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Everything posted by birni

  1. Thanks guys for all the input - I really appreciate it! I understand the vet is important - it's just logistically getting him there, so we'll keep working on that one. I might try changing his diet to something like lamb and rice, and add the omega in too... Cheers!
  2. Hi, Looking for ideas... I have a 14 mth old Maremma (male) who has started suffering a skin condition but we can't seem to find what it is and we don't have easy access to getting him to a vet as we're in a remote area... The condition started after we moved properties (which makes me think allergy)... it is mainly on one shoulder, spreading slightly down his front leg and surrounds, with a couple of scratch 'holes' (where he's taken the skin off) under his neck. The skin is pink to red - quite sore looking and at times can hold a bit of heat. On observation this week I notice that he seems to be getting some black pigmentation patching on the skin where the hair is missing (either scratched out or fallen out?). We moved at Easter, so at most he's had it coming up 2 months... I've tried bathing him in Malaseb but only once as we're now in the cold weather and I don't want to give him a chill. Also if anything it seemed to inflame it for day. We did take him over to the vet a couple of weeks ago but she didn't do swabs or anything. She treated him for Fox Mange with Tiguvon as he is working as a livestock guardian and there are a lot of foxes on this property. She also put him on antihistamine tablets in the hope that one of these would help.... alas I would now conclude that it's not fox mange, probably more likely an allergy but narrowing it down ??? He has taken to sleeping under the house, so I do wonder if there is chemicals or something there and am looking at blocking him off from it (regretably as it's good shelter for him). Other than that I guess it could be a grass or something in the garden, given that it is only on one side and doesn't seem to have spread to the rest of his body. Food wise he is on a mixture of Bonnie and Barko - the same as our working kelpies are on, and is fed about 1 -2 cups once a day. His food hasn't really changed though, so unless it's built up to something I don't think it's the problem?? Any ideas would really help!
  3. Thankyou everyone for your thoughts and wishes. I haven't been able to come back here until today. The past week and a bit has been so so hard and I have really struggled to remember that he was not my soul purpose. I guess I had put everything I could into my little boy over the past few months and although I was prepared for his loss, I perhaps didn't prepare myself for how to cope with the loss!? Still, it's not as worrying as it sounds as I know it's a grief reaction and I know it does get better (and is already - this time last week I was a wreck!) with time. I haven't been able to read the Rainbow Bridge again yet but I know the story and I know he is there. His loyalty and love to me will never, ever be forgotten. Again, thanks xx
  4. Poor Kiya is not good at all tonight and I really hope the antibiotics kick in soon. His fore elbow and hind hock are so swollen and sore. Esp on the fore. He's really down. He's still drinking but not eating. I feel so anxious for him. I have steps up to the house so even to try to get him to go out to toilet is an issue. I have "built" a little ramp at the front steps because he just can't negotiate the steps at all, but it is a bit traumatic for both of us as he really doesn't want to go down it because it hurts. I don't really know what else I can do to try to ease the swelling. He has a bit of a sore on his elbow which looked mostly healed but in giving a little massage it pussed a bit so obviously that is the source of infection. :rolleyes:
  5. Hi all! For those of you who read our plight during Kiya's first three months of diagnosis, you will be happy to know that he is still going (relatively) strong! We are now four and a half months in so for all you puppy parents with a lymphoma diagnosis STAY POSITIVE!!! What I want to ask though, has anyone had anything to do with Lupus (SLE) in dogs? I have just got back from a vet visit as Kiya has a fever for the second time in two weeks. We are treating it again with Orbax and were assuming he'd just picked up another infection due to low immunity and the cold weather. However, just as we were summarising it was noticed that one of his fore and opposite hind elbow joints are quite severely swollen and heated. After I left I got to thinking.... I have a friend who suffers Lupus (the human kind) and the whole joint thing reminded me of her, as well as a recent discussion about her medication and effects. It really helped me to understand Kiya's meds etc and now with this latest, it's got me thinking. I've done a bit of research on the net and one good reading I found suggested it is often "brought out" by something else affecting the immune system (such as lymphoma/cancer!). I haven't suggested this to the vet yet (literally just came up with the thought myself) but what I would be interested to know is how people have treated it, is there any supplements which may assist us (as it appears the treatments for lymphoma are same/similar) etc?
  6. I'm so sorry to read the news of your furbaby. Stay positive and believe that his condition can be managed. My 6 yr old Akita was diagnosed in Feb with Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma). The vet gave him 3 months but many stories I have read made me feel that 6 wks was more the norm.... we are now part way through our 5th month. The last week or so has been a bit rocky and I don't know how much longer we will have, but I am so grateful for all the quality time! Good luck! xx
  7. After a visit to the vet we are still none the wiser on the sores Kiya has developed. The vet suggested they may be a cutaneous form of his cancer coming out and that we could do a biopsy which I declined due to cost and the fact that it makes no impact on our way going forward. So, continue with the cortisone, a new long dose of antibiotics, and some antifungal cream. Hoping that one of the above will get to the cause!
