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Everything posted by Lasareina

  1. thanks foe the tips guys ... we actually have a really good recycling tip just down the road so might have a look for an old sink there ... or head to Bunnings and look for ceramic pots. I would like to have a few water sources scattered around so a combination might be the go :Dlaugh:
  2. haha nope drool not quite cutting it :) I wish my pups would just swim! We took them to Karawatha Forest on the weekend which has this great big quarry/lake... The pups got wet to about their knees with coaxing, and that was it!
  3. metal buckets duh ... I obviously was overthinking it, that seems so obvious now :laugh: ... I was thinking bath tub/sink?? metal drum cut down?? metal bucket so much simpler I was really looking forward to getting them a clam shell to play in in summer but now I'm thinking they may try and eat it too!
  4. crikey. Looks all a bit complicated! I think I have got as far as "autocorrect" on microsoft picture editor :laugh: They may have a point about the digital generation losing some of the detail and expertise of the old skool developers!
  5. Really?? I can't tell if you are being serious or not - if serious then YES that seems like a bit oversight in planning :laugh: Soo cute - we aren't allowed any bunnies in QLD from there are some quite handsome hares that hop up and down the driveway at mum's. :D
  6. awesome photos as usual - I'm also impressed with the no cropping thing!
  7. My darling puppies have decided to rip to shreds the plastic tub we have been using as a water container (for the last 6 months with no issue ). Came home to find it in squares about 10 x 10 cm It was one of the plastic crates you get from officeworks or the like for file storage etc. They also chewed holes in the back up mop bucket we used yesterday while trying to work out what to use next. I am assuming they have started doing this as they are getting bored during the day while we are at work? I have read a few threads on boredom bustings and will try the ideas of freezing layers of water with mince in it, and maybe some kongs. They have not really shown much interest in toys before but if I hide food in them that migh be a different story I guess.. With it heating up up here in Qld I can't risk them continuing to destroy their water containers and having no water for the rest of the day so I am thinking need a metal or ceramic type container... any one have any suggestions?
  8. lol that didn't take long... no fun :p
  9. Well - the iPhone is really only designed to take pics for sharing over the internet or viewing on a smaller screen than a computer monitor... for stuff you may want to print up large or have better resolution on, you really need at least a higher end point and shoot camera - or if the OH really loves you, a DSLR... *grin* The Canon SX model point and shoot cameras take some lovely photos - and they are a lot cheaper than a new iphone too... If you are looking for a reasonably priced DSLR, the Canon 1100D is a good starting point - or even the 600D is reasonably priced nowadays. Go for the twin lens kit option which gives you an 18-55mm and a 55-250mm (or the 70-300mm) - or for a single lens option, go for the Tamron 18-270mm one for best value and quality. For the price of a new iPhone, you could get the Canon 1100D with the Tamron 18-270mm lens... *grin* T. Thanks for the tips ... might go have a look on ebay haha. My phone is actually supplied by work, so i guess I could use the money I saved by not buying it myself on a camera? :laugh: worth a try :D OMG please do this!!
  10. Not in Australia but puts a different light on a dog showing aggressive behaviour. http://www.live5news.com/story/23394818/family-dog-sniffs-out-baby-abuser-hidden-tape-leads-to-confession CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - A couple says their dog sniffed out a baby abuser in their home, the woman who was supposed to be caring for their seven month old son. The babysitter, 22-year-old Alexis Khan pleaded guilty to assault and battery Monday afternoon in Charleston County Circuit Court. Benjamin and Hope Jordan hired Khan to babysit their son Finn last year after they moved to Charleston. They say Khan came up clean in a background check. "We felt like Alexis was a good fit at the time," said Benjamin Jordan. However their confidence in Khan didn't last too long. "About five months into her being our baby sitter, we started to notice that our dog was very protective of our son when she would come in the door," Jordan said. "He was very aggressive towards her and a few times we actually had to physically restrain our dog from going towards her.' The now suspicious parents had a plan. Hope suggested they place an I-phone under the couch and let the phone record what happens while they were at work. When the couple got home, they listened to the tape and were horrified what they heard. "It started with cussing," Jordan said. "Then you hear slap noises and his crying changes from a distress cry to a pain cry. I just wanted to reach through the audio tape, go back in time and just grab him up." "To know that five months I had handed my child to a monster, not knowing what was going on in my house for that day," said Jordan. Charleston City Police arrested Kahn a few weeks later, and she confessed to the crime. Khan was ordered to serve one to three years in prison. As part of her plea, Kahn also will be placed on a child abuse registry, which means she is not allowed to work with children. "That is fantastic news to us. To know that maybe Finn's ordeal has possibly saved another child's life in the future," said Jordan. "Had our dog not alerted us to the trouble, had my wife's instincts not said we need to make something happen, it could have been Finn that was killed by the babysitter. You never know." Khan will be eligible for parole after serving one year of her sentence. The Jordans say their son is doing fine and has no lingering effects from the abuse.
