Hi im Rachelle and I run Mini Paws Animal Rescue
We rescue puppies & kittens and dogs & cats and succesfully rehome into their forever homes.
Mini Paws Animal Rescue's Mission is to help domestic animal (cats/kittens and Dogs/Puppies) before they end up in the pounds. We want to help in desexing the parents of the litters of animals we receive.
Mini Paws Animal Rescue was founded by Rachelle Murray (Director). Since August Mini Paws has rehomed 40 animals into their forever homes. With a committment to saving lives and with a "no Kill" Policy, Mini Paws takes surrenders from people who can no longer take care of them. We are in the process of gaining our 16(d) Exemption so that we can save more animals from local pounds.
General information:
Mini Paws are a responsible rescue, we Desex, Vaccinate, Microchip, Worm and Flea all puppies/kittens and dogs/cats that come through our Rescue.
Mini Paws Animal Rescue always needs a helping hand, whether it be with fostering an animal or to give us a donation of food, toys, bedding, old sheets, towels or blankets.Our vet accepts donations into our vetting account, but we do not accept donations of cash to myself or any of our carers.
Fostering with Mini Paws
I am always advertising for people to apply to become carers with our rescue. In order to protect our animals & our reputation, prospective carers are screened & are required to sign a contract that ensures Mini Paws animals are kept healthy & have the best chance possible of finding forever homes.
Mini Paws have an application process for adoption and I do everything I can to make sure all my animals find homes where they will be safe & loved. We also have a policy that ensures that any animal adopted can be returned to us at any time if the adopting family cannot keep it for any reason.
I understand that there is some concern regarding the photo of the puppies in the dirt. This was a mistake on my part, but, please be assured that the picture was taken before the puppies came to our rescue. The puppies are now very safe, warm & being well fed.
As there are 19 puppies, i have begun advertising them now so as to give them the best chance of adoption & applications can be completed & processed by the time the pups are ready to leave the foster home. They will be 12 weeks old before they are able to go to their new homes.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me & I'll do my best to answer.
Regards Rachelle