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Aleksandra 157

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Everything posted by Aleksandra 157

  1. Excellent advice ,I give a Calmex pill the night before a long trip..they then tend to doze and not stressed .I think many grow out of it at about a year. :)
  2. So far I've found two of Ollies baby teeth ,stepping on them ,don't miss those puppy bites though ,always had a band aide handy! Laiken is gorgeous. :)
  3. I think whichever pup you decide on it would be wise to get it vet checked. A Chihuahua is way different to a J S or Sheltie ,as others have said..Good luck with whichever you choose ,but I hope you don't rush it ,as I once did and ended up buying a nightmare. :)
  4. I think at this time your health is the most important thing,and I send big ,healing hugs to you. I think you've done extremly well to keep walking daily while having chemotherapy .You need to look after yourself at this point.I agree with Showdogs comments so won't repeat them. :)
  5. I feel so sorry for you,especially as you have put so much time and thought into the breed and pup you wanted ! I agree that you probably dodged a bullet and when you get your 'special' baby ,you'll feel differently . :)
  6. Thank you ,SG,I miss him terribly.I also posted this as I foolishly changed my display name ,and didn't know if people knew the connection.I have found DF so supportive and get such a lot out of it ,communicating with "dog People". Alex :)
  7. Excellent work! You can't beat a good Aussie handyman . :)
  8. This thread is so funny ,VM ,after 5 sons I'd be over them too ! Love the rest of your description
  9. Kirislin ,I'm still laughing at your description ! I have always preferred males ,more affectionate and devoted to Mum.Lulu adores hubby ,which I think a lot of females prefer the male in the house .She also cocks her leg...No ,their penis doesn't bother me at all. :)
  10. That is a totally unacceptable situation SW,Even disregarding the dogs .Its very hard ,trying to socialise a young dog and people making it more difficult than it needs to be.I used to get so frustrated when I was trying to socialise Jesse.as many people thought because he was a Collie he must be friendly.The times I heard " oh,there's Lassie ,come and give him a pat ".I was the one who felt guilty when I had to say he didn't like strangers! I have a couple of places I take the 2 small ones now that are really dog friendly and pleasant for all. Just occurred to me as I was typing...not nearly as many try to pat the little ones...maybe they look "snappy" . :)
  11. Absolutely agree ,I would have been furious .Non- dog people have no idea (mostly) of how important that early training and socialisation is.Not to mention you trying to relax! Those people often come in with "oh,my dogs fine with other dogs" totally ignoring your feelings.You are perfectly deserving of a big Rant ....
  12. It looks like pigmentation ,Katie used to get it too.If it changes ,I would get it checked,or maybe next time you're there mention it to put your mind at rest. :)
  13. Thank you HW.This is from a distance you should see the crows feet up close!!!!Funny ,the older I get the less I worry about what I look like! More concerned about the dogs....It was stupid of me to change my name ,for some reason I thought it would help .I just had a call from a well known excellent breeder RC ,offering me another male puppy .Oh,the temptation ! Better wait till Graham is back on Monday. I just love the photos of your Greys ,they always look so laid-back and loving. :)
  14. I took this photo of Jesse a few days before he passed ,took four ,three were normal,then this .i find it comforting....
  15. Thank you for your kind words ,yes it's me.I recognise some of the names that gave me such support!I know the decision was the correct one , but oh do I miss him. I got another Spitz like Lulu .He is a lovely little boy ,and very easy ,but I really prefer the larger breeds.Not that I don't love him,of course,.I really think some of these difficult dogs ,that in one way or another cause us such stress,leave a very big hole in our heart when they leave us .Husband keeps telling me to "move on" and I know it's time ,but he really meant the world to me. In my bad moments I consider getting another RC .Yeh, I can post photos now so will keep it up...Again thanks so much :) I think I will revert to display name Jesse ,it's a bit confusing.
  16. I was reading all the wonderful messages I had while I decided what to do about Jesses problems.They were all so kind and compassionate,. Thought you might like this photo I took a few days before he passed .I took several from my deck with him in the dining room.All the rest came out normal.I find it really comforting. :)
  17. I have always found my boys slightly more affectionate than the girls ,with the exception of Katie,my Keeshond . :)
  18. It's really a long story....sister got Teddy about the time I got Jesse...there the similarities end. In the past I have usually had large dogs where she has had small.I have a lot more training experience and from the start suggested he be crate trained.She considered that cruel and insisted he was fine . Slowly but surely ,shoes were chewed ,wallets etc .O/H and I would wait for the morning phone call of his latest antics.Finally it was agreed they borrow my dog gate to confine him to the kitchen .This sort of worked till he jumped it ! With all this new furniture he is now taken everywhere with them.Not left alone..ever.OK but weather is heating up and I worry she will leave him too long in the car etc,etc . They love him dearly ,but are like those parents who let children run wild ,with no manners etc.Husband is similar. Funny thing was ,I left it about a month and decided to claim for carpet stains done a few months earlier when one of the dogs was sick on newish carpet.Took photos etc of stains and was very firmly told " they don't cover pet damage" A MI . Related sisters story...."We don't discuss other people's claims"!!!! Needless to say ,I was very p*******d off! Sister thought it a great joke.Better add I love my sister and Teddy very much ,just frustrated .
  19. Just noticed this thread and do hope Puck is OK!! Recently my sister who has an 18 month old ,really gorgeous but very destructive ,Standard Poodle .Recently ,she returned from shopping to find Italian leather couch with the end eaten out of it and leather ripped to pieces .Teddy was. going....for about an hour .(she adores him).Following week he got into the laundry and chewed through a tin of purple dye ...ran through the house ,staining the cream carpet as he went! They were frantic as they'd not long been in the house .On the off-chance I suggested they claim insurance .Long story short ,eight weeks later they have a brand new couch ,carpet new as they couldn't match the colour so put new right through the house .All up paid out $14000 !! Teddy was always very loved ,but now worth more than his weight in gold.
  20. I think you are doing a wonderful job! Trying to deal with cancer is draining mentally :) and physically ,and you are taking wonderful care of your Ernie as well.I think my too would be jealous of his routine ,and I'm home all day..Sending you hugs and give yourself a big pat on the back.You are a great dog owner. :)
  21. Agree with all that has been said re.fencing etc.Ours are inside dogs but when we had Jesse we made a large enclosure so he was contained if we went out .Our neighbors dog was recently shot for mauling sheep.I wish you well with your move...I'm sure it will be wonderful for you and the dogs....Good Luck! :)
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