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Kaffy Magee

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Everything posted by Kaffy Magee

  1. Just wan to do a couple of entries but it says OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM "To be held under the rules and regulations of the victorian canine association". Ive seen people from other states have used them, is that ok, or should I have something specific for QLD. Thanks
  2. Thos photos of Clare and Thor, brought me to tears. I almost could feel what she was.....Awesome photos.
  3. Just wanted to say that when I notice if my dog has fleas which is instant because he starts scratching immediately I do treat all my dogs including the cats, even if I cant find any fleas on them. I only wanted something last night that I could treat my pap with because he is the one that was suffering. I have only ever treated fleas on sight and have never had an issue doing it this way. Ive gone months on end in summer too without an outbreak. And as I said it is only my little dogs and the cats that seem to get them, no evidence of fleas or flea dirt on my big dogs at all. My pap is much happier today, no scratching at all at this stage. Will get some frontline for them tomorrow. He has had shots of cortisone before for his allergy but I might look into the polaramine.
  4. Thank you for the replies. Leela he is an inside dog I think woolworths, Coles etc were all shut today. I've given him another bath and used my husbands shampoo Sebitar which has coal tar in it. Only need a tiny bit and it lathers up heaps. I pulled a few more fleas off him, they were dead or stunned but I popped them anyway just to be sure. I left it on for a while while I combed through his hair, the rinsed it off and combed again. He hasn't had heaps on him but he only just started scratching two nights ago. So I've changed all the dogs bedding, we have no carpet only tiles in the house, so don't need to vaccuum. Can some dogs be more suseptible to fleas? I can't say my bullmastiffs have ever had them but my 2 little dogs seem to get them, not all the time but often enough. I only frontline when I see fleas otherwise it would cots me a fortune to treat 6 dogs and 2 cats every month lol. I had a check over one of my cats just before and couldn't see anything, havent checked the other yet and my other little dog doesnt have any either. The itching does stick around for a little while afterwards but at the moment he is curled up in a ball asleep, no scratching however I think he now has the start of a hot spot. All I have here though is some out of date panalog ointment for ear and skin infections or betadine. I might give the panalog a go first. Thanks again for your help
  5. Yesterday I bathed all my dogs and my papillon had fleas, didnt notice any on the others though. I picked off what I could, which wasnt alot but today Ive found a couple more. The problem is he has a flea allergy and now his skin is all red and he has chewed/scratched him self raw in multiple places. I dont have any frontline or other flea treatment and as its public holidays I cant get anything for him. Im trying find them and pick them off him but they are so fast, his hair is getting in the way and the little bugger wont sit still. Does anyone have any ideas what I can use on him, to not only kill the fleas but soothe his skin? He is really making a mess of himself
  6. Ive just moved states and OMG there are aot of bogans here,lol. Lots of redneck tough types and I have been approached multiple times about my young male bullmastiff puppy. I had one guy ask to use him over his bullmastiff x bitch and went on to check my boys chest for the "pure white diamond" patch of hair on his chest. Because he used to have a pure bitch and she had one, and then he went on to tell me that means they are as pure as they can get, if they have the white diamond. ROFLMAO! My boy does not have any white on him, damn, he must be part mongrel,lol. For the record the bullmastiff standard allows for a small white patch of hair on the chest, although not prefered.
  7. I will see you there then :0) Pretty excited myself! I havent been showing much since Ive been up here so looking forward to them!
  8. Im heading up to Bundaberg for the Champ shows this Sunday and Monday nights. Just wondering who else is going. I'll have two bullmastiffs but I have a feeling I might be the only ones there due to the NSW Specialty being on. Im only new to the area so dont know anyone yet and will be there on my own, so I might need a hand, I have a dog and a bitch. So if anyone is free I might need your help, would be much appreciated
  9. I have always picked mine wet. I have had 4 litters and picked all my keepers from the moment they were born. First litter there was only 3 puppies, however I had never whelped a litter and never shown a dog, she was to be my first. Out she popped and I just went , this is the one, I just knew she was the best, and she was. 2nd litter there were 2 standouts from day dot and those are the two that continued to be standouts and I kept them both. 3rd and 4th litter at same time, I had a number of nice puppies I picked, only one of them didnt cut it in the end simply because by the time she got to 8-10 weeks I felt she didnt have enough substance. Unfortunately I didnt have enough show homes for them all, I held on to 3 (all did well in the ring while I had them) in the hope I would find show homes, but it got to a point where 2 had to go, I had too many. Only 2 of them are in the ring now, the other 3 I regret rehoming, but unfortunately we cant keep them all. ETA: I guess Bullmatiffs being a "head" breed I have some indication, as I can instantly tell who will have the nicest heads along with pigment, as a black mask is essential.I also look for substance and boning. Things like movement, mouths, eye colour, temperament I have to assess later on.
  10. LOL, well duh! Makes sense doesnt it?!! LOL, I cant believe I didnt even make the connection, that is so dumb of me and not like me at all ! Im sure she has met other dogs though on the odd occasion outside of dog shows, where she has been submissive, not that I can think of any off the top of my head, of course, but Im sure I have seen it in other situations.
