Hi...I feed raw, this is what I do. Chicken frames for brekky and for dinners I use whatever is available that week to buy....could be beef or lamb hearts, beef cheeks, chicken or kangaroo mince, beef mince or whatever has been marked down and is affordable. I feed liver or kidneys ( one or the other) twice a week added to the other meat. I add a couple of spoons of Vets All Natural Mueslie to it along with some omega 3 oil. I do freeze everything generally because that's how I store it. I was scared to feed raw initially thinking it would be hard but its actually quite easy and not something to be worried about. SO many differing opinions out there just go with what feels right for you. It does take more work...but lets face it, that's why kibble was developed in the first place really...for convenience. I don't personally like to eat commercially produced pre packaged food and don't think it's that great for dogs either. It's clear my dogs LOVE the raw diet. Good luck with it. :)