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Everything posted by Lasareina

  1. I love to pat other doggies but usually I will restrain myself to gushing at them haha ... At the dog park there are a few dogs that I love to have cuddles with- older than my two with such soft calm natures, lovely!
  2. I like people to ask first ... Especially with children... But I am more than happy for people to give them a pat and tell them how cute they are haha. Both of mine are sooks who love attention so I don't really have any issues about them being stressed by the attention. I view it as part of their socialisation. And I must admit I am like a new parent with wanting to talk about them alllll the time... My friends are probably sick to death of me haha We do have a problem where a quick walk around the markets will take several hours due to everyone stopping to talk to the pups :-D
  3. yeah one of the things I was wondering was if it is ok to give less than the recommended amount... or if this ends up negating any of the benefits that they would otherwise get. It sounds like it would get pretty expensive for 2 dogs if I gave them the recommended amount (3/4 scoop i think). I'm not sure how many scoops to a package... I read 18 serves somewhere but that doesn't sound like much? I can't imagine how quickly great danes would go through it! Hunter and Juno also have shiny coats already... it would be interesting to see if they can get shinier! :D i am glad you said your dogs like the taste OSoSwift ... Hunter eats anything but Juno is quite picky!
  4. Just thought I would see if there was an update on whether Zipp has found a forever home? With such a great flyer you must have been inundated with people wanting to adopt her! :)
  5. Yes solid traces does sound like a good idea... I have been eyeing off those back packs for a while Raineth .. there were some for sale on the K( website I saw last night... so close to buying haha. Sounds like they would be good even for just taking a supply of tennis balls with us to the park etc. Pretty easy to convince myself that we NEED them... probably not so easy to convince the OH when I show up with yet another piece of doggy paraphernalia
  6. thanks for the info Tiger Jack. Here is a photo of the original pram (sorry if it's huge... I don't know how to make it smaller :-/ ) Pretty good for $10, right? I will upload photos as we go along. Knowing the pace at which things get done around my place, you might be waiting a bit :laugh:
  7. sorry for your loss... he was a beautiful boy. Sounds like the perfect resting place for him :)
  8. thats so sad I didn't realise the RSPCA had the authority to confiscate pets based on the microchip details showing a previous owner! Wouldn't the vet normally check the microchip number themselves? what a horrible story
  9. aww so cute Leah ... my 2 share their bed as well, although Hunter takes up twice as much room :D
  10. we have the typical puppy dramas of chewing everything to pieces ... that is our only major issue at the moment. I am actually confused as to whether this is something that we should just accept as part of the puppy stage (although they are more adolescents now I suppose) or if it is something that we should have been able to put a stop to? I don't think this issue is a result of having 2 though... although they probably compound the end results with twice as many teeth going into the effort I suppose. It is possible they would chew more if they were a single dog - instead of chasing each other around like loonies or wressling on the couch they would be bored and of looking for mischeif. :laugh:
  11. such a clever puppy ... she has already learnt how to levitate! :D
  12. Haha yes eccentric will probably describe us pretty well :-p thanks for all the tips... Can't wait to see what outlandish contraption we end up with haha I'm hoping the handle of the pram will help act as a brake system for cats.. And downhill and help steer as well ... Yay for optimism :)
  13. sorry to revive an old thread...just wondered if anyone had any feedback now that show stopper has been available for a while? I read a few glowing reports online so i thought I would look into it a bit more. My dogs aren't shown or anything like that - I am more interested in it as a way to ensure that the pups are getting all the correct vitamins/minerals they need since we are feeding raw. The pups are doing very well on their current diet I just want to make sure they are not lacking anything since I am inexperienced with raw feeding.
  14. Awesome photo Anne... what a beautiful happy dog! Your brother looks quite relaxed up there too haha
  15. haha he's not letting that out of his sight! adorable
  16. good idea Sandgrubber... before I let my compulsive online shopping tendencies take over haha
  17. Thanks guys - I couldn't see any harm in giving it a go but thought I would check in case I was overlooking something obvious haha. Thanks for the link Pepe01 - I will check it out! Yes the pulling when walking thing was what was making me hesitate the most ... I figure if they can tell the difference between when we want them walking at heel (nearly there haha) and when they are allowed to roam in front on a longer leash, then it shouldn't be too much different to add a third option of pulling a cart?...guess we will find out! I think that we will need to walk along side with a normal lead and collar to give direction etc - the OH tells me that his staffy he had a few years before I met him would pull him along on his scooter and respond to voice commands to veer left or right... I think that may be a bit ambitioos at this point personally :laugh: Even if the whole idea fails, I will still have got my money's worth out of the pram... sent a photo to mum captioned "look what we bought today" and got lots of ??!!! "are you serious" response back :D She is quite happy being grandma to puppies atm :laugh:
  18. yes I was wondering how hard it was going to be to desigbn something effective that won't interfere with the movement of the dog.
  19. Sooo the other day we were at the recycle shop when we saw a sturdy looking 3 wheeler pram. DING... we had been talking about how it would be good to have a little cart the dogs could tow when we went on walks, which could hold things such as a picknick lunch etc. We figured that since the dogs had so little trouble pulling us up the hills, a light cart shouldn't cause them too much of a hassle. So we asked an attendant and were pleasantly surprised to hear that the pram (I hate that word... pusher, stroller?) was only $10. Sold. So now we have this pram sitting at home waiting to be modified into a you-beaut dog cart. Is this a stupid idea, doomed for failure? :laugh: If not, any ideas on how to 'pimp my pram'?
  20. ... but sad that society is in such a state that this is necessary.
  21. Slightly sorry I have been wondering if anyone else uses The Thoroughbred Fix products... we use both the shampoo and the cream on the staffies as Hunter gets a red rash on his stomach (this has mainly stopped occurring now that he is not getting any grain in his feed). I found it to work really well - the rashes cleared up in 1 - 2 days and obviously provide a lot of relief as well. As soon as I apply it Hunter goes limp and just lies back and enjoys the soothing sensation :D. You have actually just reminded me that I need to get more haha
  22. Sounds like you were very lucky! Its amazing how quickly the situation can go pear shaped when something unexpected like that happens. Those little fluffies are so stealthy they come out of nowhere! We only ever used to have a problem with one German Shepherd when we went riding... luckily he wasn't sneaky at all... just used to come out the front gate and bark at us. My mare had ...a strong personality (ahem, cow) and she was more likely to put her ears back and chase him back in the gate then get a fright. The innocent little miniature cows calmly grazing in their paddock on the other hand... they were out to get her! You have to wonder what the owner of the german shepherd was doing leaving his front gate open all day every day though... could have caused all types of bad situations.
  23. Cattle dogs are the ones that scare me actually - the only dog that's had a go of me is the "loving family pet" cattle dog next door that runs up and down the fence line and tries to bit you through the fence. Got me on the face once as I was leaning down to secure the gate pin. I have also met some lovely cattle dogs but I guess I am a little scarred from my ongoing experience with the ones next door. Goes to show how easily prejudices can form - I am normally squarely in the 'blame the deed not the breed' camp!
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