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Aleksandra 157

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Everything posted by Aleksandra 157

  1. Agree too ,recently looking at breeds ,same thing happened ,suddenly realized it was last updated in 2008. :)
  2. He is so gorgeous ....and so is his name....Same as my grandson ,but I'm not biased ! :)
  3. I do not have any advice just hugs to you and Feather.My 1st R Collie had occasional seizures from 11 yrs ,but went on to live to 13 yrs. Distressing to watch ...Hope she's back to her old self soon.' Thinking of you both.
  4. Love all the beautiful photos !! Our family dog was a beardie x .He had the sweetest nature and lived to 20 yrs. My first dog was an neglected R collie that I adopted at one year .He went from a timid ,fearful dog to a fantastic companion .I had three small children at the time ,he was amazing with them ,We often mention him 30 yrs later .He lived to 13 ,and was a complete joy to live with. He was the reason I bought Jesse ,as some of you will know ,had to be PTS at 18 months with genetic brain disorder. He looked identical to Kym and as a young dog had many similar characteristics .
  5. I may be right off track ,but something doesn't add up here ! Could the dog be stolen by neighbor ? Just thinking if she paid $3000 for it only to then abandon it ,seems crazy .I know valuable dogs are frequently stolen to order by certain types over here .I get the feeling she is using you ,knows where you live and wants an aggressive dog .I know exactly where you're coming from...Ive often got myself in situation trying to do the right thing for an animal. However I think it could turn nasty ,anyone who could leave a dog abandoned in that way is a dodgy character .IMO the dog could be stolen...So hope I'm wrong OP .
  6. Now it's really getting tricky ,HW ! It's a bit soon to tell as my GS is only 4 months old ,but his nature is entirely different to Lulu.He's more laid back ,less vocal and has a very outgoing nature .As for stopping the yapping in a JS ...it's almost impossible.OH and I are retired ,so spend hours with the dogs ,playing and training but I swear if a leaf moves at the bottom paddock she's away...When I got my 1st JS about 20 yrs ago ,I was shocked to find he had been de barked (overseas breeder...long story ).His bark did return when he was around the other dogs ,but always softer.Not that I would ever do that ,but it was common in NZ about 25yrs ago.Banned now ,I think fortunately.
  7. Totally agree with you ,Dancinbnc.Every dog is different,even when the same breed .I really think the gene pool in some of the more uncommon breeds ,in a small country makes a difference .Suki ,my male JS was from different lineage ,but still similar traits to Lulu .I didn't mean to imply she is not good with strangers ,just disinterested .I'm in bed sick today ,and feel really guilty...there's two white bundles of fluff cuddled into me ...She is amazing in that ,having a chronic illness I'm often in pain .She always knows and does not leave me until I'm up and about again! That's what I meant about being very tuned in to you. Having said all that I love the Shelties.I love what DDD said...one of each. :)
  8. I have a 5 year old JS.She is a wonderful companion ,although they tend to be a one person dog and quite with anyone else.She has wonderful recall ,is intensly tuned-in to you generally.They have Teflon coats...come in dirty,covered in mud ,the following morning are pure white again.I groom her once a week and proffessional. groom every 8 weeks.She is the 5th Spitz I have had ,Keeshond my favorite! My. male who passed 2years ago was very much more affectionate...Lulu adores my husband,they are inseparable ! I have recently bought a German Spitz White also,so will post some photos soon. Good Luck with whichever you decide on. :)
  9. I have moved house frequently over the years ,and no problems with the dogs.I think as long as their family is there they settle very well. I do always make sure the new property is totally fenced etc. and for us it is easier on them and us to put them in boarding kennels for a few days so they are not upset by the movers and disruption while furniture is being moved etc.as this can upset them.Good Luck in you new house :)
  10. I always have had long haired dogs ,mainly Spitz .At present have JS and G S. I think my forever favorite was Katie ,my Keeshond.Also adored my Rough Collies ,Kym and Jesse but not so keen on Smooth Collie. .Could love any dog though ! :)
  11. A heartbreaking story with a wonderful end ! What a fantastic transformation , totally a credit to you ,she is beautiful
  12. (Formerly Lulusuki). I have often bought dogs from the North Island ,not quite the same, I know .As many have said, if possible I would fly to NZ. I bought Lulu 5 yrs ago from a well known breeder of Jap. Spitz.We spoke many times ,but I obviously did not do enough research .When she arrived she was just beautiful....but no way was she a purebred spitz.I had a male show JS so knew exactly what to look for. Long story short ,many phone calls later it was agreed she could be part Pom.To avoid legal action she offered me another pup ,but by then,several weeks later ,we both loved her.Also had to pay expenses to fly her back. I learned a hard lesson as she was $1400 + expenses.I would never buy again sight unseen.I think the only requirement to fly to Oz is a full vet check 48 hours before flying.Good luck,I'm sure it will be fine. :)
  13. I was shocked to learn of the passing,suddenly, of Sophia Yin. Her videos on You Tube helped millions as did her workshops.RIP.
