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Everything posted by DesertDobes

  1. He looks gorgeous! Persephone is absolutely right that professional help is in order. In the short term, get a crate. if he's been kenneled most of his life he might be very overwhelmed with all the activity in your household and needs somewhere to have time out and rest (just like kids, they may not seem like they want to rest but tantrums happen from over stimulation). Contact the breeder too if you feel that he's not settling in, see what they have to say.
  2. I'm in the same position as you 3 trials with 2 good passes, don't go straight to advanced Rally O, it is way way way harder. If you do CCD first that is a more gentle step up in Obedience exercises
  3. I have also had the page pop up on my wall and going by what I have read on it, I doubt they have learnt any lesson at all. They blame nobody but the shooter, certainly not themselves for the dog being not only off leash but also out of sight. I also expected that the dog had been run over the first time I read an account of the events and it wouldn't be the first time, either. Plenty of people seem to have no concerns at all about letting their dogs roam around off leash and even out of view. When bad things happen, it is somebody else's fault. Obviously I do not condone the dog being shot from the side of the road, which is illegal but if I found any dog, regardless of breed, on my own property, I would also shoot it, where it was safe to do so. I have made the experience that if you chase them off they will return later to finish the job of killing my poultry and by the time a ranger arrives to impound the dog it tends to be long gone anyway. Best to keep your dog on leash unless you are on your own property or in a designated off leash area. People going on about a husky looking nothing like a "wild dog" seem to be unaware of the issues rural areas face regarding feral dogs that can be of any breed or x breed and truly their appearance has nothing to do with their ability to kill stock, as long as they are over a certain size. Same with the comments regarding it being "only a puppy" and "perfectly rehomable". From a distance, you cannot always judge a dog's age and a seven month old husky would be of a reasonable size. I have yet to meet a farmer who goes out of his way to try and rehome what appears to be a feral dog, growing up without human contact makes them less than desirable or manageable as pets. ^ This. I saw this on facebook and thought owners are as much to blame as the shooter. I would never let my dog off lead in any rural area if I did not know the land owners. I often come across loose dogs while riding and unfortunately they don't often look "wild" but chances are if they are away from home they are up to no good.
  4. I've know some English springers- They are gorgeous Nikki and Peter own them and also have Welshies which are also very cute http://www.rhegedspringerspaniels.com/
  5. There are plenty of show quality dogs that find their way to pet homes. The assumption that a neutered dog is automatically of lesser quality is a wrong one, particularly in my breed where monorchidism sees many a pick pup out of the running for the show ring. My boy was the pick and then was monorchid. I've had a few judges say "he's neuter? What a shame" but having a neuter was a great intro for me into showing. I would love to show him in a royal and I'm not interested in breeding so it all worked out for the best.
  6. And every show in the territory has neuter classes
  7. I think that the territory was the first place to offer neuter classes in Australia.
  8. my first show dog is a neuter, it was a great way to learn the ropes without too much pressure. I do notice he is up against past entire Champions, but at the end of the day you aren't playing for sheep stations its just for the thrill of winning occasionaly against the big names in my experience.
  9. Theyre weird creatures, aren't they ? :) Oi! We're not weird! :p I don't think they're weird, but they don't look like sheep to my untrained eye :laugh: Here's a photo of my son feeding a poddy damara lamb called Bob, was so cute
  10. Oh O.K, I thought maybe SACA would accept a stat dec on the ownership of the dog as an alternative? Even though I'm in constant contact with my breeder I sent in a stat dec when I lost some paperwork for my recent puppy as it was quicker than sending paperwork to Vic and waiting for it to come back.
  11. its times like this its hard when one is a vego I'm a vegetarian too! Yep, it's a whole other level of dedication to raw dog food when you don't eat meat yourself,
  12. Maybe it's just me, but I said "eeewwwwww" a lot when we first got them.
  13. My cousins have meat sheep with no wool, they have hair instead. I think they are called Damara? They look like goats.
  14. Good luck, I remember how mind boggling the whole process was and I did it twice in 18 months. Can't you just register your dog as an associate without the pedigree- I'm assuming you aren't interested in confirmation which is all you need the pedigree for.
  15. My imagination is running amok here URK. Mind, you, they would think they were in heaven :p lol, alien style,
  16. I used to show horse and showing dogs is a much cheaper hobby. We often say that the horse is a poo machine; you put money in one end and poo comes out the other
  17. I found turkey neck to be better because they are too big to swallow in one gulp. My 2 most recent puppies have been fed raw food and the major problem was them swallowing chicken necks whole and then regurgitating them. The turkey necks do bare a frightening resemblance to a male horses appendage , but once you get past that the dogs seem to love them and it keeps a pup busy for an hour or so while it "gums" the turkey neck to death. The older dogs would end up with the bones once the pup was finished. Would love to see a photo of your little baby :D
  18. Targetaal kennels in Darwin have lovely dogs, they often show in Alice Springs (Sorry thats as close to SA as I can think of!)
  19. I bought a puppy when I was 6 months pregnant but it worked out really well and our dobe girl was quite happy going for walks with the pram or just lounging around indoors with us when my son was a baby. Sadly she passed away after a snake bite but I now have 2 young dogs and an 8yo son and he love love loves the dogs and enjoys doing training with them and tags along to the dog shows/trials. I've never rehomed an adult dog, but I think it would be less stressful than going through the adolescent dog stage which will hit when your kids are also in a semi- destructive and selective hearing stage
  20. I normally only get ribbons for in group and then a bigger prize for neuter in show
  21. We have suicidal chickens, and they have escaped from their run only to be half plucked by the dogs before we could rescue them. They are as tough as they are brainless and still try to get out! I live in a regional NT town with loads of loose dogs so I take my dogs away from town to walk them. Was doing tracking training the other day and had a group of little fluffies "attack" us while we were mid track and if my dog had bitten them on his lead it would have caused all sorts of issues due to his size I'm sure.
  22. beautiful baby, we nearly adopted a 7yo Visla called Dax a while ago, my 3yo Dobe thought he was a bit of a whirlwind which is saying something!!
  23. lol, riiigghhhtt, So major selling point is it turns your dog into a walking wallet? My two would probably blow my bank account on squeaky toys
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