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Everything posted by KJ

  1. Oh no...... :rolleyes: I have kept checking this thread and I am very sorry the news is not so good. I really hope the little boy is going to be ok.
  2. I have recently been feeding my labs on the Royal Canin Lab food and they love it and have been doing really well on it. I feed my labs both raw and the Royal Canin.
  3. My brothers kelpies and most working dogs on his sheep station are fed emu and roo (lets call it the "Coat of Arms diet" :D ) and they all thrive on it.
  4. I love Greek yoghurt and so do my labs. I have just bought one of those Easyyo yoghurt makers and it makes really nice yoghurt.
  5. This is a cool trick! I have taught one of my girls using the lure method and also everytime I saw her do it naturally I would say "bow" and treat her. It did take awhile to treach but people love to see it. When Soot is being lazy/is sick of showing off or does not like the treats being offered she does pathetic half hearted bows that we call curtsies
  6. I have four spinning labs here ;) 3 of them got the idea very quickly but the 4th took a little bit longer. They do anything for food!
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