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Kaffy Magee

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Everything posted by Kaffy Magee

  1. Is that "Unita" as in "u need her",lol. Congrats on the new puppy, love the name Elka for a mal
  2. Our little jack russell, Sniffy, tricks our appillon Pep out of hi treats/food all the time. Sniffy will eat her treat quick but Pepe is alot slower, so Sniff will run to the door and bark like there someone there or something going on, Pepe will drop his treat and run to the door to check it out, passing Sniffy on the way as she races off to grab Pepes treat he left behind, she is so sneaky,lol.
  3. Well I tried them out and I'm so pleased to report they worked a treat! An example of how much a guts my girl kalais is: I bought her a whole raw chook from the supermarket and without a word of a lie it was gone in less then 2 minutes. I thought it would slow her up but I was wrong. Her other food she gets in her bowl is usually gone in 20 seconds but no longer thanks to my new bowls :0)
  4. I wnet and got a couple too, lucky, as there were only 3 left. My Bullmastiff girls especially kalais is stupidly ridiculous at gulping her food. She worries me HOpe this will help!
  5. My puppies are sold sterilised, either vasectomy for the boys or tubal ligation for the girls unless the new owner wants them neutered or spayed. Ie: are only going to get it done in 4 months time at the 6 month mark. My reasoning is that whilst people can be wonderful owners and love their pet and have all the right intentions when purhasing, it doesnt take much to change peoples minds about breeding their pet. The other reason being if for whatever reason they decide to rehoime their dog and do not tell me, atleast I know it hasnt been sold to some feral who wants to breed it to his great dane/ neo/ staffy mutt or his "purebred" bullmastiff and can then talk up his puppies because they come from international bloodlines etc. Not happening and whilst I know there are other things to worry about when selling puppies, this is a huge worry taken from my shoulders. The only time I wont sterilise is of course if puppy is going to a trusted show/breeding home.
  6. I moved from Vic to qld early this year and I'm disappointed in the show scene. I used to travel 3 hours one way on a rgukar basis to show at kcc park, at least once a fortnight and often more. Numbers were always good and I loved the atmosphere. I used to do smaller shows occasionally as weekends away but I love the big metro shows. However qld doesn't seem to pull the numbers like Vic. One reason may be that they like to use local judges very frequently. I've heard durack sometimes only gets the same amount if entries that maryborough does (500ish)For me that's a small show and not worth my time driving all the way to durack, for a local judge and small numbers. I can get that 20 minutes away at maryborough. I will make the trip for a double header, international judges or even an interstate one, especially if I think I might do ok. So I've decided to stick to the local shows in my area, maryborough, bundaberg and gympie. It's nice having shows closer to me in qld than I used to however I just wish they were bigger. They need to do something to pick up the entries. I would drive to durack all the time if they could get numbers. Ibe noticed qld doesn't have many " big name" shows like Vic does with lilydale pot of gold, Australia day internationals, Vic womens, sunbury on cup day etc. Maybe they do but I havent noticed. Those are shows I always looked forward to with excitement, actually I used to look forward to most shows with excitement, unfortunately that has changed since the move. Having said all that shows in Vic are the only thing I miss so I will not be shifting back there no matter how good they were lol.
  7. Read the policies about patella luxation as I know in the couple of companies I have been with they have clauses about it in their policies. I cant remember exactly what they say, so best to check it out
  8. How tragic Bloody vets have alot to answer for when "diagnosing" HD and OCD. I was contacted by the owners of one of my 9 month old pups. In short They said she had been limping and took her to the vet who put the fear of god into them that she had Elbow dysplasia, that the outcome wouldnt be good and thousands of dollars. Because she was a nine month old and a bullmastiff that "had gone from being a "show dog" to living a family life" (whatever that means, since all mine live a family life, show dog or not, that it was likely to be elbow dysplasia blah blah blah. I told her do not do anything, crate her and put her onto Dr Barry heywood who checked her over, she had a torn muscle and something else I cant remember, gave her injection, problem solved. Her owners could not thank me enough as they were deveetsated they were going to have to put her to sleep. I told them to never just take the vets word, always get a second opinion. I have heard quite a few stories of vets "diagnosing" HD/ED and that not being the case at all. Im sorry for your pup, I would be devestated too. Why would they not ring?
  9. Earlier this year I had a 9 month old Bullmastiff I had ran on along with his brother. I'd decided to home him and the night before he was due to leave he started to bloat. Ive never experienced bloat so wasnt sure exactly what was going on but having Bullmastiffs I knew about it. He had just eaten a lamb neck and was very restless and appeared to be in much discomfort, wouldnt sit or lie down, his tummy was swollen and the first thing I did was tap it, however it didnt sound hollow so I thought, maybe its not bloat, maybe he has the lamb neck lodged somewhere as Im pretty sure he had tried vomiting a few times too. Anyway I finally made the decision to call the vet, went and got the phone, came back to him and he had vomited everywhere, watery and frothy, with a little chunk of lamb neck bone and it stunk to high heaven, his tummmy had gone down and he was much happier. I know now that he was definitely bloating and should it happen agani with one of my dogs, I'll know exactly what Im dealing with this time.