  11. ahhah the magic technique! :laugh: I'm still going to tell my OH that it's my "camera's" (iphone) fault and that I need a new fancy one :p
  12. fantastic thanks you - you guys are better than google :laugh: Thank god the weather is coming nice :)
  13. so does the $8000 include the $7500 RSPCA costs or is this in addition ie a total of $15500? This woman should be banned from ever owning an animal again. Absolutely disgusting and so easily prevented
  14. That sounds amazing ... excuse my ignorance but is Bribie Island hard to get to / require 4WD? I have a "soccer mum" 4wd don't think it would handle anything more challenging than a muddy paddock lol
  15. amazing photos - i would love to have some of your talent :) you certainly have some gorgeous subjects to practice on. I love the tigers and the chimps.
  16. I don't know anything about the prozac you mentioned your dog was taking... but is it possible that it may have side effects such as dull coat? When I was researching which kibble to feed the Supercoat wasn't considered a high quality kibble so if your dog is not doing well this may be part of the problem?
  17. Are you referring to the Penderlea horses Amanda? I have been following that situation for a while and it is very sad. I can't understand why the RSPCA didn't act faster in that particular case, or how the owner of the horses can be so cruel and heartless. I was surprised to hear that the RSPCA had such a high kill rate, when they are also making large profits as well. I can understand in some cases where the animals are so ill or injured that it is kinder to end their suffering and PTS, or where there is a history of aggression or dangerous behaviour. But surely these extreme cases are rare.
  18. Mum's dog Ninja will deliberately parade is ball/pigs ear/plastic plant pot in front of the other dogs and then turns around and watch them get jealous with the most pleased look on his face. He is quite dominant and enjoys flaunting it ... not sure is it's done out of a sense of humour as such but he certainly appears to be laughing at the other dog :p
  19. Bundyburger may be right about the humanizing thing... our trainer at obedience has been trying to knock into our heads that dogs are not humans and don't think, act or feel like humans... we do have to be careful about putting a human interpretation to dog behaviour. I'm still convinced that Hunter thinks he is a person though :laugh: Juno also makes a nest ... she will spend about 10 minutes pulling her blankies around and making it all perfect, then will lay down for about 3 seconds and then walk away :laugh: . She does have a very focussed intense look on her face when she does this, although I wouldn't call it pissed or distressed. Hunter just lays on his back doing his 'dead dog' impersonation. It could be a good sign afterall that he is feeling settled in :)
  20. Thanks Zeebie ... Marsden school is like 2 minutes from me so I will definitely check that out. I'll have a look at those links too! :)
  21. haha thanks... it took us about 3 days to settle on Hunter and we eventually just got sick of changing our minds so Hunter it was lol... Juno was easy for some reason :) I like Maple too ... especially as your pup is so sweet hehe
  22. hmm just read your last post ... maybe he is just feeling comfortable and secure enough in his new home to express his feelings?? Sorry - as you can tell, no dog psychiatry expertise here
  23. haha see this is what happens when they know how cute they are... I'm sure he is convinced that he will have you wrapped around his fluffy little paw in no time! My puppies are always super excited to get the special treat of ... an ice cube! no calories in that! :laugh: Not sure if this would work for you thoug, I sometimes think mine are a little 'special' when it comes to some things :p
  24. Further to the original post ... this news story popped up in my fb feed today. http://www.vetico.com.au/news/cabinet-approves-harsher-punishment-for-dangerous-dogs-228 The New South Wales Cabinet approved harsher punishment for dangerous dogs including a new classification of dog called “menacing dog.” The proposal was made six months ago by the state’s Companion Animals Taskforce after it made a report on how to manage dangerous dogs. The proposal was passed after a two-year-old was mauled to death by a dog at his grandmother’s house in Deniliquin ABC News reports. The new legislation will require the owner of a dog that commits a serious attack to be fined up to $77,000 or to be incarcerated for up to five years. A new category of dog classification called “menacing dogs” will help keep dangerous dog owners responsible for attacks. "The main reason for introducing that new category of dog is to enable council rangers to be more proactive and prevent dog attacks," Local Government Minister Don Page said. "At the moment the arrangement is a dangerous dog has to have been guilty of an attack before it can be labeled that way.” The new legislature gives authority personnel the ability to classify a dog by signs of aggressive behavior before an attack occurs. Control measures for these types of potentially dangerous dogs are more severe than normal dogs. "For example a menacing dog, if it was out in the public, would have to be muzzled,” Page said. “It would have to be under the control of an 18-year-old, at least, on a leash." The proposal will have to be passed by State Parliament to be ratified as law.
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