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Posts posted by Yonjuro

  1. I trialled one on my dog who was pretty bad for anxious behaviours. I don't believe it did much for her unfortunately so it really comes down to the individual dog in question, the collar also can't get wet at all if it does it stops working.


    Yeah I agree that your milage may vary for sure. I would think the chances of it working would be best with a young 8 week puppy and exponentially get less the older the dog??

  2. What are they supposed to do?

    They recreate the pheromone of a lactating bitch, and the theory is it calms dogs under stress like separation anxiety etc. You can get diffusers which I believe are the best, or spray for bedding and of course the collars.

  3. I thought I would share my anecdotal findings with the Adaptil pheromone collars...

    I bought one of these as a $40 punt to see if it would help in any way with the trip from Newcastle to Perth for my 8 week old sibe puppy. I also bought a Snuggle Puppy with the heart beat for the travel which the breeder rubbed over my puppies mum and sister.

    Now, I can not categorically say this worked, but the travel and transition has been nothing short of amazing. My puppy has been here for three nights now and there has been no crying or nervous wees, Credit must go to the breeder for such a great job, but I would thoroughly recommend getting on of these collars for anyone getting a new puppy.

    The collar lasts 4 weeks apparently so $40 is not too bad in my opinion.

  4. Thanks for the replies, I will probably get a new one but thanks very much english ivy for the offer, the Mrs is a bit thingo with doggy stuff for her new baby :)

    What are the thoughts on the Kramar ones in comparison to the Vebo? I see Kramar on ebay with $10 shipping which is cheap. If I go through Vebo then I can get the vet-bed at the same time so I will at least save one set of shipping.

  5. Hi all,

    I did a search but all of the posts seem quite old. I am looking into a crate for my sibe, he is a puppy but would want to get a large for him when full grown. I don't mind spending the $s to get quality. Hoping you can help. I am not sure I will need a divider as his toilet training has been excellent thus far - touch wood :)

    THe K9 Pro one looks good but it doesn't appear they have any in-stock?

    I am in Perth but don't mind paying shipping for the right crate.

    Also looking at either a vet-bed or mutt mat so interested on opinions on this as well.



  6. I just wanted to post a big thanks to Wayne (Wayrod) for the handling of my puppy from Newcastle to Perth. HE arrived safe and sound in a nice clean crate with no dramas whatsoever. THanks Wayne, I was a bit nervous about the whole exercise but it was all too easy. Ronin is home and happy as are we.

  7. Just weird. So Jed, as a breeder you would prefer your puppies to go to only retired, partially employed or unemployed people? :confused:

    I gotta say that some breeders do seem to have a bit of a god complex, and yep more potential owners off to the pet shop or the byb when attitudes like this prevail. Luckily there are many wonderful breeders out there.

    My puppy comes home on Thursday and the breeder has been the beyond awesome.

    Incidentally, I work from home and am fully aware that I will have the flip side to the problem - I will need to be very proactive in managing dependancy and separation anxiety as I will possibly have too much contact with my puppy.

  8. Rogue Royalty Natural Blend Dog/Horse Shampoo


    No Parabens - No Syndets - No Preservatives.


    Sweet Almond Oil

    Coconut Oil

    Olive Oil, Palm Oil & Canola Oil

    Hemp Seed Oil

    Neem Oil

    Eucalyptus oil

    Tea tree oil

    Nothing beats it, it helps the skin, and keeps bugs away!

    THanks for this link, I have just ordered some of the Smooth and Soothe for my puppy!

  9. Yeah, I should know the basic commands by now, as that is what my wife uses to train me :D Sit, stay, be quiet, stop drinking etc :laugh:

    Yeah but let me guess, even if you don't understand the hand gestures and volume get the point across :laugh: OH started training our younger bitch in Russian, so now she's trilingual. Makes command refusal easy, most people can't pronounce her commands properly.

    Dogs are incredibly perceptive animals. They're smarter then you think, and pick up on body language, tone and individual differences to know what you want from them, not just a blanket set of base commands.

    Oh for sure LOL, the Eastern European languages have a certain ring and volume to them that lets you know in no uncertain terms when you've been bad :D

    But jokes aside, it sounds like the language differences wont be too much of a drama.

  10. Start learning Russian :laugh:

    you can have two sets of commands, but when you teach it say both words at once and keep repeating them. The dog can understand, my grandparents speak to my dogs in Jugoslav, and I use both Jugoslav and English in their training.

    Yeah, I should know the basic commands by now, as that is what my wife uses to train me :D Sit, stay, be quiet, stop drinking etc :laugh:

  11. ... you say 4 of each?? Don't give 4 x Vitamin E per day. First check out if any Vit E is added in the supplements before adding. You only need a small amount of E every other day. Don't use synthetic vitamin E, you can get 'natural' in capsules.

    Please do some research on this as well, there is a heap of material discussing fish oil and vitamin E on the net, and discuss with your vet.

  12. As has been said above, please make sure you give a small amount of natural vitamin E when dosing Fish Oil every other day, especially with some of the quantities people are using. I have read some horror stories of rapid deterioration of dogs fed high doses - one particular 80kg dog was on 8 x 1000 per day as recommended by a number of vets. THe dog nearly died from symptoms which mirrored what the dog was actually being treated for - arthritis and stiffness etc. But turned out to be getting much worse and was eventually discovered that this directly caused by Vitamin E deficiency caused by the Fish Oil. Fortunately the owner researched this more than the vets did and gave small doses on Vit E and the dog recovered rapidly and is now better than ever by using the combination of Fish Oil and E.

    BTW, freezing fish will destroy the Vit E in fish so best to exercise moderation.

    I have not been through extensive research or articles on these Omegas and Vit E, but I believe that you still need to be careful with Flax seed oil and other sources when used in medicinal doses as they will deplete Vit E in dogs. Some will have Vit E added but if not, then the same principle applies.

    I fed fish oil for years to my ageing Schnauzer, 1 x 1000mg per day as recommended by the Vet. I wish I knew what I do now as I might have been able to help her better with her stiffness and other age related conditions during her final years :(

  13. I can't really offer any answers as to the cause, but Lucas Paw Paw ointment will probably help greatly in reducing the cracking and healing. It is basically Paw paw extract in a medical grade petroleum jelly base and is quite thick. My vet recommends it for all sorts of sores, cracks etc. It is available from Supermarkets and chemists.

    Obviously your vet will be able to give the best advice, but I am sure that using this topical ointment will do no harm.

    EDIT- If you are going to use this or vaseline - make sure you don't allow you dog out in strong sunlight with this on - best to use at night to heal.

  14. We have been using Richard from Doggonit and has been amazing. He takes the pup out and trains them himself properly and then teaches you the correct way to reinforce what is learnt.

    THanks , I'll look him up.

    Contact Kathy kopelis McLeod. She's a does behavior, but works with a lot of trainers, and she has huskies!

    Thanks I have Kathy's details, I didn't think to contact her for trainers, that is a good idea.



  15. Pawprints are awesome, they run group classes from kindy to agility and lots in between.

    A lot of them started their careers working in dog shelters so have experience with all breeds/types of dog. I highly recommend them :)

    I also don't think changing trainers is an issue if you want to change down the track, after all it is you who'll be doing the actual training with your pup.

    I know a behaviouralist with Siberian Husky's, but that's more for specific issues rather than puppy/obedience training.

    Congrats on the new arrival, please post pics!

    THanks Tibbie!

    And since you asked here are some pics LOL




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