  10. Just about to head to work but had to check this thread first. So pleased to hear they are home! What a relief!
  11. My 15 month old bullmastiff has had to have the suprelorin implant (chemical castration) for medical reasons 5 weeks ago. I miss the old him. He is heaps quieter and lazier and gets spooked easier (its only minor but he would never have done it prior to the Implant and I have read that castration chemical or otherwise can make dogs nervy). He used to be bouncy, full of life and excited to meet everyone, but now he is just a bit ho hum about it all, Im really disappointed because he had the best personality prior to implant. Thankfully its only temporary, cant wait to have my boy back.
  12. Thank you for your replies Since he is a bullmastiff I cant run him for an hour or more. Weve been going out everyday and doing just over 3 km, which I know isnt much but its enough for him at this stage, Im too scared to push him too hard, especially since he is not used to it and they just arent built to go and go and go. We do intervals of jogging and fast walking and he is pretty knackered by the time we get home. I havent got him to the beach yet but I will asap as I believe that would be even more beneficial to him, also looking for a fenced park/oval of some sort so I can let him free run. We have sopme pretty steep hills around here too, so I'll give them ago aswell. Thanks Boxagirl, I'll check out the ET threads. I cant actually believe he has motivated me enough to exercise,lol. Funnily enough Im enjoying it though which is a surprise, so fingers crossed, between my job, which is fairly physical and exercising Chase, I might drop a few kilos in time for the shows too! Monelite, his condition isnt bad, hes certainly not fat, his muscles just arent as well defined as they were, so Im hoping you are right and we can get him looking nice in the short time we have. Thanks for the luck. Im only doing the royal because its on the friday and the nationals are on the sunday and monday, so thought I may aswell since Im making the trip down anyway. Cant wait. Sparky Tansy, I have heard that, but then Ive also heard it shouldnt make a difference. I just hope that if it does its not that noticeable. I absolutely hate having to give him the implant, espcially right before such important shows and I was unable to have him collected first. I just hope he continues to mature properly when it wears off as he still has a good 2 years of maturing to do. I know I should just be greatful as it could have been a hell of a lot worse. Thanks again
  13. Not really. I have bullmastiffs and whilst most are more agile and compact than most other mastiff breeds, and can get up to great speeds in short bursts, I wouldnt say they are active. Nor do they do too well in the heat. Size and agility can vary too within my breed. I think there are too many that are too heavy and cumbersome and wouldnt be able to do the job they were bred for and some are more athletic and agile, however they are not a breed that can run and run and run. Generally bitches weigh between 40 and 50 kg, my girls are about 45ish and the boys should weigh between 50-60 but many get up to 65, 70 and 75. My young boy is currently 50 but he is only young and I would imagine by the time he fully matures he will be about 55, his father on the other hand was 78!
  14. My first thought was dobe. But also agree about a ridgeback or even rottie. I love boxers but being a braccy breed they probably wouldn't do too well in the heat.
  15. Sunday BIG - Rotty RUBIG - Dobe Baby - Portie Thats all I seen. Group 2 BIG - Smooth Fox Terrier RUBIG - Stafford Baby - Stafford Minor - Aussie Puppy - Aussie Junior - I think a smooth? Inter - Kerry Blue Aus Bred - I think a Stafford? Open - BIG Group 3 BIG - Pointer RUBIG - Cocker Aus Bred - Which Dobie went RUBIG?
