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Everything posted by Lasareina

  1. I'll let you know how Juno does with her op. Early dinner tonight, before we take bugalugs to obedience.
  2. haha i really don't need much convincing to put up photos of my babies :p I'm really pretty rubbish as a photographer so i don't think they really do the "models" justice haha . Also, I haven't quite worked out how to adjust the size so these could be huge... sorry! This is Juno... it is so hard to get a photo of her, I usually just end up with a black blur. She never sits still! And this is boofy Hunter, looking very red on this day. We have our second obedience class with Hunter tonight... Juno hasn't started yet because she has been in season. Even after just one class he is listening a lot better and has been very well behaved this week.
  3. Juno is booked in for desex tomorrow. I'm relieved - last thing I would ever want was for something to happen to her. Re desexing Hunter - we probably won't do this right now (we have had $6000 ish of unexpected expenses this month, so perfect timing as always ) but i think it is likely we will get him done fairly soon as well. We had his first instance of "dominant behaviour" if that's what you would call it, at the park the other day where he pinned a young pup and growled at him . He has always been such a sook (he's usually the one on his back at the park) so this came as a bit of a surprise. He came off the pup when we called him away and didn't snap at him or anything but that was enough for me. I like him as a softie, not a macho man.
  4. Yes, when I read it again you are right. I think it was just that last line, and I must have been feeling overly sensitive. "Sticking the boot in" was definitely the wrong phrase to use when replying. For those interested in costs, I spoke to the vet and got these following prices: Alizin injection: initial consult: $60 First injection: $200 Second injection: $200 (24 hours later) Desex Juno: $ 249 Desex Hunter: $199 It looks like I may have got bf over the line on desexing. Will let you know how we go.
  5. Haha yeah I have already started casually mentioning that I should get a real camera :p . A girlfriend of mine has a reaaly good DSLR camera and it is amazing the photos she takes with it... if she hadn't buggered off to Canada for the forseeable future I would borrow it and have a play lol Poor dogs... all our animals are considered part of the family, I just don't understand how people can give them up. A couple of months ago mum's old mare died at age 32 after being retired and out to pasture for the last 15 years or so - very sad. Now we only have 3 horses doing nothing in the paddock except running up a feed bill haha... but would never consider selling them, or any of the dogs we have had over the years. It's even worse that these people would dump their animals at the pound or shelter without even securing a suitable new family and home fr them
  6. Hi Westiemum - we live together and bought the puppies together but Hunter is very much Mummy's boy and Juno is very much Daddy's girl so he has definitely got equal, if not more say in what happens with her. I understand that some people may not have a lot of tolerance for "noobs" - it was just a little disappointing that everyone had been so helpful and supportive and then i got that one particular response which had to stick the boot in :p Thanks Xyz, I am all for respecting people's knowledge and experience, and I always try to make sure my posts reflect this attitude. That being said, I will say something back if someones feels that common courtesy or tact is not required simply because they are posting on the net... the old adage "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" still stands. No-one was obliged to reply and give me the benefit of their experience, so I don't think it is unreasonable to ask people to be kind. If they can't do that due to their deeply held convictions, then why bother replying at all.
  7. Please, don't do this to vet nurses. Euthanising unborn puppies and kittens is not fun, even when looking at the bigger picture. Do her when she's finished her season. Yes, whether we decide to use the injection or get her speyed it will be as early as possible... I also don't like the idea of aborting further developed puppies, and it would also be more stressfull on Juno. That is fine- I didn't ask for sugarcoating, just not for people to gang up on me and beat me to death with their opinions as I have seen occur in other posts. Obviously you are perfect, and have a perfect record from the moment you started, but not all of us can claim this. I already stated that I knew I had made a mistake and felt terrible about it. I was asking for advice and education which is how people (who aren't born perfect) learn and improve. I just wanted to clarify this - were you planning on having a litter and keeping all the puppies? If you've had your two as puppies, then they've grown up with you, hopefully 2 is enough right now. No I was referring to why were bought our current two pups rather than adopting from the pound as we would normally do... we would not have been able to keep any pups from this litter if it proceeded. I believe I answered your question above - The only reason I was considering continue this pregnancy was if it was considered less risky than trying to abort, which I had heard had some severe side affects. Not so we could have puppies to "play with". And yes, if we went ahead with the pregnancy I was prepared to be fully responsible for it including all the costs you mentioned. As soon as someone who is not an experienced, registered breeder mentions anything about having puts they seem to be catergorised as the average bogan who wants puppies to pay for beer money, feeds their dogs chum and leaves them on a chain in the backyard day in and out. My dogs get the best food possible, are fully insured and are taken to the vet at the drop of a hat if anything seem off. Any puppies would receive the same care. I also believe you can have your own details recorded on the microchip along with the new owners so you can be notifed if they ever get into trouble - at which point of course we would step in and take them back. I know the general attitude on this forum is that only registered breeders can be ethical but I personally don't subscribe to that idea. This is beside the point however as it had already been determined earlier in the thread that it would be less risky to abort, and this is what we have decided to do. We are now just deciding whether to give the injection or spey. I know a lot of you have been saying just hit the bf over the head and spey, but in reality, Juno is more his dog than mine. Also, I think pet owners are allowed to have different opinions, even if not in agreement with the prevailing opinion on this forum. He may decide that speying is the best option, or he may not... he is also a caring, responsible pet owner who is aware of the inherent risks (and costs)of breeding so I don't think forcing my, or others, opinion is appropriate. I will make my opinion known however ;) Thanks for all the helpful comments.