  11. My 3yo bullmastiff bitch has always been a submissive girl when meeting other dogs, even puppies! She was attacked from behind as an 8 month old at a dog show, which is what I think brought it on as I cant remember her being submissive prior to that. We have generally only been around other dogs at shows so this is when I see the behaviour most if not all the time. She is never aggressive, never growls, she just sits, head down, ears back and looks away or lies down belly up. She is ok with other dogs around, although I would say a little anxious if its very crowded and I have to walk her through the middle of them, but its mainly if she is approached by another dog. Anyways, Since we have moved to QLD I have been taking her to the beach quite regularly. Very dog friendly here, there a plenty of on lead and off lead dog beaches around. The weird thing is she wants to interact with the dogs she sees I let her off lead if there is plenty of space between us and all the other dogs as she wont go anywhere, but if I see anther dog coming our way I put her back on lead. If the other dogs in the distance are playing and running up and down chasing balls, she seems to get excited and wants to go over there. The other day I put her back onlead as another lady with her SWF was coming. For what reason I dont know she dropped the lead of her SWF who ran straight up to my girl barking and growling but not getting close enough to touch, and my girl got all aroused and jumped and pounced and pulled at the lead towards SWF, without a sound, so I wasnt entirely sure if she was wanting to play or not. She gets excited when she sees other dogs coming, puts tension on the lead, all alert, tail wagging, yet I see none of that at dog shows. Because I have never seen this behaviour from her towards other dogs, Im not sure how to take it. I am so paranoid when it comes to meeting strange dogs because not only do I have a large breed that is very strong and powerful, if a fight breaks out, whether my dogs fault or not, it will be my dog that gets the blame and ultimately my whole breed that suffers. She is the absolute sweetest girl, has never put a foot wrong, never so muched as growled at anyone (dog or human) or anything but the excitement at the dog beach has got me stumped as to why she wants to interact there but not at a dog show. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  12. My 5 month old puppy Chase had aspiration pneumonia last year. He was on some pretty serious antibiotics for 4-5 weeks and I also had to do coupage (cupping your hand and banging on the sides of his chest) numerous times a day. He had to be kept quiet for the first week and then get him out and moving a couple of times a day, nothing strenuous but as steady pace as it helps to clear the lungs apparently (by making him cough it up). They did some xrays after the antibiotics finished and got the all clear! Hope your girl is ok.
  13. Barry Haywood in Cranbourne South. A lady who bought a bullmastiff pup off(now 10 months) me contacted me to say her vet was saying pup was likely to have OCD, would need surgery etc Ive learnt to get a second opinion, so did some research online and through other breeder friends and the consensus was this was the man to see. Anyway he was really excellent apparently, very knowledgable, gave a cortisone injection and some xrays a couple of days later and they were all clear They were so relieved. Their vet had convinced them that OCD is what she had
  14. Nightgrace all my dobes grew up with cats yet chased them and would have killed them had they caught them I also found they werent as careful around my little dogs.I know dobes can live with cats and small dogs but I'd trust my bullmastiffs before I would trust a dobe with a cat. I have 4 bullmastiffs and sometimes of a night I have all four sleeping in the laundry with my 2.3 kg papillon curled up amongst them They are all very good with both my cats (I think it helps to have cats that are not easily intimidated by dogs and run on sight of them) and the little dogs. Sorry to hear about Lulu, Sabby, I hope you find the perfect fit for your family!
  15. Thank you for your replies Im in Hervey Bay so limited training clubs around and no IPO/Schutzhund as far as I know. BQ He is a special boy and would be great to get him working. I tried to do some heeling and stays the other day and he is not as in to it as I thought he would be, he got bored very quickly even though it was only 5-10 minutes but we will give it time Fuzzy thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately a bit far away from me Hi Vicki. I didnt know you used to live at HB! I have emailed the club contact twice and had no response, thought I might ring but may be I'll just show up. Do you know what nights/days they do it? Sounds promising anyway, Im keen to get out there not just for the dogs but for myself as I know no one here and it will be great to meet people with the same interests My 9 year old daughter would like to join with her jack russell Sniffy, do you know if kids are allowed to participate? She would absolutely love it, she's a mini me when it comes to dogs,lol. I would love to go to Steve Courtneys seminar, would be awesome, I'll check out the details. Thanks for the offer of accomodation, greatly appreciated :D
  16. My Jack Russell does that to my Papillon. He is so gullible, falls for it every time,lol.
  17. I moved from a non heartworm area earlier this year to a heart worm area. I rang the vet to enquire about the test etc and she said to start them on heartguard and get them tested in 6 months. I dont think mine will need the test as I had only been here a matter of weeks before I started them on it and it takes 6 months for the worms to mature. Can anyone tell me if I should still get them tested or should I be right?
