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Melina Bea

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Everything posted by Melina Bea

  1. I put the night comforter (with heat pad and beating heart) next to him while he slept on my thigh. Then I had to go to the toilet, so I put them both in the crate, leaving the gate open (OH stayed in the room). I came back to this...
  2. I put him in and started feeding him his kibble as treats. He didn't jump out once. I then just put his bowl in and he ate it happily, not realising I had shut the gate. When he realised the food was gone and the gate was closed he started whimpering. So I waited till he went quiet, praised him and opened the door. He's sleeping on me again. I hope I'm doing this right...
  3. I could always chop an arm off.... I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR HIM!!!! *psycho face*
  4. Smash, our breeder said the same. The idea is that his siblings aren't stealing his food, so there's no worry that he's not getting enough. He'll eat what he needs. If he weren't eating at all, or his demeanour changes, then it's worry time. That's what I keep reading/hearing, at least... Oh, I believe you soak kibble for half an hour to an hour, depending on how big it is.
  5. He's not interested in anything but me! Not even treats. Wherever I put him, he climbs back onto me to go to sleep. Because I'm in a lot of pain, I've had to lie down, so he's been sleeping under my armpit. He doesn't care about anything else lol No idea how I'll get him to like the crate unless he starts wanting treats :p
  6. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ 5 MINUTES !!!!!!!!!!!! Guys, make me shut up!
  7. Actually, 10 minutes from NOW. I'm so excited I've forgotten how to do basic math...
  8. Actually, 10 minutes from NOW. I'm so excited I've forgotten how to do basic math...
  9. Moosepup, OH says that smiley looks just like me right now :laugh:
  10. I'm concerned about one thing; The fact that he's coming home in the evening, plus my last-minute decision to sleep him in his crate, make things a bit awkward for that first night. I mean, he's going to be upset, no doubt about that, so spending the night in there so soon after being introduced to it...? I'm worried that, no matter how many treats and praise I use while introducing him to it, it'll all be undone by "locking him up" so soon.
  11. Ok, it sounds like it helped, thanks :)
  12. Smash, have you used it with Tank? Did it help?
  13. Oh it'll fly by, but it'll be torture! :laugh: Are you picking him up locally, or will you need to travel?
  14. Sounds like he's doing great! Taking all these new experiences in his stride like a champ. Cuddle marathon tomorrow? I'm sad that I can't do a countdown since I don't have a definite pickup date & time anymore... BUT I'm supposed to call tomorrow afternoon, and if all is well I'm picking him up in the evening. So I WILL be counting down the hours!
  15. Smaaaaash!!! He's so cuuuuute!! Cassie, Sumo is really huge! But just as cute <3
  16. Cassie he's GORGEOUS!!!! So cute!!! Sorry you had Such a hard time getting him. Louis' sister is being flown to Brisbane and the breeder doesn't like it, says she's had too many bad experiences. Thinking of Smash, he must be on Puppy Cloud 9 :)
  17. I can't sleep either! (For different reasons... :laugh: )
  18. I can't help, but that picture made my heart melt.
  19. Hey, we could totally coin that! Unacceptable. Bordering on sadistic, actually! 9hs 22min!!! Almost there Smash!!!!
  20. Smash - Oh ok! I thought I might have offended you, but yeah I totally agree! Look - Hmm it sounds like I should just stick with indoor too. We're not in a flat, but "Winter is coming" to Canberra and I can see myself eschewing the outdoors, especially because we don't have good lighting. Thanks, I now have an excuse not to get out :D
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