  8. Thanks Gertrude - I love your photos... It's hard to believe such beautiful dogs are in need of rescue
  9. Thanks Kelpiecuddles ... that does sound like a good plan :)
  10. Appreciate all the supportive and helpful comments :)
  11. Thanks guys - I was a bit worried about posting as I have read some quite nasty responses in other threads :-/ a lot of people on here obviously have lots of experience and I think they sometimes forget that everyone has to start somewhere :-) I think hunter is definitely a "possum" ... I was starting to think he might be otherwise inclined haha ... Thats a good point about finding out early! I'm personally leaning towards speying her rather than injections... We were already thinking that it would be a bad idea to mate them due to the size difference anyway. I know there are lots of staffies around - I guess I'm like everyone else in thinking that mine are the best haha we have always adopted dogs from the pound in the past but we really wanted pups that would grow up with us, and staffies are our favorite breed <3
  12. Thanks guys - appreciate all your comments. I will have a talk with the bf and give our vet a call on Monday. Great to see that everyone remained civil and offered constructive advise :)
  13. ok i think the general consensus is it is defineately more risky to continue the (possible :p) pregnancy. So the options seem to be this Alizin injection or the spey procedure. Does the injection need to be done in a certain number of days - earlier is better? Might still have to talk the bf around re spaying haha
  14. I know there are lots of people with very strong opinions about this topic, and I expect I'll be blasted. But I still need advice and this forum has the highest concentration of knowlegable people I can ask :) I have a male and a female stafford. Last night I went downstairs to find them tied. We were aware that Juno was on heat but did not think she was at the fertile/receptive stage as Hunter has not shown any attempt at mounting her. They have been seperated while we were not there supervising but were (stupidly) let out to go to the toilet together and took the opportunity. This is my first time owning undesexed dogs so I guess you can see my inexperience showing! Anyway, now that it has happened I have a few questions: - How likely is it that Juno will become pregnant after one mating? - Juno is only 9 months old - we had been considering possibly breeding the two of them further down the track but weren't considering this before she was about 2 1/2. What are the dangers for her to carry pups at 9 months? (I know most people on this forum are completely against non registered breeders breeding at all, and after reading more and more I am coming around to this view point... having said that all our dogs have been either rescued crossbreeds or from byb and have never had any strange health or behavioural issues) - Hunter is large for a stafford (22kg) and Juno is very small and petite (12kg). This has caused us to question whether they would ever be suitable to breed together. What are the dangers involved with the dog being much larger than the bitch? - What are the "morning after"/abortion options, and what are the risks? - Would you consider it more risky to try and abort the possible pregnancy, or allow it to continue? Both our dogs are well loved furbabies and I am very concerned for Juno, just not sure what would be the best course to follow. I have read a lot of threads on this forum and am well aware of the negative opinion of back yard breeding, the opinion that there "is no excuse for accidental matings" etc. As the thread title says, please be kind - I already feel bad enough that this has happened. Just looking for some advice from people much more experienced than me.
  15. I got some photos at the park today... so frustrating on the iphone... you press the button and by the time the thing takes the photo the dog has already run past haha... maybe I need a real camera lol. I find myself so disappointed with the raw photos that i mess around with it in paint.net to get it looking ok-ish. I should get my brother to take some photos with his fancy camera.. he's actually pretty good! edit: wow those were big sorry!
  16. OMG the expression on your tan Border Collie (sorry if that's not the correct description lol) in photos # 10 and 11. Hilarious. Great photos - i also have developed a sever case of park envy! The ones I have found near me are just a fenced of part of the human parks, probably about the size of a suburban block, with a few tress if you are lucky. sigh
  17. damn - the tyres would have been an easy fix haha :D
  18. I've heard that when you are putting down new wood chips etc to put a layer of lime down which helps prevent fleas and also smells... mainly urine though i think. I know this doesn't help the OP though - sorry! You have't just rolled over a fresh "deposit" and have it on the car wheels or something do you?
  19. ahhhh so fluffy!! gorgeous, and looks like a sweetheart <3
  20. Hope it doesn't make it to Australia ... Its bad enough worrying about Hendra with our horses
  21. we inherited a couple on Miniture Pinschers from my grandparents when I was a kid ... not sure how active they are when young as we got them when they were quite old but they seemed happy just snuffling around the garden at that age. "Fred" was probably the most neurotic dog I have ever met ... and got grumpier and grumpier as he got older. Of course, he did survive a brown snake bite and I think that may have sent him even loopier, poor boy.
  22. BTW tlc, I am also in awe of how you get all four of your dogs to pose... Juno will instantly move out of whatever cute position she is in as soon as she hears "quick, get a photo!" ... might have to try treats haha
  23. thanks guys- I think they are pretty damn cute, but I might be biased lol. It's lucky as they can also be a wee bit naughty! well that was my stash of, ahem, "good" photos of them haha so will have to take some more now. I'm one of those people that gets back from the beach and THEN goes, oh, that would have great to get some photos!
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