  8. Haven - thanks for that. I appreciate it and will try to contact her in the next few days. I hope she doesn't mind! I also noticed a forum on Canberra vets and Trifecta has managed to find a holistic vet in Kambah (ACT) so I will try to give her a call next week also. We're going off to the vet in the morn - not sure if I mentioned but Kiya has developed sores on his legs - one on his front paw, one on the back of his hind heel, and one on the side of his hind knee. They are really bothered looking and yucky, and he doesn't leave them alone. I've just started to bathe them a little in diluted dettol because I feel I need to be doing something, but to no avail. Poor bugga! So, we shall see what the doc thinks of them, and what may be causing them!
  9. Again, I thank you all so much for your continued support with our issues! It really means a lot to me to read your replies! Miranda, I know what you are saying with the stress of going to the kennels and the effect that would have on his condition. Unfortunately, I had no choice at the time which was why I hated it (probably more than he really!). This weekend he has to spend another day or two there as we are moving (yes, ANOTHER stressful change for him so lots more spoiling on it's way!). Along with the added supplements I mentioned of Vit B and Fish Oil I also had a thought of Evening Primrose Oil... checked out with a bit of research so have added that in to his diet also. Haven - if your friend wouldn't mind I would love to talk to her about the holistic side of things. Perhaps we could exchange a contact number via email (or I'm happy to give mine if she would prefer to make the call?). Much appreciated! Trifecta - I'm really sorry to hear that Belle crossed over the bridge. My heart goes out to you guys
  10. Hi all! Thought I would pass you on an update! Next week, the 26th May, will be 3 months since Kiya's diagnosis. At that time the vet gave him 3 months so you can imagine how blessed I am feeling to still have my fur baby! "Deeadora" I was sorry to hear your recent diagnosis and I hope that things have progressed positively for you. I don't know if I can be of any help but please feel free to ask... Kiya has been on Macrolone since 26 Feb. We started him on 2 tabs twice daily and over time weaned him back to 2 tabs alternate mornings. It's my understanding that the reason we do this, rather than 1 tab daily, is to give the cancer a lesser chance of building immunity (which it will eventually). This worked well until about three weeks ago when we had to bump them right up and start again. After Easter I had two stints away for business (and hated it) so he had to go to the kennels. The first time he came home with kennel cough. I was unimpressed however I also know that with so many strains of KC the vaccine doesn't protect against all, and also that we are talking about a dog whose immune system we are suppressing (with the cortisone). So, of course he will pick up anything! The second stint was a longer one and this is when his lump came back and he was off his food again. Going back to the large cortisone dose fixed it and we have weaned him back to 2 tabs daily, about to try the alternate days again though I admit that I am trepidicious as I look at the calender. Since diagnosis I have also been adding 1/2 teaspoon of slippery elm powder to his evening meal as many of the holistic cancer treatments include this. From tomorrow I am also going to add fish oil and Vit B complex. It may help, it may not but I figure we have nothing to lose now. Lots of spoiling also!! Because of his low immunity I have also been rugging him since March as I figure his body is better off using the energy to fight "bad stuff" than fighting to stay warm. The flies are still bothering him, particularly his ears, and nothing we have tried has worked. One ear is badly fly bitten. I have also noticed that he has a few spots on his legs where he has been biting himself so he must be itchy. He has drawn blood and made them quite raw and sore looking. I don't know what the story is here - whether it is the flies, the medication or just the illness (being an immunity issue and skin probs often go alongside). Can anyone help with this? I am treating them simply by antiseptic cream in evenings and repel x mornings at the vet suggestion.... Thankyou all for your support and send your angels, light a candle, say your prayers or simply cross your fingers for us that we can stay on top of this for even longer p.s. Don't be mistaken, the lump is still there and a constant reminder that we don't have forever...
  11. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. As I type this the tears are still rolling down my face and my heart hurts for you. I lost my purr-fur in January similarly with check up visit and learning I had a couple of days to say goodbye. You are right though ... I also never would have thought cyber hugs from people who have never met could help so much but yes, they do. Know that I'm thinking of you and I trust that you are feeling somewhat better (you know what I mean by that) x
  12. Thanks for your replies guys... The purple spray is the Cetrigen that I have been using - we used to use it on the horses too. I have to say though these flies are persistent! When we used it on the gee-gees it was a lot more effective. This spray is more hot-pinkish too so I'm wondering if there is another one out there (I too remember it being a purple)?? The sores on his ears are often opened to red bleeding raw, and the reason I noticed his nose and heels are cos of bloody dots so they are really hooking in, and Kiya is very upset by them. I left him inside for 4 hours yesterday while I was out but had two puddles to clean up so that isn't going to be an option for a work day. I will head to Bunnings today and check out these fly traps cos they sound like the way to go.... "Donerite" sounds cool too - I need something I can spray all over him as he tends to not hang out anywhere in particular! Thanks guys....
