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Everything posted by Lasareina

  1. I actually thought that considering the (historically controversial) topic that the responses on this thread were friendly and helpful, which is great to see just my 2 cents worth :) I hope Chey hasn't been scared off - I have gotten a lot of really helpful advice from this forum which I'm sure the OP will come to appreciate once she does get a puppy ... plus I really want to see goldie/lab puppy photos :laugh:
  2. great photos and gorgeous horse ... I LOVE dapple greys!!
  3. it staggers the mind doesn't it ... something very very wrong with our society
  4. News Story Moreton News Horse used by disabled riders found shot through heart at Kurwongbah farm POLICE are searching for leads in to the brutal killing of a horse used by Riding for the Disabled at a centre north of Brisbane. About 6.30am this morning, Kurwongbah farmer Charlie Walsh discovered his 14-year-old mare, Susie, had been shot and killed. “She was shot through the neck and into the heart,” Mr Walsh said. The heartbroken father said he had a small number of horses and would likely need to buy another to replace Suzie to continue his work with the not-for-profit organisation. “My kids rode her, she taught them how,” he said. “There are four or five horses in that paddock and about 6.30 this morning I went out to look and she was dead in the paddock, with a bullet hole in the shoulder.” Mr Walsh said he was concerned for the safety of people in the area, especially children, who use the paddock and ride his horses regularly. RSPCA Queensland spokesman Michael Beatty said it had been the third in a string of disturbing animal cruelty cases reported in the Moreton Bay Region in the past week. On Saturday, a dog with a slit throat was found tied to a tree at Deception Bay and a kangaroo was found shot by bow and arrow at Toorbul. “We’re really concerned that this is the third incident (in the area) ... in as many days,” he said. Mr Beatty said if those responsible are caught, due to the brutal nature of the offence, police will likely bring charges. “A firearm was involved, so most likely police (will prosecute),” he said. A police spokeswoman said those responsible had not yet been tracked down and investigations were continuing. RSPCA statistics show only two complaints of animal cruelty were made in Kurwongbah last year, making it relatively quiet. Neighbouring suburbs Petrie had 28 and Kallangur 82. Anyone with information in to this incident is asked to phone Pine Rivers Police on 3897 7154 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
  5. I suppose they are a delicate breed, and Feather is especially fine but when I think about it, she's pretty tough. She's almost 12 years old now and has probably run many 100's of ks at top speed without an injury so when I look at it like that she's doing OK. I will say, in my experience, most of the injuries my whippets have had, have been caused by high speed but considering the amount of running they do it's to be expected, and I still dont have to take them to the vet that often. I'm more guarded about their interactions with other dogs for fear of them being attacked than I am about worrying if they hurt themselves while running. There was a beautiful whippet down the park the other day that had a wonderful time running around with Juno ... it was funny cause Juno was running flat out and the whippet was just kinda loping along and outrunning her easily haha and Juno is really fast! I guess I'm comparing them to thick skulled staffies ... bit of a difference :p 12 years IS a good wicket without injury!
  6. oh yay glad i found this post! I have been wanting to post on Reba's thread as well - so glad it was a good outcome :) I'll be lurking around waiting for photos :laugh:
  7. just found this thread - so glad to hear that Feather is feeling better today. They look like such a delicate breed of dog I would always be stressing! Sounds like she is a very sensible patient though which can only speed her recovery! Hope she feels 100% again soon :)
  8. Hunter managed to bash his head on a wooden agility platform at the park the other day - so focused on his frisbi that he was looking where he was going. Has a nice bump above his eye ... he just got up and kept chasing the frisbi like nothing had happened. Lucky he has a thick staffy head!
  9. My order arrived the other day but haven't been back online - thanks Steve! I didn't realise how much 150g would be haha So far tried using it in a spray bottle but Hunter freaks out :laugh: I am planning on bathing them this afternoon and using it as the leave in rinse so will see if that goes any better. The dogs didn;t seem to have any issue with the taste of the brewed flowers added to their dinner so that was good!
