dog. I have done and will continue to do so as the need arises

    and anything else

    Rescued with HAR September 2005-November 2006

    Back doing Shar Pei Rescue on my own

    Worked with quite a few DOLers on getting dogs rescue help

    ETA clarity, and to add vouching

  2. Shmoo gave a better idea

    Tiresome I know but easier to find people

    So here we go again

    Just copy below and paste


    Age (optional):


    Rescue Group:

    Time in Rescue:

    Who can vouch for:

    Preferred Breed:

    Experience (if any):

    Another update with more information, due to a wonderful suggestion by a DOLer

    Should of put this to discussion or vote before I went ahead with the thread :thumbsup:




    Heartworm test


    flea treatment

    vet work if required

    basic training/teach manners.

    house train dogs

    Dogs inside the home or outside.

    Are you prepared to give extra care for a submissive nervous dog.

    Another suggestion

    Can anyone who operates under an ABN please add this

  3. Put the chooks in a properly fenced enclosure that he cannot get into and electricfy it

    He may want to kill more but you cannot rehome a dog over this, it is just a normal obsticle to overcome in his growing up

  4. If you look at the top right hand side of the DOL page you will see something that says MY CONTROLS, if you click on that you will be about to see your controls and a thing that will say send new message

    I hope this helps LOL

    Goodluck with your boy, he sounds lovely

  5. If he came from Rozzie paganman he would not have missed out on anything lol, he would be a well socialised little tacker

    I agree with you about the protection to some degree, but not in a pup his age

    Send a PM to erny, she is always more than willing to help

    I too am no expert, I have just had alot of troubled foster dogs LOL

  6. I have found Vet Nurses running Puppy Preschools to be a problem, they mean well but do not have the experience to cope with any problems and what she suggested to me about taking him with her will only make the problem worse not better. I took one of mine to a puppy preschool like yours, it was only when I looked into it further for my next dog I realised that not all Vet Nurses have any real training in dog behaviour just experience from working at the vets

    For most puppies where you are taking your boy is OK, but I think he needs extra help that only someone with Dog Training can provide

    Do you have a Dog-Tech out your way?

  7. He is very scared and you do not want him to become too fearful of other dogs. If he was my dog I would not be taking my son if possible, give him less to protect if that is what he is doing

    Was the instructor a behaviourist or a Vet Nurse running a puppy preschool in the Vet Surgery?

    Anyone in Bathurst know a good behaviourist?

  8. Your puppy is fearful of other pups, he is also in a fear period of his life

    What breed is he?

    How long have you had him?

    Does he play with other dogs?

    I would be talking to a Dog Behaviourist about his snarling, by taking him to puppy preschool when he is so fearful could make him worse and dog aggressive

    Where about are you situated?

  9. I fostered an 11 month old Lab bitch

    She did $3500 thousand worth of damage to my house and yard

    I do not know how to help you other than what other people have suggested but can say this, Imogen is now a happy, healthy non destructive 3 year old who lives with a family of 7 kids in a caravan park

    When she first went to live with them she ate some caravan tyres

    They do grow up but take awhile

  10. Generalising about any breed is not a good thing I agree

    But I have found in my years of dog ownership and rescue that some breeds are prediposed to certain behavioural traits.


  11. Friend has a 4 year old Tenterfield and he is like this all the time

    They have tried everything to no avail, she has been told by the vet it is common in the breed

    Not much help I know

    Contact the breeder for advise

  12. I feed the larger meal in the morning

    I used to be a night feeder but with a change in work schedule I now feed my guys in the morning (BARF) and then at night after a walk etc they get a cup of dry kibble

    I have noticed that they both have lost weight, gained muscle and do not fart as much

    We still walk the same amount

  13. I agree sas, gates, screen doors etc can create tension

    When I brought my boy home, I put my girl on lead and let her watch the boy walk around the yard, he then came up to her and she gave him a big sniff and a lick, every time she did his she got a treat

  14. You are new to the breed and the breeder is not, they are just trying to tell you about a breed they know well and help you make a well adjusted adult dog

    Follow their advise and you will be rewarded

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