  14. I thought with my Keeshond I had 100% recall however I was gardening at a friends house ,Katie sitting beside me.I couldn't believe it when she spotted a cat ,across a busy road and ran straight across ! Fortunately my husband was there too and ran after her.It was sheer luck that she wasn't hit.For ten years she never ever did anything like that....since that day my dogs have always been on a lead if off our property.
  15. Just a word of warning.,I got caught 5 years ago.Living in the Sth.Island NZ,most dog breeders are in Nth,.Consequently I always buy up there and fly puppy down.Always great results until I wanted another Japanese Spitz.I thought I researched well ,agreed to pay $1200 with limited papers . She arrived and was absolutely gorgeous! But one glance told me she was NOT a JS. She was probably crossed with a Pom or Chihuahua. Rang the breeder immediately,she denied it .To cut a long story short ,many phone calls etc,she agreed to swap the puppy. This was a month later and by now we both loved Lulu.,and would have had pay the flights,.Needless to say,we kept her,and she is beautiful ,however she is not a purebred,.I now will only buy if I sight the puppy and do a lot of research .Breeder did turn out to be supplying pet shops etc. Please think carefully and don't be conned like we were.
  16. What an awful experience!!! You could have all been killed!! I do hope your baby is improving....Thoughts are with you all..Aleksandra. .
  17. Just wondering how many dogs you have.Obviously breeders will have more,and it would be dependent on personal living conditions etc.I have always had two at a time... :)
  18. Bit off topic as I am in NZ, my wishes are simple....more Keeshounds in NZ...so beautiful and so hard to get !! :)
  19. Fantastic service,I wish we had it in NZ ! Shared on F/B and voted. Good Luck.
  20. I was simply replying to a question Tipi asked,not advocating it for her case.People can only do what is right for their dog after all other options have been tried.Perse I remember you and many others on here were so supportive when I was struggling...thank you.SSLF,Tipi asked me about PTS I did not suggest it....Also I want to reaffirm I did not say it was easy...probably one of the hardest things I've ever done.
  21. Tipi, I know exactly where you are coming from.I too have had multiple dogs and other animals since childhood,they are my absolute passion.I have never had one PTS until they were in pain one from cancer at 11years, I say this because I don't want anybody to think I took it lightly. In retrospect Jesse was not right when I got him.Living where I do I had to buy him sight unseen..as I had done with several dogs before.He came from excellent breeders..well known in N Z. But he was damaged...we went through all the trainers,behaviorists etc, so tried very hard.At about 6 months he started attacking a 5 foot outside light set in concrete ,finally knocking it right over. I tell you this to give you some background to our decision .With us he was perfect,loving,affectionate etc.which made the decision worse.There were many other incidents ,one where he bit a stranger,after pulling me over on a deserted beach.He saw someone in the distance..took off.All in all it was hell. To get to your question,a fortnight earlier he had broken an ankle.,earlier he broke a canine tooth attacking the light.They could not operate as scared of breaking his jaw. All in all I know what you're going through...A fortnight before the "event" neither of us would have dreamt of it.I then gave thought to options.... he could not be rehomed,I have never done that..never would.We could not go on,the toll on us was terrible...Police were involved.,and very supportive .There was only one option. As a retired pharmacist I know how quick this works.No pain,no struggle, just us on the couch cuddling him. It was really strange,he seemed to look relieved as we went in to the vet,..he really loved the clinic and was happy to see the vet. He was not for this world,he was unhappy and is now in a better,peaceful place,I believe.I am heartbroken but will always believe I did the kindest thing for him. I apoligize to everybody for rambling a bit ,but I think other people may be interested,if they are ever faced with these issues. Good luck with whatever you choose to do....Aleksandra.
  22. My heart goes out to you,Tippy.Two months ago we had to have our 18mth collie PTS. It was a heartbreaking decision and I am still traumatized as is my husband.Your dog sounds a little like Jesse,although he began having episodes where he attacked everything except us.We made the decision as it was found he had genetic brain damage,and was unaware of his attacks.We had him from 8 weeks so nothing Bad ever happened to him. I know the hell we went through trying to contain him.,nobody could come to the house ,even in the car he would lunge at the windows,snarling.It even effected our marriage. Your Tippi does not seem as bad as Jesse,so I think you will have some options with a good trainer. I'm empathizing with what you are going through ,it is unbelievable stress.,However I really feel in some cases e.g. Jesse,you have to love them enough to do the right thing for them.I do so hope things improve for you.,and you get a good outcome.Kind thoughts coming your way.I should add Jesse had a very peaceful passing,head on my knee,cuddling him...all over in 4secs.,but for us...ongoing.
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