  10. ahh still adorable - he makes Hunter's head look tiny, which is not that easy to do haha
  11. Another way to get it where it needs to go is to use one of those bottles they use for hair dye or an empty squeezy sauce bottle with a nozzle type top. Its a more systematic application and more cost effective than just pouring it over great idea! I'm glad they are a short haired breed ... I looked after a maremma just before Christmas and couldn't imagine taking care of a coat like that full time. You would need to buy in bulk for one wash :laugh:
  12. just bought some - Juno has a spot on her back knee that's missing hair which she won't allow to grow back, and Hunter has itchy feet. Hopefully we get some good results! Might take some finangeling to work out the best way to apply ... normally the pups get washed in the shower, might have to reintroduce to the bath tub. A rubber mat is a good tip :)
  13. and a photo :D ... everybody loves puppy photos! We had our pups at home by themselves in the yard by about 15 weeks i think. We sectioned off a smaller internal area of the yard with access to the outside laundry for them. I would think that if small children can make their way into your yard, than a curious puppy will have no issue getting out. The garage sounds like a much better option. I have 2 staffies - one is very outgoing and is friends with every dog she meets. However, Hunter is a lot more sooky and quite anxious meeting other dogs these days. I think in hindsight we probably tried to 'socialise' him the wrong way when he was younger by taking him to dog parks to interact with other dogs. While he enjoyed himself at the parks, he was always very submissive, and as he has got older he has turned from submissive to defensive and will occasionally react negatively to other dogs if he feels anxious or intimidated. We have to be very careful now about how he interact with other dogs. To get to the point re daycare - maybe see how he goes at the puppy pre-school in terms of how he handles being around a number of other dogs first before making any decisions about sending him to daycare. He may be like Juno and love being surrounded by other dogs, or he may find it scary and stressful which may cause more harm than good in terms of socialising him for the future. :)
  14. you would have to be quick to keep up with that lot!
  15. There was a lady at our local dog park yesterday who I haven't seen before ... she had a very sweet, overly excited young dog with her. The first thing she does when she gets into the park is pull out some hot dog sausages, and proceeded to throw them to her dog... waving it around in the air before throwing to avoid the 4 other large, unknown dogs that were rather interested as well. 2 dogs were promptly removed by their owners, in part because the new dog was doing zoomies over the top of their small children in between sausages. This left the new dog, and two rather large bull arab crosses competing for the food. The woman actually said "it will be good for her to work for it". Once she ran out of sausages she worked her way through a large bag of smacko marrowbone treats. It was so lucky that the bull arab x's were young and very laid back, and the woman's dog was also quite submissive - amazingly, no fights broke out. My dogs were quite put out that I made them wait outside until the woman had run out of craziness treats - i'm just glad we weren't already in the yard when she showed up. I couldn't believe it - surely anyone who knows even the bare minimum about dogs could see the disaster waiting to happen??
  16. :heart: so adorable, and obviously such a character! makes my heart melt everytime I see new photos of her
  17. Hunter is almost useful at getting the harnesses when we are ready to go for a car ride ... he can jump up and look at them on their little shelf very expectantly, but I can't convince him to pick it up and bring it to me :laugh: Juno is very good at licking you dry after a shower, and I think they would both have promising careers as king sized bed salesdogs ... they are pretty convincing that a queen bed isn't big enough for 2 humans and 2 staffies :p
  18. yeah my two go into hypodrive straight after a shower ... hilarious to watch. Juno is the main instigator :laugh: I wondered if it was just my two that ran around like nutcases!
  19. You're not the only meanie Kavik :laugh: Mine 'pissbolt', to use the technical term, upstairs to hide on the couch anytime I go near the hose with dog washing on my mind :laugh: it would probably be easier!
  20. My two get done in the shower as well ... they are more stoic than overjoyed about it though :laugh: I've often wondered with those ones at the car washes if you can take your own shampoo? Or is it like a premixed solution that comes out through the hose? Clearly no experience with hydrobaths here lol
  21. it seems to be the ones that 'play hard to get' which end up as the recipient of doggy crushes, going by the stories in this thread :laugh: It all sounds adorable ... Juno displays all the silly wiggly behaviour mentioned, but she is a little but of a hussy, and does it to every dog she meets
  22. aww gorgeous ... he looks very similar to mum's standardbred ex-pacer Diesel, except he doesn't have a nice flowing wavey mane... it looks a bit more like a donkey's mane bit of trouble with qld itch. I love their faces...they have very expressive eyes
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