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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Go ernie, the advise always works
  2. It is a scary disease, although it has been picked up very early thanks to the wonderful E-Coli bug she got 3 weeks ago Jewel starts treatment on Monday which has been recommended by a Sydney specialist my vet spoke to She is going on Steroids and having Chemo, there are other treatments aswell but at the moment it is still a blur She will be fine, I might not have her for the 5 years I hoped but we still have a few years left Thanks for all your research PeiLuvr
  3. Thanks for your thoughts everyone Jewel Lupus is internal, so her "sores" are on the inside, much harder to treat I am reading up as much as I can, thanks for that search PeiLuvR
  4. Got the results back and Jewel has an auto immune disease Systemic Lupus I have an appointment at the vet tomorrow afternoon to discuss treatment and options Her syptoms fit into all 11 categories, her liver and kidneys have been affected I am trying to find out as much information as I can, but most information is human related If anyone knows anything can they please post something So at least I know what is wrong, it is just a matter now of managing and trying to treat this
  5. I get her ANA test results back at 2.15 for Canine Lupus, fingers crossed it is not positive
  6. peibe


    So sorry to read this TB Run free Zues with all the lovelies that have gone before you Keep an eye on Dolci, she might need your maturity and strength
  7. That is possible Benny. Vet is testing for everything Both my dogs would and do catch and kill vermin, they have never eaten them though, just kill and deliver to me in bed mostly, yucky I am trying yogurt but it seems to make her vomit more, will try cottage cheese She was starving hungry this morning and had some more Eagle Pack, Duck and something or other, kept both meals down Thanks again for your thoughts and suggesstions
  8. peibe


    I have been in a similar situation with a rescue These decisons are hard, but we have to do what is right for the dog and society Run fee Dolci, may you find the peace at Rainbow Bridge that you could not find here and for the nasty PM'ers, try me, you might just bite off more than you can chew
  9. Brought Jewel home tonight The strange thing is she is bright and alert She ate some dry food and is asleep in front of the heater The only way you can tell she is sick is her eyes, they are very dull She has now lost 7.4kg and is not looking very good at all, I can see all her ribs and her skin is hanging off her All the results of her tests are going to take up to a week to get back She is on meds to make her blood clot in case the tests show nothing and she needs exploratory surgery I have everything crossed this is something simple Thanks for all your kind thoughts
  10. Thanks everyone Jewel is my heart dog, my second daughter, third child I will be lost without her I am praying that what ever she has is fixable
  11. Jewel came down sick again yesterday She started vomiting and refused dinner again for 2 nights. Last night she pooed on my sons bed in her sleep, did not even realise she had done, it was just water This morning when I let her out for toilet she had a massive gush of liquid from her rear end that was bright red and full of blood, there is also blood in her urine and vomit I have taken her back to the vets and she is on a drip undergoing more tests After talking to Jacq, I have asked the vet to test for lupus and arsenic poisoning. Have to wait for the results He tried to take blood from her and she started bleeding badly, her blood is not clotting properly He has told me to be prepared she might have luekemia, he is doing specific tests today The only other option we have is to open her up and look inside, but until her blood is clotting properly she will not survive the operation Please send all positive thoughts her way, my baby is only 5 years old
  12. I can image what you are feeling Sue Merlin is one true gentlemen Take is easy at work
  13. peibe


    So sorry to read this CC What happened, please PM me Run free Dolci
  14. So sorry to read this Wizard I hope your boy has the peace now that he deserves, the love and time that you gave him is wonderful to see Run Free young man and know how much you where loved
  15. Anything is possible regarding sewerage We had some bad flooding almost 2 months ago Originally Jewels stools tested negetive for E-Coli, when all tests where run and nothing came back the vet decided to re-run some test Zephyr came back positive for E-Coli, so he tested Jewel again and she was positive this time I had them at a friends property 3 weeks ago so it is possible they picked it up from the Cattle up there too The Vet told me he has had alot of dogs in the clinic since the floods with gastro bugs, he believes Jewel and Zephyr had a gastro bug and doubled with the E-Coli made them sicker I am just glad they are getting better, gives my wallet time to recover too
  16. Jewel and Zephyr are from totally different breeding lines and yes you are right Jacq, both had E-Coli, and we live on the back of a drain, and they have been chasing rats? They are both almost back to normal, Jewel got it worse than Zeph but that is because she has FSF. There is no specific test for FSF though Glad I have my babies back. I have not been walking them in case they where contagious Thanks everyone for listening
  17. Thanks lic Thought it might be a spider bite, but both of them? They are improving, got up and about this morning, not as cold, their temps are back to normal and they both ate dinner 2 nights in a row and kept it down. Still have runny poo, but that it getting better too The only good thing to come of this and as horrible as it sounds but I have been able to get Jewels weight off LOL, hopefully I can keep it off
  18. Liver is fattening Yes The doggy tubes sound good, 1kg should last him a week LOL, cheap too I go to doggy hydro, Zephyr hates me for it LOL
  19. Try him on BARF? Or if you like dry I would recommend Advance Light
  20. Stop giving him biccies for one LOL What do you feed now?
  21. LOL morgan, they are not easy to rescue work with no, but yes rewarding The main problems Pei have is people push them to fast wanting to pat them, you must have the trust of a Pei before you will be allowed to touch them. But I only rescue and rehome the ones without any issues Sorry to go off topic
  22. A hormonal Shar Pei bitch is not a nice thing LOL Especially a partitially hormonal bitch One second she flagged, the next she growled, then she sooked, then she hid, then she ate, then she would eat nothing It was like living with my hormonal 13 year old daughter LOL But a backyard with kennels used for rescue dogs is not a place for a hormonal bitch
  23. I would like to add morgan, when I had my bitch speyed they left an ovary by accident She had all the coming into season problems that where intermittant and she was horrid After a disagreement with the vet they agreed to open her up and look around, they did find the ovary I know it did not work for her at all, so would not recommend it to another I also agree with what you have said about desexing a bitch during a caesar, it makes perfect sense
  24. Jewel is on antihistamines for her rash now, I will try some cottage cheese and yogurt, but not for Jewel as she gains weight too fast. I want to keep her where she is at now Thanks peigirl, it is stressful, but they will be OK
  25. I would like to know what it is but maybe you are right and I will never find out I just want them to get better, Jewel is now on day 11 and Zephyr on day 3, it is going on too long
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