  13. Hi - I'm hoping someone can help us.... Since moving to Canberra in 2003 my Akita has suffered badly with flies biting his ears. Last summer was bad, leaving the tips of his ears furless and scarred but this year it is even worse :rolleyes: One of his ears is very bad again but I have now found that they are also chomping at the top of his nose, and this morn I have discovered them having a munch on the pads of his legs (don't know the tech term). I have tried (on his ears) Troy Fly repellent which doesn't help at all and have now moved on to Cetrigen spray which has helped but they are persistant. I'm stumped now though with the nose and pads!! I don't know how to make it better for the poor baby, or how to keep the darn flies away! He's on Cortisone at the moment for Lymphoma (see separate thread) so would this be making him even yummier for the flies? Keeping him inside seems the only option but this is difficult - with the Cortisone he drinks bucket loads and therefore needs to wee often so during work hours.... If anyone has any suggestions at all for me it will be greatly appreciated by fur baby and my self!!! (... and what is it with ACT flies??) :cool:
  14. Hi again and thanks for all your replies... As I'm reading your replies this week, and particularly where a couple of people have lost their fur children after only weeks, I started counting our blessings that we have had a positive week. Kiya is eating ravenously (which I know is the cortisone but after the time of turning his nose up miserably at everything I tried eating makes us both feel better!). But it also brings home that six weeks (as in some of your cases) is sooo short and the importance of making our every minute count. The other nice thing that comes as a mini "shock" every time is seeing someone from Canberra area - the last time I was involved in one of these forums it was US based so knowing that you are all taking the time to send your kind thoughts so locally is strengthening. Trifecta - I feel for you in making a "double" decision. I have confidence in the fact that we do know when the time has come. We agonise about whether we should or shouldn't (and in your case whether your darlings walk the bridge together) and everything in between but trust yourself - your heart will let you do what you need to because you love them. Scales of J. - thankyou for your suggestion. I haven't heard of radon seeds and have to admit although I want the best for Kiya it doesn't sound pleasant The main obstacle for chemo is $ and I assume that radon would also be very expensive? Again - thank you all for your care. I will keep you up to date....
  15. Hi all, thank you so much for your replies.... it's amazing how important you all become so quickly and I really thank you all for your replies because even a quick acknowledgement means so much!! Since diagnosis I have really been throwing in extra cuddles and acknowleding all the time Kiya and I get to spend together... even yakking on the phone I find I make a point of sitting outside with him for the company rather than inside (bloody chilly - I think winter is arriving early!!). It's funny "sad" thought how (human and pet alike) it often takes a drastic dianostis to acknoledged the short time we may have! And how rewarding the time may have! My vet has said that lymphosarcoma and lymphoma are the same thing but you have questioned it?? I have not found anything to find otherwise... can otherwise help here? Can anyone tell me of the side effects of using coritsone? I know it is not good as a long term medication (but then again cancer is not a long term thing either) but I don't know what to expect or what I could do to help counteract. i.e. i know it has only been a week and althought I haven't been back to the vet I notice a huge reduction in the size and feel of lump, as well as a huge change in drinking and eating (and toilet), this all is positive... what other negative's is it having on my fur baby's body? Tomorrow I start his reduction on macrolone tabs so anything in particular i should look for? Thankyou, 'scales of justice', 'miranda', and 'imashephed'.... ur messages mean a lot to me and I really appreciate the effort and time u took to write them. Although I haven't had to experience such a loss as no time for that one last kiss on the nose I sooooo feel for you! In my losses over the last months I have in the very least had some time, however small it seemed to "prepare" for it and have very much treasured the angels have allowed for that last kiss... I don't know what has happened in your past experiences but if you are up to tell me i am happy to read.... I will cry but it all helps and regardless i really appreciate your support .x
  16. Hi all, Bad news last week .... I took my beloved 6 year old Akita to the vet mainly for a check up as I had noticed a few things that didn't seem right (you know the type of things that you can't necessarily put in words but you just "know" aren't your pup!). She found a very enlarged lymph on his hind leg and after prelim tests (needle aspirate) is pretty certain it is lymphosarcoma. She has given him three months.... I am so devastated! 9 months ago I lost my first akita, Suki, to cancer. She was 13 1/2 so although it broke my heart, she was really on "borrowed time" anyways. It feels like yesterday that I made the decision to give her to the angels though. Then unexpectedly I lost my cat, Smudge, in January this year. He was 10. And now I get Kiya's news. Needless to say I spent last weekend questioning with all the "why's" you could come up with, knowing that there is no answer! Anyway, I am keen to hear from anyone who may have been through it or who may have any ideas. Heck... anyone at all really! Unfortunately chemo isn't an option. So I have him on cortisone - high doses at the moment but am about to start tapering them off. It has had a great effect so far - he had gotten very fussy with food but is now eating two full meals a day (he's only ever been a one meal a day dog). The lump seems to have decreased in size and hardness but is still there. Cheers, Birni
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