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Posts posted by peibe

  1. So sorry to read this about your baby girl

    My male Shar Pei has HD, he has a had femural neck extension which has helped but his other leg is gone now and I do not want to put him through it again

    HD can be managed for a short period of time, my boy is on natural treatment from a naturalpath and lots of swimming

    He is 4 years old now and sadly I will not have him for much longer but it has been a great 4 years

  2. I like to give puppies a commercial food diet until they are grown

    It is important that you are feeding the correct nutrician at a young age to ensure they grow correctly

    She might not like Optimum, my dogs do not but will eat other brands, give other commercial puppy food a try eg Advance, Eukanuba or Hill Science Diet

    Or read up on BARF and the correct doses of food for a growing pup

  3. I would like to add

    I have fostered many a Shih Tzu and have found them to be a pleasent easy going dog with little or no vices, they got along wonderfully with my Shar Pei and various other foster dogs I had at the time

    I did not find them to be territorial or not good with other dogs at all, quite the opposite in fact

    What ever breed you decide to get make sure your OH likes the breed and is willing to get another dog/pup and ensure you purchase from an ethical registered breeder

  4. Take her to the vet for a checkup to make sure she has not throat, mouth, teeth problems etc that could be stopping her eating

    Put whatever you decide to feed her down for 15 minutes, crate her alone if possible

    If she does not eat it take it away and give her nothing else until the next morning, then offer her the same food again

    A dog will not starve, you have to teach her that what you give to eat is all she is going to get

    She has you trained well LOL

    My Shar Pei bitch was fussy, but that was my fault, once I did the above she eats what she is given because she knows there will be nothing else

  5. All I will say is I was worried when Frank impulse brought a Cocker Spaniel in the beginning after loosing his much loved GSD

    Seems my worries where warranted

    Great advise from some, get professional help Frank, it will be better for you, dog and family

  6. Sorry to hear that you and your Mum had to go through this, but you did the right thing for Iko, that is all you have to remember

    She had a good time with you while she was there and it eased her passing

    RIP Iko you can now run free without your demons

  7. Are you taking the litter to a vet?

    There is a big chance your puppies will start to die if their feeding, bowel movements are not correct

    Please see your vet about getting the puppies desexed before rehoming too

    There are alot of dumped Rotties in Australia, it would be horrible to hand raise a litter of pups to then find out some had been dumped in pounds or breed over and over again to make someone money

    ETA. Warley, breeding is all for you :rofl: too hard for me, I just save them and desex them :rofl:

  8. Take the puppies to the vet for a checkup and to get their feeding right, it will give them the best chance of survival

    As other Rottie people have stated the Bob tail gene is not a good one

    A friend of a friend breed her Rotties without doing any health testing as you have done, she thought that there was no need for health testing of what looked like 2 healthy dogs. The father of the pups was a bob tail the mother docked (before tail docking was banned)

    Well it turned out a large litter with 5 bob tails, seeing as tail docking was banned everyone wanted the bob tailed pups.

    Well 2 years later only one of those pups is still alive, all 5 have problems with their spine and have had to be put to sleep

    The only boy that is left is with a very nice owner who has spent thousands on his vet treatment trying to keep him alive, he spends his life in a doggy chair on wheels so that he can get around

    One of the female bob tails was put to sleep for attacking and killing another dog, it was only discovered after she died that she had a deformed spine and she attacked after the other dog after he jumped on her to play

    This friend of a friend has also been sued by 3 of the people that brought the puppies for compensation, last I heard they won, not sure how much they got but she did have to sell her car?

    I would recommend that you desex your female and not let her have any more puppies, the bob tail is not a good thing

    Please remember DOL that this is a chance to educate, some people have no idea about the correct way to breed dogs

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