animal ark 22
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Everything posted by animal ark 22
I THINK I saw this dog when I was at the pound . I can"t be sure it was the same dog. I remember seeing a dog of the same colour with a bandage he was walking around with a limp now and then but came up to the wire for a pat .The bandage was still on however a little dirty. My girlfriend at the time who was with me asked why he was rescue only I could only assume it was because of his injury but as I don"t know the rules it was a guess. The dog I saw even though had this bandage and injury didn"t look distressed in pain or bothered by it . I did feel just like most of the dogs there he didn"t like being in the cage .I can honestly say had I thought he seemed to be in pain or being neglected I would have approached the staff . PLEASE bare in mind this maynot have been the same dog the dog I saw was on the 22nd of July if that helps?
Yikes... New People Next Door With Feisty Dogs
animal ark 22 replied to Mummamia's topic in General Dog Discussion
I totally understand .We have two fluffy dogs living behind us and as soon as their owner opens the back door the first thing they do is run to the fence and bark then they run up and down it. If I hang out washing they bark at me if one farts the other barks !!!. My dogs go nuts when they do it our fence has the clear marks of claw scratches .I can be HONESt and say they start it every time. We had full on trees planted along the fence dense cover however when they had to replace the fence we had to remove all our trees so the ones there now aren"t as fully grown. The neighbour has put stuff on her side but she just put old tables and rubbish I can"t see the dogs through the fence unless I stand on something and look over Im not sure how much they can see ? which makes wonder what the hell they keep barking at anyway? NO they don"t get walked or played with Ive offered to have them come over and play but as yet they haven"t accepted my offer . We have thought about putting something along our side but while money is tight plus its in full sun so that reed fencing wouldn"t last long we have recently painted it all nice so didn"t really want to cover it with --say tin . WITH all this I too worry IF they got through after years of torment one of my dogs may finally think its her chance? Then I worry my dog would be the one they see as an aggressive dog ? But I see it as a form of bullying these little dogs do nothing but go at my dogs constantly at the fence they start it and even though the owners are home they only time they stop is when I bang on the fence ,or tell them to shut up. I just think its unfair when these things happen and yet it seems to be the other person who has to fix the problem or deal with it I have my yard and garden looking nice with garden beds tress solar lights etc my fence is new and looking great why should I have to re design add to and pay money to fix a problem Im not creating? And yes Ive tried talking and writing a nice letter I think we are just at that point where we know they don"t care so its upto us I just didn"t think it was fair (sorry for the rant touchie subject with me still :) ) SO I do feel for you and I hope you have better luck with your neighbours than Ive had with mine .And I do hope your dog is ok -
Barking And Neighbours Complaint
animal ark 22 replied to WildatHeart's topic in General Dog Discussion
I would like to say well done .You clearly have taken this with a thoughtful level head. I own little dogs and when they play they bark and when someone goes by they bark I hate it but I also know its part of their way and their breed .Im also always home when this happens so am quick to shh them. My neighbour isn"t and her two dogs bark day and night and night is anywhere upto 4am .Ive informed her dropped leaflets in her letter box and for a while she had one of them de-barked not sure how as Ive never done it but it only lasts a short time so whatever that is she does. Her other neighbour actually sold up and moved .Council had been called several times however they claim they sat outside and heard nothing while the neighbours claim they don"t either. We have filmed them (from behind our fence) (just set up the video camera and came inside) and Ive been keeping a diary . Ive asked around and everyone will admit they hear them but aren"t willing to complain don"t know why .Even the daughter who lives there has pleaded with her mother who owns the dog to do something. However Ive also stood out the front of my house and heard these dogs barking who live behind me and it could be mistaken that it was from my house! This person never walks her dogs so to some they maynot even know she in fact owns any BUT as we walk ours everyday everyone has seen us with little dogs so hubby says don"t say anything about the neighbours dogs in case they think its our dogs .. I do hope things get better for you and your dogs you must truly have some good neighbours for many these days wouldn"t warn you first SorryI don"t have any real advice I haven"t been in your situation Good Luck with it all :) -
mmmm This is so sad for so many reasons .As a big dog owner of mainly Bull breeds over the years I know all too well how some can be putty in your hands how some turned years later and how some just seemed to have a bad streak straight off. Our biggest was the most placid laid back melt all over you soul however people would cross the street or make the dumb comments like ""he"s a killer"" While we didn"t wait to find out if the turned arggressive one would hurt a human we feared as much and after his lust for killing smaller animals grew too deep we had him PTS .Since then we have owned little dogs .And have found they too have teeth and shouldn"t be excluded ... It seems because big dogs do the most damage in attacks they will always make the news yet little dog attacks aren"t as highlighted . Everytime this happens I fear the chain reaction I know if we walked our big boy after an attack in the news people would look at us differently .More big dogs seem to end up in the pounds and of course everyone has their say on why they should be there. There is always more than what the media tells us there will always be what ifs whynots could have beens and should haves ... But no matter what its hurtful to everyone concerned and while phyical scars will heal it often takes alot longer for the mental ones