  18. For a breed the size of a pap I wouldnt reduce the price and especially not at only 10 weeks. I would just incorporate him in to the family as if he was staying and the right home will come along. I have had to reduce the price of some of my puppies for my last litters (bullmastiffs). I had two litters together with 20 pups in total and every tom dick and harry had litters at the same time,lol. Its not good (or easy) to still have numerous large breed puppies left at 12-15 weeks of age (3 of which I was runnning on and needed to start working with). Its a hell of a lot of work and almost impossible to give them the individual time,attention, training and socialisation that they desperately need at that age and that was my main worry. Despite being desperate to get them into new homes, I did not relax my conditions and still refused people a puppy that I didnt think were suitable. I will not be having two large breed litters together again, depite it nearly killing me,lol, it was two hard to find them all homes by 8 weeks. I sterilise all my pet puppies and I think that put alot of people off too, wont change my decision to still do it though.
  19. If you just go up to the address bar at the top, high light the address, right click, copy and then come back to you page, right click and paste That was cool, love the end where the 3 line up!
  20. Thank you all for your lovely comments on my furkids. Just thought I would update wth another of Chase, rather than start a new thread, taken today at 10.5 months.
  21. So my young bullmastiff boy Chase is getting to an age where I should and want to get more serious about his training. I have had plenty of dogs in the past that I have attended dog obedience clubs learnt some basics and never went back because of the way they were run, the people that ran them etc. So I then just trained my dogs at home and only to a basic point. I have had dobes that I enjoyed training, they had a lot of drive and keen to work which made it enjoyable. I also have bullmastiffs, not as much drive or keeness to work and so it's not as "enjoyable" for me I guess. My main focus has been showing with my bully girls so they know only minimal obedience stuff but it has worked thus far. They really have not been any trouble that has made me think " they need training" they are just very mellow lazy girls. However I now have Chase,10.5 months, and he is a very happy upbeat boy I want to get more formal about his training. Not only because he is going to be a big powerful boy but because I think he may just have a little bit more keeness than the girls to work. He is by no means a " handful" even though he is still a puppy but he is quite pushy, wanting to be on/ near me/ in my face all the time. Ive taught him to sit and drop but haven't taught him the other things I usually do by this stage such as waiting before eating etc I've been a bit lazy to be honest which is embarrassing because I always drum it into my puppy buyers heads the importance of training and being the alpha/ giving boundaries. I think maybe I've favoured him a little, I've waited so long for a bully boy, he is a gorgeous looking young man, with the sweetest personality and after being seconds from losing him at 5.5 months I've become very attached to him (and still paranoid I'm going to lose him). So there's a little bit of history, whether it was relevant or not I dont know but thought it might help. So what I want to know is where do I start. I was going to join up the local obedience club here as I have just moved to qld but I don't know what their training methods etc are like at this stage. Im a bit worried it will be just like the last club, stale, with a one method fits all dogs mentality and only flat collars accepted. I have always trained with a correction chain but would be open to other tools, I guess I am just used to a correction chain in both showing and obedience work. And I like to feel I have more physical control should I need it than I feel a flat collar would give me. I would like to go further than just the basics this time and even try our hand a tracking in the future, something that you don't see bullies doing. I want to learn to get the most out of him and learn all about the different types of drive and how to find his rather than just going through the motions and both getting bored with it. I want him to have that intense focus you see with "working dogs" (maybe asking too much here, lol)where i am the only thing that matters. Can anyone give me some advice on what to start with and whether i would be better off training at home or still joining a club? Sorry for the long winded post.
  22. I had 15 puppies sterilised from my last litters(vasectomies, tubal ligations and spays) before rehoming. All bounced back instantly and was like it had never happened. I have also had older puppies and adults done and they always take longer to recover.
  23. You are not the only one. I have just moved interstate and know no one but prior to that I was in Vic. Not one of my friends or family, loved dogs. My parents di get used to them especially mum and sh would accompany me to dog shows and they could come in her house but she wasnt a "dog person". I made friends at dog shows but only saw them at dog shows :p Which was never often enough. I get sick of every one freaking out if the dogs come near them etc, so if people came to our house, the dogs were put away and I would never take my dogs to anyone else house because I know they wouldnt appreciate it. OH parents think I should get rid of the dogs, they are the type of people if the dog is not working for you or making you money you houldnt have it And since we have moved things have been tight money wise as I cant find work so of course "me getting rid of the dogs have been mentioned" . Not gonna happen. As for my Oh, we fight about the dogs all the time. He doesnt love them or get my passion for them. I had 2 dogs when we got together and didnt breed or show, but showing and breeding is now what I love, and so I have more dogs and it will never change. He is better than what he used to be but I am always worried about what the dogs are doing or if they go near him becasue he doesnt like to be "harrassed" by them. He wont go outside because they are out there and get happy to see him and I too always wanted to bring a dog with us whenever we went anywhere but got the sigh too, so then felt bad if I did bring one. AS I said things are better now, we've had some big discussions/arguments :p and I think he sees a little bit better what they mean to me and has said he will support me with me breeding etc but I know its hard for him and we still have those disagrements. If we ever went our separate ways, I think I would stay single,lol, then I can do what I like and spend what I like on my dogs. But I most definitely would never get with anyone else who didnt love dogs as much as I did. I see some husbands with their dogs at shows etc and I get jealous, I wish mine was like that.
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