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Everything posted by peibe

  1. peibe


    Is he any better today Stormy?
  2. peibe


    So sad to hear of puppies and parvo To the poster, no puppies for 3 years or a pup that has survived parvo So sorry to read that Stormy, prayers and well wishes for the little man
  3. What a beautiful old boy LOL Is he on a Joint Guard? I had an old foster with me that I kept until she passed over, the joint guard made so much difference to her mobility
  4. Female dog-desexing, I always believe IV fluids are helpful, they recover faster Young dog under 12 months with known vet history, no blood work
  5. Shar Pei need so much more socialisation than other breeds and it is something that you have to continue throughout their whole life Make sure her socialisation includes visitors of both sexes to your home, Pei can become very territorial over their home
  6. A flea bath and then treated her with Advance, toxic hugely. No wonder she would not eat, that combination would of been making her sick Glad she is eating now and feeling better
  7. Cat food, Salmon ones mixed in with diced BBQ chicken normally gets them going Fingers crossed it works for her, poor baby
  8. Not sure if Fido's is better, just noticed that when Zephyr's skin is hot and itchy Aloveen makes it worse
  9. My Zephyr has the same thing every year, some kind of contact allergy that comes out in Spring I feed Eagle Pack Anchovy and he is dosed daily with Polaromine 4mg for 20kg dog weight, but check first I also used Fido's Soap Free Shampoo as the Aloveen makes him itchy when his skin is playing up
  10. So sorry to hear this Kaz, after loosing an oldie in very similar circumstance I understand your pain Hopefully Jess and Ellie will be having a ball with Girldog without the pain their old bones brought them
  11. You will find it next to impossible to toilet train them when they are locked inside all day, a puppy cannot hold on and will toilet when it needs too. Get them outside when you are at work, with a kennel in a run if needed. As to the puppy play, Puppy Preschool is very important Trying to raise a happy healthy well adjusted pup singly is hard enough trying to raise 2 is double hard and not something I would even think about
  12. My kids say the same things LOL They beleive they would be feed better if they where dogs I have run out of food occasionally, Jewel is on Eagle Pack Anchovy, it is hard to get. I just brought 2 40kg bags to stock up
  13. I have heard that some use it as a supplement but I do not beleive it is good for daily use as a major food sourse
  14. peibe

    Few Questions

    LOL My male Pei Zephyr is 4 years old, he was desexed at 9 months He normally wees like a girl and squats, the only time he lifts his leg is if he is playing in his yard with another male, he will toilet over where the other dogs went He has never humped anyone or anything either As too a crate, I like the collapsible metal ones, they are available on ebay, you would only need a small or if you want more room a meduim ETA, never seen his lipstick either ;)
  15. So sorry to hear about Robbie May he now run free
  16. Most of the time KC is just like a common cold to humans But sometimes even a young dog will get a really bad dose, I know of older dogs dying of KC
  17. I have had over 100 dogs through my house , probably half of them had KC, my dogs never got KC But I never went to shows when I had a new rescue from the pound, I beleive it can be transported on clothes
  18. peibe

    Thomas Bunny

    So sorry to hear about Thommy RIP sweet one
  19. I have been giving Jewel Yakult twice weekly after she was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus and having trouble vomiting I have not seen any bad results I will be looking for the protexin
  20. Due to the amount of hip dysplasia in Labradors I would only be buying a Lab from a Registered Breeder who could show me parents, grandparents etc with good sound hips It will not even cost you much more to buy a Lab from a Registered Breeder Please do not by from someone who breeds their dogs for fun and money, they are comtributing to the large number of Labradors in pounds everyday
  21. Sorry poodlefan but I was under the impression 6 weeks was the youngest age a dog could be sold, given away etc I know when pups are in pet shops they are not allowed to be sold until over 6 weeks Depends on if you want a dog with bite inhibition and good social skills Rebecca, a 6 week old pup has not learnt enough of mum and siblings yet. The older the better I think
  22. Sorry to hear this, I hope Blossom is feeling better soon
  23. So sorry to hear about Pippa dogmad She had a wonderful 16 months with you I can see her running around with Merlin and Gloria having a ball Run Free Pippa
  24. Sorry but it sounds to me like you have a very dominant young male on your hands I would be getting him some training now and an introduction to other dogs so he can learn some doggy manners as Bear sounds far too soft to teach him properly Smacking a dog on the nose is dangerous and can cause nasal passage damage
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