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Everything posted by htmfdq

  1. Thanks everyone for their input. You have decided to leave Benji in the courtyard. We move his crate (door open) under the awning and as long as we are not inside the house he plays outside on his own and then go to the crate and sleeps. we have left him toys, water and food. For some reason he enjoys playing with the fallen tree leaves rather than his toys. If we are home he sooks to go inside. He has been going the toilet spot every time we take him out and wait with him. when he is on his own he does it sometime on the pavers. I think he will be OK today as he has been left outside every day since Tuesday while the we take and pick the kids from school and when my wife go to shops.
  2. Agreed. Pooing anywhere outside is a Very Good Thing ;) Actually he has been very good. He sleeps in his crate from 10:pm till 7am without toilet breaks and he does not dirty his crate.
  3. I am sure of that one. No snakes or birds of prey.
  4. To me the courtyards seems secure. The only area that I am not sure off is where the grass patch is. Can Toy poodle dig under fences? the grass patch is adjacent to the wooden fence which is lower that the soil (so to access the other side the puppy will need to dig.
  5. I think this seems to be a good idea. My wife already has tried it today.The only thing is he pooed on the concrete but he slept in the crate on his own. She will leave him this avo to get the kids from school and see how he goes.
  6. I don't have a dog door but I have secured court yard with shelter. the majority of the court yards is paved and surrounded by a garden bed. with a grass patch under a mango tree where he has been doing his poos and wees.
  7. Hi We have just bought a Toy poodle puppy 8 weeks old. We have bought a crate with 61cm(L)*41cm(H)*48cm(D). We leave the crate inside and the puppy has been good for the last 2 nights. The puppy is for my 12yrs old daughter and we have 2 boys 7 and 8. My question is how long can you keep the puppy in the crate ( I have used the crate divider to half the available space mention above)? generally my wife is at home but this Friday she is helping with the School Athletics carnival so she will be out of the house from 8am till 6:00pm. if we put water in the crate can we leave the puppy in the crate for that long? Please advise. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
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