That sounds sensible ..... Whippets and Staffords are notorious escape artists and as much as it pains me, if one comes into care, it doesn't leave. There are so many dogs out there that don't have issues and need help, there's no point wasting precious resources, potentially giving rescue a bad name and breaking the hearts of a new family. I rehomed one that I thought was going to the right place, that being an inner city home with no yard, which meant no fences to jump. This one decided to squeeze through less than 10cm security bars on a window open a fraction and bugger off down a main road. Never again we thought we had done wonders with our fence raised it 8ft put other fencing on top at a slight angle .All good he stayed in the yard then heard a noise he was in the front put him back in the back yard tied him up raised the fences and all good then NO SOUND this time he was over cleanly .... Ive been in touch with the rescue and some professionals and they are taking over sadly while not only dealing with the issues the grief and the heartache its people who begin to judge your methods and decisions that get into your head with the guilt tripping that make these times even harder.Most of us know the answers but when it doesn"t seem fair we look for excuses but as the days turn into weeks and you try everything even knowing the outcome and making the hard choices it doesn"t make it any easier .... Then you are criticised blamed and continue to live with the decision . I too had the same thoughts sometimes people can say all the right things but with time we all make mistakes or slip up .I was so angy at the person who left him at the pound they must have known these things and besides not giving a rats about their dog they didn"t give a rats about someone else going through it .While everyone says but you"ve given him a home and shown him what love is etc it doesn"t take the pain away
no not pound rounds :) thankyou to everyone for so many points tips and views my gut told me the same just wanted someone else to tell me :D its all been sorted :)
I picked this dog and offered to help him after repeated visits To see him at the pound so Its on my back I am and have been seeking all the help I can and the rescue has been great along with a dog behavourist etc Sadly many of his issues didn"t present themselves till he had settled in .We had thought about what was best for him and while copping both sides for and against we tried even more to help him. He did show great improvement and signs of going futher which kept us going but in the back of my mind I had the gut feelings . My own dog was killed BEFORE this one arrived .Ive been exusting all methods just in case and so I can be sure I did all I could I guess in the end it was always a risk and one many before me and after me will take . However when you"re also told peacefully ending his life is something I shouldn"t do and being bullied for even considering it it becomes an emotional roller coaster .While Im in no way well off I did pay all vet costs as I said I would because I believe it was my cost to bare ...... I too was worried about the what ifs with him out the yard thankfully someone had been home each time and he didn"t get futher than across the road however I don"t believe it makes it any better .I also am thankful for the advice as it has given me even more to go by .
Our newly rescued dog came with issues we have dealt with them but one is causing us hell. He can jump 6ft high fences so we raised them to 8ft both the colour bond and fence pailing side. It worked till he found away under the house and over another side We fixed that and all was great TILL we found him in the front yard stumped as to how we set up the video camera He can scale 8ft fences and is like a rock climber So now what to do? it seems he is constantly checking for weak spots trying different ways .We have worked with him and made him a lovely happy dog . We sought professional advice and were told if he is doing it for fun then it would be near impossible to stop him. OTHER FACTS ........ He is desexed ,no we don"t own him he was rescued to be rehomed , He has scarring which at first thought was dog attacking injuries now we suspect they were his constant escaping. We have a large grassy yard he has all the comforts you would expect and walked everyday . When we are in the yard he is fine .He jumps to go wondering not just to find us We have been advised an electric fence would be a no no as it may react to his aggressive side .We have moved everything away from the fence ... We live in a quiet col de suc street so not much going on around :) Ive never had a fence jumper
Dog Welcomes After Long Absences?
animal ark 22 replied to samoyedman's topic in General Dog Discussion
no so much a welcome but a thankyou ........... I was baording an ex foster dog after a year since being adopted and their other dog .She was a handful and oh so naughty .We spent 10 days playing going to the beach the park etc. When her owners came to get her she was all over them and seemed a little too happy to be leaving :) I was leaning over the front gate saying the last goodbyes as they packed everything back into the car .The other dog got into the car no problems my ex foster was all set to jump into the back seat before she stopped turned ran over to the gate jumped up at me licked my hand ran back and straight into the back seat without looking back . I tell you no word of a lie I swear she said thankyou (in a dog way) And even though she had run me raggered for 10 days because of that one moment all was forgiven and I understood -
No complaints about us or the dogs in fact my neighbour helps us with transport etc for foster dogs .The police came saw our dog and we showed them the neighbours yard Thinking maybe there had been break ins in the area that night ---They just said what did we expect them to do he was dead . Pets at peace took him soon after . Because he wasn"t a barker we didn"t even know anyone was in the yard .We asked the neighbour behind although they didn"t even seem suprised and for the first time ever their yappy dog was no where to be found. Anyway We went through all the what ifs still can"t find a reason as to why .Our vet thought maybe they were jumping back fences and was scared by him but he would have just laid down so there wouldn"t have been a need to kill him. So many things went through my mind its taken me this long to write this without bursting into tears . I just thought after hearing this other lady"s story today and being another big dog and so close to home that maybe there had been other incidents happening around the area ? I think because we may never know means we have no closure making it even harder to cope . We have since raised all our fences installed back lighting and because I couldn"t hang the washing out without crying we are redesigning the back yard .BUT you know whats even more heartbreaking ----Our other dog stands staring at the spot where he died and just hangs her head then she will lay down and sleep there for ages
A couple of weeks ago we found our Bull arab dead on the back lawn head covered in a bag and his head beaten in .We found him 7am .We heard nothing he was NOT a barker around 8 years old 47 kgs .Our other dogs were found hiding under our house . Our neighbours grass along the fence was pushed down. And for the first time in 4 years the dog behind us never barked .Today by random chance I was at bunnings buying a garden larntern The lady told me after I told her was I wanted the lantern said her labx ridgex masstiff was stolen they think they know it was this crazy lady but can"t prove it She happens to live 20 mins from me Im not sure wether they are connected but its random and scary . Yes we called the police they didn"t care ...... I live near wollongong