  16. I also have this in health forum, but thought as many of you compete in dog sports you may be of help. I have the Melbourne Royal and Bullmastiff Nationals coming up in 4-5 weeks. I would have started this topic earlier however my 15 month Bullmastiff was diagnosed with a rare problem called "priapism" (continual erection) 4 weeks ago and so I havent been exercising him so as not to "aggravate" the problem. He was put on suprelorin 4 weeks ago and I think its finally starting to improve. Its not as bad as it was anyway. So tonight we went for a little exercise consisting on walking/jogging/sprinting for only about half hour or so. I didnt want to over do it since he hasnt been exercised in weeks. So my first question is: Can I condition him in the little time I have until the Nationals? Can someone suggest some good exercises to do with him, how often and how long each session should be for? I know swimming is a good one, so Im hoping to incorporate that (or atleast wading at shoulder height). Should I alternate days of swimming with jogging/walking up hills? How many rest days should he have? If someone has a good exercise regime they have used before or could recommend that would be much appreciated. I'd also like to know if you think him having had suprelorin will have much of an impact on him building muscle. And finally, I have been feeding him a raw diet however Im finding it hard to source my food reliably and affordable, so until I can source it regularly I want to start feeding a dry food as part of his diet. I have enquired about Black Hawk but was wondering is there something else that someone can recommend that would be good to help build muscle/condition. All help/ suggestions much appreciated
  17. Also have this in Training forum. I have the Melbourne Royal and Bullmastiff Nationals coming up in 4-5 weeks. I would have started this topic earlier however my 15 month Bullmastiff was diagnosed with a rare problem called "priapism" (continual erection) 4 weeks ago and so I havent been exercising him so as not to "aggravate" the problem. He was put on suprelorin 4 weeks ago and I think its finally starting to improve. Its not as bad as it was anyway. So tonight we went for a little exercise consisting on walking/jogging/sprinting for only about half hour or so. I didnt want to over do it since he hasnt been exercised in weeks. So my first question is: Can I condition him in the little time I have until the Nationals? Can someone suggest some good exercises to do with him, how often and how long each session should be for? I know swimming is a good one, so Im hoping to incorporate that (or atleast wading at shoulder height). Should I alternate days of swimming with jogging/walking up hills? How many rest days should he have? If someone has a good exercise regime they have used before or could recommend that would be much appreciated. I'd also like to know if you think him having had suprelorin will have much of an impact on him building muscle. And finally, I have been feeding him a raw diet however Im finding it hard to source my food reliably and affordable, so until I can source it regularly I want to start feeding a dry food as part of his diet. I have enquired about Black Hawk but was wondering is there something else that someone can recommend that would be good to help build muscle/condition. All help/ suggestions much appreciated
  18. Well, the specialist rang me at week one. No change.I asked if we should be looking at other options, he suggested we leave it a bit longer. Wanted me to ring him at week 2 which I did, still no change. I asked him if it could be a blood clot or spinal injury, he said if its a blood clot, we would know because his penis would be dying. He said if he was an old dog he would be thinking cancer of the spine, but given his age, health, and general deameanour he doesnt believe it to be cancer. He said if it was it would be aggressive and we would notice a difference in him. I also asked the fact that his penis goes down when resting to me indicates it not being as serious, becasue if it was cancer or clot surely it would stay up the whole time. He agreed. He wants me to ring again this Friday, at this stage there is still no change. He is confident that the suprelorin will work and I have read from others that it has taken 3-6 weeks for them to notice a difference, however thats a difference in behaviour. I forgot to ask about a pinched nerve but I'll ask on Friday, I'd like that to be the first thing we check, before anything else. Here is a link to the most information I can find, its on page 362 and 363. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=boRUZ8V-D3YC&pg=PA540&lpg=PA540&dq=canine+and+feline+theriogenology+priapism&source=bl&ots=c7w-9qGbTh&sig=sOlnpxMpXu_6ohGr66cJfWmXjJk&hl=en&ei=2N9ITor8KMixrAf1-uzwAw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
  19. Bullmastiffs cost between generally cost between 1500-2000, give or take a little either side but usually within the price range I've listed.
  20. All previous advice sounds great! New puppies can make a hell of a lot of noise,lol. And I too have worked in kennel and staffords are the worst for making noise,lol. Have you tried giving her a juicy bone to chew on at night time. She might chew on that for a while which will keep her quiet. Its also good exercise and then she may fall asleep from chewing exhaustion ;)
  21. It says this when I click on the link File Not Available We are sorry but the file has either expired or the sender has exhausted the download limit
  22. Thanks Pers but ,I'd be hoping by the time the national comes around there not a hard doodle to be seen, lol. Thanks Becks
  23. I thought I had written a reply yesterday, but its not here, wierd Maybe I didnt actually post it before exiting. Anyways, Chase is doing ok. I thought the specialist said his penis would settle down in a couple of days but my sister, who came with me, said that it was 10-12 days. Which would explain why its not better yet. Ive worked out if I keep him calm and relaxed (ie: sleeping) I can wake him up and get him out quickly and quietly in time for him to pee before it gets too hard. In the morning and if he is excited or active he cant pee at all so I put him in his crate first so he can relax, so I havent had to squeeze his penis much at all. If he is just walking around and being "normal" his penis and bulbis glandis is still hard but underneath the sheath, so not protruding but it comes out when he is active. Most of what I have found on the net is aimed at humans, from what I can gather it is very rare in dogs, so there is not much info about it. 64 percent of cases in humans are idiopathic, meaning no know cause. Whilst this may be idiopathic in chases case I am still concerned there could be an underlying problem. I have emailed the specialist a few questions (including yours Stolz ;) ) but I think I will have his back checked out anyway, so Oakway I might use that info you sent yet, Thank you for sending it to me Ive been researching Suprelorin extensively to hear of as many peoples experiences. I know it shrinks their testes, but I am worried as he is not fully mature(only 14mths old) that it will affect his development. In the scheme of things its trivial and dont get me wrong, I'd rather this than the alternative but with our Breeds National in 8 weeks I was hoping he'd be looking his best. ( I am also aware some do not think those that have had suprelorin should be shown but as it is still allowed I will continue to do so. Just want to make that clear before anyone jumps on me ) Thank you all for your well wishes and support, he is such a beautiful boy and I will keep you updated with his progress. Heres a pic or two of the boy
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