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Everything posted by peibe

  1. Bugger SL, I am praying (as horrible as it sounds) that it is a joint infection and the antibiotics will have him eating and bouncing around soon Everything crossed for another speedy remarkable Ollie Dog recovery
  2. Fergy would be making them young and fun again SB He definately is a Pug on speed I am thinking about all the zoomies going on at Rainbow Bridge now started by Fergy, it would be a blast
  3. I have everything crossed that Ollie is OK StaffyLuv My thoughts are with you all
  4. Have a read through the puppy calender developed by K9 Force at the top of this thread section It is a great read
  5. Also remember that he is going through a fear faze now Any luck on a behaviourist?
  6. Sounds like he is learning what you require of him Pei are a naturally clean dog and will hold on for hours if needed, even at 8 weeks old
  7. Lilly is so beautiful having a dog PTS is never an easy thing, but we do it out of love RIP lilly
  8. I do not know how I missed this I am so sorry, nothing I could say would make you feel better I keep seeing his little face so happy and excited Please know that he will make Rainbow Bridge a very happy place with his presence so sorry sammy
  9. Please do not walk him on the street LB, a puppy can be healthy but until he has his 2nd vaccination (2 weeks) he can catch and die from Parvo Monique should no better than to tell you to walk an unvaccinated pup on the street The chance of getting Parvo is not the same as inside/outside Do you have say 50 strange dogs in and out of your apartment? that many walk down the street
  10. So sorry to hear about Miss Molly Puggles, you did what you thought was right and gave her a lovely 8 months of life May she run free I lost my SWF to pancreatic cancer 2 years ago, it happens so fast
  11. peibe

    Desexing Puppy

    What size dog? Sound about normal for me
  12. Agree with Poodlefan LB I have never meet a Pei pup before that will walk in thier poo, you must have a real individual there I know you are taking him outside on the balcony for toilet, but you have to stay out there until he has gone toilet
  13. peibe

    Desexing Puppy

    I have all my rescue pups done at 8-12 weeks I have not had a problem with any of them, they recover faster and never notice it has been done It is also much cheaper to desex them when they weigh less My own dogs, my male was done at 9 months, my female at 3 years, due to breeders contract If she was not on breeders contract she would of been done at 6 months before she had her first season
  14. peibe


    So sorry for your loss May Jimmy now be free from pain
  15. Metacam is the only thing I know of that brings a Shar Pei out of Familial Shar Pei Fever episode Might explain their shortened lifespans to kidney disease and liver failure I hope your doggies eye is OK
  16. She sounds like a typical well socialised and spoilt Shar Pei She needs to be outside when visitors arrive and when your husband gets home She thinks she is the centre of the universe (as most Pei do) and deserves all the attention and love all of the time. You have given her the authority to believe it is her job to be the greeting committee, it is something Pei do by themselves too LOL You need to take that authority away When someone arrives, put her outside, after they have been there 5 minutes go outside and put her on a flat collar and lead and bring her inside, sometimes giving a Shar Pei a soft toy to hold in their mouths will stop the licking and mouthing for attention. Let her walk up to the visitor to say hello, but every time she goes to jump walk her in the other direction, reward her for not jumping etc You get the drift Goodluck
  17. I remember the sweet soul RIP Bundy, your foster mummy and daddy loved you dearly, so did the lady at the kennels who cared for you for awhile You will be sadly missed Pass on my condolances to Bundys Mum WP
  18. I got my shampoo and ear cleaner 2 weeks ago I have used the EPO shampoo twice on Zephyr who is suffering summer, spring allergies and once on Jewel who has normal skin Zephyrs skin is red free and the itching has stopped The ear cleaner is great too I brought the 5 litre and the ear cleaner 500ml and it cost me $9.00 postage to the Central Coast Hey WP, do you want some to see how it works for Henry?
  19. My dogs love them, but I am with you Warley, I cannot stand the heads I will never forget the time I pulled a head out of a 5kg box of necks and just stood with it in my hand for a few minutes before screaming when I realised what it was LOL
  20. Looks good I hope it works But a real pain for you to get in and out of I fostered a Lab female for 4 months 2 years ago, she was a shocker for pulling and chewing washing on the clothes line I filled stockings up with chilli's and hung them on the line on their own for 1 week, she pulled them down but spat them out, after 3 days she worked out they tasted yuck and has never pulled clothes off the line again, in my home or in her new one
  21. Forgot to mention Pei Shar Pei are sensitive to corn and soy, Pal contains alot of both Try Eagle Pack, Anchovy
  22. It must be chlorine bleach, hospital grade Normal bleach will not kill parvo I use Trigene, I have a spray bottle in my car that I use to spray my shoes after being to the pound, I also spray my car tyres. I have a different pair of shoes for every pound I visit and they are stored in plastic sealable containers sprayed with Trigene I Trigene my yard every 2 months. I have had contact with parvo before The yard that was contaminated was drenched in straight bleach, Trigene, F10 everything I could get my hands on It killed all the grass though The yard sat empty for 12 months, I would not let anything in there I Trigened the dirt every fortnight for 12 months
  23. Dogs can live without dry food at all Mine do alot of the time They only time they have dry is when I have not mixed up their BARF mix Have you thought about putting her onto a purely BARF diet? PS I hate PAL
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