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Everything posted by Lasareina

  1. I'm glad my pups aren't the only ones going through this stage! We just had to replace all their water containers with terracotta pots because they were chewing them to bits. They also went through a stage of stealing all my bras which they thankfully seem to be tired of The latest thing is the clam shell I got to leave in their yard while we are at work since it has gotten so hot already... it now has about 90% of the edge chewed off after 2 days. Lucky I got the cheap one from bunnings! They seem to have gotten a lot better with stealing random stuff and now are only chewing when left alone during the day- obviously a boredom thing for them
  2. That's a good point I hadn't thought of... my pups absolutely LOVE going to the vet (weirdos) so that may well be part of it! I also think that since my partner and I own the dogs as a couple, it works well with the two dogs where as if it was me by myself I think would struggle to give both the amount of attention that they get now, if that makes any sense. As it is, Juno really bonded with my OH and Hunter really bonded with me, and we both get to have a pup to cuddle with on the couch and walk, train etc without the other human feeling left out (like what happened with the single cat who completely ignored me, and loved my OH) :laugh:
  3. We got our two pups about 3 weeks apart from seperate litters ... we both work full time and didn;t think it was fair for one dog to be left alone for the 8 or so hours a day minimum that we would not be home. We also wanted to go through the 'puppy stage' once like someone else mentioned with the twin idea :laugh: It has worked out pretty well for us - we don't have any major issues although we do find it is better to seperate them to do one on one training or they get distracted quite easily. However, I am guilty of what someone said earlier about taking them both to the vet together - I now have to work on correcting this problem, caused by not thinking the consequences through earlier. That being said, I think it is me that stresses most about seperating them - I think the pups are quite ok with it. Overall, they are best of friends, and so much happier than I think they would be if we just had the one puppy.
  4. woah ... be interesting to read a follow up on what the investigation finds out.
  5. Great photos guys... i love popping in to see all the beautiful dogs on this thread! I have been so busy lately and barely getting home before dark. Hopefully going camping with the dogs over the long weekend at the dam where I can get some good photos!
  6. what awesome photos Pheebs... you should get them blown up and put on those 3 piece canvas series for your wall... that face is adorable!
  7. Having a concrete, written out plan does sound like a good idea ... There are lots of new ways of generating funding like crowd funding becoming more available now and having a fomal proposal would probably open a lot of doors
  8. This came up on my Facebook earlier today and my partner started to look at me a bit strangely once I got the uncontrollable giggles :p I hope that huskies owner realised he's going to have to rake a nice big pile of leaves daily now haha
  9. there was a segment on the Living room with rabbits doing jumps... not sure about Hamish and Andy
  10. haha some 'deadly' instincts there for sure... those daffodils won't be getting away with NOTHING haha so cute Any name yet? :D
  11. I lke your icon Everythings Shiny... will admit I watched it for about a rotation and a half haha
  12. The owner must have called more than once to have negotiated for the dogs to be held while raising the funds ... has anyone ever achieved anything with a council with just one phone call? (jokes) :laugh: Regardless of why the dogs ended up in the shelter, why was the chosen 'solution' to kill them? Surely this should be a last result due to health issues, aggressive temperments etc. These dogs were young and healthy and did not fail the temperment test. Why were they killed instead of being re-homed?
  13. I would be interested in this as an outsider - I have no idea how you resuers (and foster carers for that matter) do it. The costs for just my 2 puppies is enough to juggle on my wage!
  14. yay more photos - thats a great photo of you as well! I like his "Sumo" bib (sorry if that's not what they are called :laugh: )
  15. just saw your strategy JackC ... very clever! I think we even have concrete a home lol. Didn't make it to the recycle centre before close last night :-/ currently using an old saucepan until I get my act together. Luckily I have a great list of ideas to try now! Thanks everyone
  16. her eyes are so expressive ... bet she can wrap you around her little finger :laugh:
  17. ahh that makes sense :) he is beautiful!
  18. Looks great - she is a such a pretty and well behaved girl I am sure she will find the perfect home :)
  19. Thanks guys - I'll definitely check out the salvos Little Gifts :)
  20. some great ideas guys thank you! I knew i woould get some good tips if I posted on here! i especially like the crockpot insert one :D I'm going to go raid the recycle center this afternoon and see what they have there to start with.
  21. Awww what a character - he's gorgeous. This is no doubt a stupid question, but is he a Weimaranema (sp?)? I thought they had a shorter coat? Sorry, showing my ignorance here :laugh: I've been wondering since I saw his baby photos :)
  22. WOW disaster narrowly averted by the sounds of it! What good doggies though :laugh:
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